A quarterly Newsletter for the descendants of the Couts Family WELCOME It is the goal of this newsletter to create interest in and share the research for the Couts (pronounced K-outz) and Allied Family genealogy. It can only be written with the cooperation of each family member. We encourage each of you to send in your family group sheets and enter data as far back as you can find. The information that you find within its covers will be as “true” as we can prove. We gladly accept articles, photos, genealogy lines, and family stories. DEDICATION This publication is dedicated to my brother, Clarence “Bo” Couts, who has researched the Couts Family for over twenty-five years and who generously taught me his techniques and secrets for this wonderful addiction. FROM WHERE DID THE FAMILY COME? There seems to be a conflict in the family, when it comes to determining from what nationality the family descended. It is believed at this point in time, by the Northern California Couts line, that the Couts family came from Germany. The first bit of evidence is the pronunciation of the name - Koutz, not Coots like the English/Scottish name. Secondly, I submit the following information for your perusal: Obituaries Compiled From Clarksville Newspapers Montgomery County, Tennessee Couts, John Franklin. Born on 28 Oct. 1818. Died 21 Jan. 1897, of the grippe. Methodist. Native of Robertson Co., TN. German descent. Son of William and Nancy (Johnson) Couts...Daily Leaf Chronicle (22 Jan. 1897 p. 1 and 22 Jan. 1897 p. 1). Goodspeed of Tenn. page 1139 - full biographical page Archer B. Couts, a prominent farmer of the Third District born November 3, 1833, in Robertson Co. Tenn. His parents were John and Henrietta Owens Couts. The father of German descent, born in Robertson Co. Sept. 1798. He died May 2, 1868. He married Sarah C. Green b. 1837, children: Lizzie, Archie, John, Sally, Milton, Joseph, Nellie, Lillie, Emma, Effie, and Susie. Goodspeed’s History of Tenn, Sumner Co. Tenn, pages 798-802- Robertson County page 828-848-- John Couts came from Rowan County, No. Carolina in 1784 with the Kilgore Colony...Later a party of Germans moved into the area, but John Couts was the first. A New History of Parker County Texas (Weatherford Texas) J.R. COUTS (JAMES ROBERTSON COUTS) The subject of this sketch was born in Robertson County, Tennessee, April 6, 1833. He was a descendant of German immigrants who settled in North Carolina in early colonial days. After the revolution his grandfather moved to Tennessee, where James Couts, father of J.R. Couts was born...The Daily Herald Vol. 5, No. 1272 - November 29, 1904This morning at 5:20 o’clock, attended by his physician and a number of friends, J.R. Couts, after a short illness died of Bright’s disease. Mr. Couts was a descendant of German immigrants who settled in North Carolina during the early colonial days. His grandfather moved to Tennessee after the Revolution, where James Couts was born...In all of our research, we have yet to prove the immigrant grandfather, however. KEEPING TRACK OF THE INFORMATION In order to track of the family information, the data is being entered into an IBM compatible, with Microsoft software, version 6.0. The genealogical data is being stored in Family Tree Maker version 4.01 (Mac and versions can be converted). If you would like to send your information, stories, pictures, or a disk, please send it to: Barbara Couts Evans, 4171 Glidden Lane Yuba City, CA 95993. It is my personal goal to collect as much information about the Couts Family past and present, and to store it in a computer, until the family history can be distributed to all! History of Parker County Texas and the Double Log Cabin -written in 1900, Weatherford, Texas James Robertson Couts was born April 6, 1833, in Robertson Co. TN and after almost 72 years of an eventful life, he died at Weatherford Texas Nov. 29, 1904. In 1858, with his wife, Martha Hardin Couts, and 2 small children, he came by wagon and