A Quarterly Newsletter for the Descendants of the Couts Family ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Dear Mrs. Evans, Greetings from Tennessee and may I take this opportunity to wish for you and yours a happy and successful year. Barbara, the legendary generosity of Mr. John Couts, Sr. was well known by his neighbors and friends. Being a man of his word, he tried to live up to that word not realizing that in an instance of consent, his word would carry authority for more than one hundred years. He had no way of knowing that future owners of this farm would be involved by his promise (this included my uncle and father).During 1796-1820, main roads in Robertson County were not too defined. The countryside was filled with trails and narrow roads leading from farm to farm or to some village. (At this time in history inhabitants had little time to travel, being busy clearing land of trees and concerned about their existence.) In the early years there was no government public works for the county secondary roads and if one needed a road built, that person built it. The network of small roads built by individuals had to be maintained by them. Around 1815, Mr. John planned and built a wagon road from his home across Sulphur Fork Creek and through the middle of the sixty acres he owned (once owned by Euphrateous Benton) to the newly developed pike linking Springfield and White House (named for the White House Inn, located on the Nashville-Louisville Pike). By building a private road the distance and time spent going and coming to and from Springfield was shortened by one hour. A great convenience for a man of his age, who in his last years spent a great deal of time in the Robertson County Courthouse. When Mr. John purchased this farm, he found a wide path or trail leading through the middle of the tract to the place where he built his home. By joining this new road to the old road there was now a completed road through all his land. (I use this old section of road to my home.) You might have guessed already, neighbors and friends sought permission to travel this short cut. At first there was only a few seeking consent, but in time unknown strangers were using the road. (I can imagine the frustration he must have felt with this unwanted traffic (This is what my uncle and father also felt). Mr. John and other owners kept all kinds of livestock and gates were necessary to contain them. Very often careless travelers forgot to close the gates and livestock strayed from home. During Jackson's [Couts] lifetime and future owners attempted to solve the road problem but no good solution was found until the invention of the automobile (the water in Sulphur Ford Creek was too deep for cars to ford). Today, the present owner of the sixty acres uses the Couts road to go and work his land. With best regards, James S. Armstrong


OBITUARIES Feb. 12, 1999 Edna Couts, 100; >a teacher at Escondido High For 41 Years by Jack Williams, Staff Writer Submitted by Kevin Currin

In a small but uncrowded one-room high school, amid the rural farmland of Tualatin, Ore. Edna Couts rose to the head of her class. A class of two. The only other graduate was her cousin, a future collegian and formidable student in her own right. A few years later, Mrs. Couts joined the 11-member faculty of Escondido High School, where in 1923, she assumed a dual role: a one- person business teacher and attendance clerk. Mrs. Couts, who taught at Escondido High for 41 years, died in her sleep Sunday at Crest View Manor in Escondido. She was 100. When she first arrived in Escondido, Mrs. Couts taught in two classrooms separated by glass windows-typing on one hand and shorthand on the other. "She said she would rather be teaching than doing anything else," her niece, Anne von der Mehden. "the only reason she retired was that she had reached the mandatory age. She stayed on as a substitute until all the kids she knew had graduated." As the faculty and school expanded over the years, Mrs. Couts often was among the first to embrace new technology in her classrooms. "She was always willing to teach new stenography and introduce new business machine," her niece said. Upon retiring in 1964, Mrs. Couts was honored with the Golden Apple award by Channel 10, which was KOGO-TV at the time. In 1930, she married Lee Couts, the great-grandson of Cave Johnson Couts, an Army lieutenant, civic activist and engineer who rebuilt the original structure that is the center -piece of historical Rancho Guajome in North County. "Edna remembered going to the rancho when it was still a stopping-off place to rest the party on the way between San Diego and Los Angeles," her niece said. Keeping her marriage a secret, because women educators were discouraged from marrying in those days, Mrs. Couts and her husband built a home in Mission Hills. Tall and athletic, Mrs. Couts developed her skills in golf and joined her husband as a member of the former La Mesa Country Club, where, at one time 50 cents would cover the cost of 18 holes. Mrs. Couts drove the Escondido High golf team to their matches, offering them tips along the way. Later, as a widow, she lived in a condominium adjoining Escondido Country Club. "Instead of counting sheep to get to sleep, Edna would count the number of golf coursed she played on," her niece said. Mrs. Couts' nephew, Al Geiberger, became a force in the 1970's on the Professional Golfers Association tour. As a golf enthusiast, she attended many of his tournaments, bringing along his favorite snacks: peanut butter sandwiches. Geiberger, who suffered from low blood sugar, would keep them handy as he made his rounds. One of three golfers in PGA history to shoot a round of 59 for 18 holes, he accomplished the feat in 197 in the Danny Thomas Memphis Classic. Born Edna Alvina Geiberger in Frankfort South Dakota, Mrs. Couts moved with her family as a child to Oregon. After graduating from high school, she attended normal school and taught for a year in a one-room school in Grassy Pond, Oregon. Eventually, she worked her way through what is now Oregon State University before moving to Southern California, where teachers were in greater demand. In retirement, Mrs. Couts became a world traveler. With camera in tow, she visited Japan, South America, Europe, and Africa, as well as several areas of the United States. She often was accompanied by friends, many of them retired educators. Mrs. Couts never remarried after her husband, nine years her senior, died in 1950 of hypertension. She is survived by a sister, Mae McClellan of Salem, Oregon. No services were scheduled.


From: "Michael S. Couts" Subject: General Information Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 21:58:55 - Ms. Evans: I just surfed onto the Couts Family Web Site I am very glad I did. I will be spending the next few days, when I have the time, digesting all the information on the site. My name is Michael Scott Couts, my father was Chalmers Scott Couts Jr. to Chalmers Scott Couts and Irene LoisCouts (McCarthy). It is my understanding that my Great Grandfather was Robert L. Couts. I have in my possession an antique gold pin that I was told belonged to Cave J. Couts that he got while he was at West Point. I also have several family photo albums that have photos that date back to the late 1800's. I will be going through them in the foreseeable future and I will make copies of the ones I can identify and send them to you. My father, known as Ted, was very interested in the family history and was very proud of descending from Cave Couts. I share the same love for history but, unfortunately, have not had much time over the years to keep up with the Couts family. From there I went to the Sheriff's Dept.ID. In 1987 I accepted the position of Undersheriff Nevada and in 1994 I was appointed as Chief of Police for the ID. I have also served on several anti-terrorist units. If there is any information that you need on my branch of the family please email me. I will be more than happy to furnish my mailing address when requested, but I will be moving in the next month or so. Sincerely, Mike Couts [YES, Mike, I would love to have your info, Barb} From: Randy & Becky Hall Subject: Couts Hi Barbara, good to hear from you. Hope you are feeling better. I really enjoyed what you sent. It sounds like our Chrisley Couts was pretty busy with George Rogers Clark, wow! I can see how difficult it would be to try and prove this line because of the misspellings of the last name. Thank you for sending the info. Along I wanted to mention a little history that my great Aunt had written down, I don't know if I sent it to you or not. She said Christopher Wade Couts owned property in what they called Missouri bottom a few miles from Big Lake where he farmed. He made canoes out of logs and went out and speared fish on Big Lake. Also, one of his sons Joseph Couts was killed riding a workhorse home, his foot got hung up and was dragged to death. Also another daughter Laura died then his other daughter, my great, great, grandmother Susan Emily Couts Whitlow died when her son my great grandfather William Wordswoth Whitlow was about 9 months old. S he is buried at Sheridan Cemetery, in Auburn Nebraska. Christopher Wade Couts, wife, Evaline Catron Couts suffered a stroke while cooking breakfast of quail, and died that evening. This is just a little info. The Big Lake area is around in Holt Co, Mo. or close to the Nebraska. Did I tell you the story of Christopher Wade Couts and my great grandfather Whitlow and Uncle Dan Couts, coming on the Oregon Trail to Washington, Territory? I have the story that my Great Grandfather wrote about their travels. It is really interesting I want to put in book form and make it available to people and family who would like a copy. Well, hope to hear from you soon. One of these days we will have to meet. Cousin, Becky @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