team from Arkansas to Texas and settled on 160 acres on the east side of the Brazos River opposite the mouth of Palo Pinto Creek. A double log cabin surrounded by a high picket fence made of cedar poles was the Couts’ home and fort. One Sunday there was preaching at Soda Springs Church about 6 miles from where Millsap now stands. Mr. Couts has his family with him, and they were going in an ordinary ox wagon. As they passed a house on the roadside near the church, he saw 4 men standing in the yard with horses saddled. He recognized them. He also observed that after his wagon had passed, the 4 mounted and followed a short distance behind. Three of them kept their guns ready for quick action. Mr. Couts drove to the spring some 75 feet from the church and sent his wife and children on to the church. He intended to follow with a bucket of water and carry a baby chair. In the meantime, the 4 men arrived, dismounted and took their station in the woods on each side of the path from the spring to the church. Mr. Couts stuck his Colt’s revolver under the waistband of his pants, threw his wife’s shawl over the chair which he took in his left hand and carried it so as to hide the revolver, giving him the appearance of being unarmed. He took the bucket in his (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) CEMETERIES
Robertson Co. Tenn. 18-14 Couts Cemetery - located on Owen’s Chapel Road across from farm owned by C.D. Register. Couts, John--Sept. 12, 1798-May 2, 1868. Couts, Henrietta B--June 23, 1800-July 20, 1882 Couts, John S. March 9, 1873-Oct. 8, 1880 Couts, Sallie J. March 9, 1873 - May 9, 1874 10-10 Couts Cemetery-turn right at first gravel road after passing Cemetery 10-9. This tombstone is on farm owned by James Armstrong. Copied by James Armstrong. Couts, Albert. W.--August 8, 1837--Nov., 1857. Couts, Crissley--died 1811-brother of John Couts 1790 9-11 Elmwood Cemetery Infant dau. of Joe C. and Mary Couts--b and d Nov. 18, 1893 Couts, Mary M.--1876--1917. Section 5 page 50 Couts, John T--1878-1934 Couts, Effie V.--1881-1965 Couts, Wilbur Herblin--1910-1911 son of John T. and Effie V. Couts Couts, Tennie P. Aug. 29, 1883-Nov. 22, 1964 Couts, Joe C. Sr. --Oct. 22,1871-June 24, 1958. Couts, Joe C. Jr.---Sept. 14, 1921-Jan. 4, 1974 15-32 page 66 Couts, Joseph--1929-1970 Couts, Willie--Mar. 17, 1890-Mary 11,1963 Couts, Lorena--Nov. 6, 1894- Feb. 28, 1966. Couts, Jimmie--Jan. 15, 1898-May 23, 1968 Couts, Mary --Apr. 14, 1898--Aug. 9, 1969 Couts, Arch---Apr. 1, 1852--Oct. 24, 1939 Couts, Pernecy--Jan. 7, 1859--Nov. 3, 1939 Couts, Mattie I--Nov., 5, 1896------____ Couts, Walter W. --Dec. 14, 1885--Apr. 8, 1941 Section 12 Couts, Mary Carter--June 30, 1923--Apr. 7, 1971. 18-22 Couts Cemetery-located on Krisle School grounds on Orlinda Pike Couts, Daisy---1888-1906 Couts, Mary Emma--Oct. 7, 1870--Sept. 19, 1919. Couts, Annie Stark--July 1, 1884-Jan. 5, 1921- wife of JG Couts Couts, James Wallace--Aug. 2, 1902--June 11, 1953 Fuqua, Mary Couts--Mar. 29, 1880-Dec. 18, 1908 wife of William Fuqua Couts, Mary A.--May 16, 1836--Feb. 2, 1916 Couts, John G--Apr. 10, 1830-April 15,1918 Couts, Sarah--Dec. 12, 1841--Jan. 4, 1927 Couts, W. Milton--1869-1941 Couts, Ellen H. 1853-1917 Couts, Archie b. --1833-1911 Couts, Sue C.--Aug. 16, 1837- July 25, 1878 Couts, R.O. -- Mar. 27, 1867- Apr.17, 1878 Couts, R.O. --Mar. 27, 1867-1911 Couts, Minnie D. --Nov. 20, 1865--Aug. 28, 1940 Couts, J.M. --Aug. 17, 1866--July 25, 1928
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Ordeal by Fire, A History of the fourteenth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment, CSA, by CL Wallace Cross, Jr. page 115. Couts, George A.- Prvt. Co. H; enlisted May 23, 1861 at Clarksville, Tn; discharged December 31, 1861 on account of disabilities near Winchester, Va. from knife attack to his eye; born in Robertson Co., Tn; occupation-farmer. Enlisted Men in the War of 1812 COUTS, William, Sgt; of Col. Thomas Williamson, Capt. John Crane and Capt. James Cook. Vol. Mtd. Gunmen. FROM WHICH LINE DO YOU DESCEND? So far, our proved information only goes back to a to the mid-1700, with the following individuals: John Couts(wife Leah Stark), Chisley Couts(wife-Sarah Wright Collins) , William Couts(wife- Emeline Epps), Henry Couts (wife Sarah Freeman - no issuance), Margaret Couts(unknown)l Mary Magdelane Couts(Walter Stark), and Elizabeth Couts(Mason). This is not`to say that these were the only brothers and sister. We have not however, tied the remainder to the family line. JAMES ROBERTSON COUTS (teContinued from page 1) right hand and walked toward the church door. When only a short distance from the door, the man with whom he had the former trouble fired. Mr. Couts dropped the bucket of water, jerked his revolver and fired at man #1 who fell dead at his feet. The others opened fire on him at close range, but a bullet jammed the gun of #2 up just as he pulled the trigger. Another quick shot from Couts’ pistol crashed through his shoulder and man #2 lay prostrated on the ground. Man #3 having emptied his gun broke to run for #4 seeing the battle was lost rushed for his horse and in his hurried urged the animal over a rough place where it fell and caved in the face and shoulder of the rider. This left the victor standing in the center of the battlefield. Mr. Couts remained on the ranch until 1865, when his growing family and the constant menace from Indians demanded a safer home so he disposed of his ranch properties and moved to Weatherford. About 1866, Mr. Couts decided to drive 1000 long-horned cattle over the Rocky Mountains to California. He secured cowboys and soon had his outfit well trained. He could not take a direct route to the west because of lack of water so he left Parker Con and headed North on the Kansas trail through Indian Territory. He staked all his capital, the earnings of a lifetime, on the venture. When far up in Kansas, the party turned west for Colorado. By the they reached Colorado a severe winter was on. They had traveled more than 1000 miles. They stayed there for the winter camping on the south side of a big mountain. His men constantly rode the range to ward off Indians. When the snow began to melt, they broke camp and moved west crossing the Great Divide into Utah passing on to the long Pacific slopes where they met speculator from California who bought the cattle, cow horses, chuck wagons and all equipment, and hired the men to continue the drive. The cattle cost Couts $10.00 per head. He sold them for $90.00 making a profit of $50,000 in gold coin. Couts’ grandson, Carter Moseley, said Couts retained his horse, one pack horse, a repeating rifle and six shooter. He placed the gold in bags weighing 200 pounds all one horse could carry. Riding alone and leading the pack horse he climbed the summit of the Great Divide and followed their mountains and valleys down the Platt River to Missouri. At night he staked his horse near his pallet and slept with his head pillowed on the bags of gold. On reaching the Missouri River, he took passage by steamer for St. Louis. Here he got a Mississippi River packet for New Orleans. He had his treasure locked in a big safe on the boat. In New Orleans, he placed the gold in the Canal Bank. He had never been in a bank before. Then, carrying the gold with him, he took passage to Houston where he traveled by stagecoach via Austin, Waco, and Cleburne to Weatherford and landed safely without the loss of a dollar. On arriving home, Mr. Couts found an addition to his family, a daughter 6 months old. There was not a bank in that part of the state so, he constructed a vault and in it put a safe for the money. Others deposited their money with him, and he soon found himself in the banking business. He took as a partner John A. Fain and gave the firm the name of Couts and Fain until 1871. The bank was nationalized in 1882, under the name of The Citizens National Bank click for e-mail. click to go back to the main page.