"The Kupers" Subject: Re: Moon Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 Since someone is interested in this line, I have sent all I have. Thanks to Alice Walker Raines who is a descendant of Daniel has provided this information. I am descended from John's brother, Robert. Hope this helps. Of course there is more information in my file is anyone is interested. Barb I have Daniel Walker Moon in my file:

Descendants of John MOON 1 John MOON 1805 - 1871 b: 1805 in Tennessee d: Bef. 1871 +Perlina HAGGARD1809 - b: 1809 ....2 Martin MOON 1825 - b: 1825 in Memphis, Tennessee ....2 James MOON 1825 - 1913 b: December 1825 in Memphis, Tennesse d: November 28, 1913 ........ +Sarah LOGAN b: 1829 d: 1860 ........... 3 Mary ? MOON ........... 3 Clark MOON 1855 - b: Abt. 1855 ........... 3 Murg ? MOON 1857 -b:1857 *2nd Wife of James MOON:+Susan SMITH b: 1846 d: 1901 ........... 3 James MOON 1863 - b: Abt. 1863 in Missouri ........... 3 Elizabeth MOON 1866 - b: Abt. 1866 in Missouri +Jasper PEOPLES ........... 3 Jasper MOON 1869 - b: 1869 in Missouri ........... 3 Mack MOON 1873 - b: Abt. 1873 in Missouri ........... 3 John MOON 1873 - 1917 b: Feb 22, 1873 in Mo d: September 17, 1917 +Georgia A b: December 28, 1878 ........... 3 Marion MOON 1875 - b: Abt. 1875 in Missouri ........... 3 Emily MOON 1880 - b: Abt. 1880 in Missouri ....2 Jasper MOON b: Feb 05, 1832 in Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee d: August 22, 1918 ........ +Sarah Ann AKIN 1837 - 1892 b: March 30,1837 d: July 19,1892 ........... 3Cordelia MOON 1853 - 1891 b: July 15, 1853 in Morgan Co., Missouri d: July 09, 1891 ............... +George Newton "Newt" HANBY 1847 - 1891 b: October 20, 1847 d: October 01, 1891 ........... 3 Emily Kitturah MOON 1856 - 1903 b: July 01, 1856 in Millcreek Twp. Morgan Co., Missouri d: March 20, 1903 +William Henry DRAKE b: March 24, 1852 in Akinsville, Morgan Co., Missouri d: September 09, 1932 ........... 3 Mary P. MOON b: June 25, 1858 in Millcreek Twp. Morgan Co., Missouri d: March 1896 ............... +John Christopher DRAKE b: August 21, 1849 in Morgan Co., Missouri d: March 15, 1924 ........... 3 Martha A. MOON 1860 - 1878 b: August 23, 1860 in Morgan Co., Missouri d: July 23, 1878 ........... 3 John S. "Bud" MOON 1862 - 1891 b: June 26, 1862 d: August 09, 1891 ........... 3 William Martin "Bill" MOON b: March 03, 1865 d: February 26, 1935 in So. of Boulder, MT ............... +Lillie May HARRISON 1868 - 1899 b: May 12, 1868 d: January 19, 1899 ........... 3 Joseph G. MOON 1869 - 1880 b: Aug 15, 1869 d: March 05, 1880 ........... 3 Fannie L. MOON 1873 - b: June 05, 1873 d: January 01, 1939 in Glasgow, MO +Charles H. BOYER ........... 3 James Henry MOON 1873 - 1941 b: June 06, 1873 d: Oct 10, 1941 +Olla MATTOX ........... 3 Lula M. "Luly" MOON 1876 - 1906 b: June 04, 1876 d: April 26, 1906 +Johnathon Berra COMBS b: April 08, 1878 d: Dec 29, 1909 .... 2 Mary MOON 1837 - b: 1837 in Memphis, Tenessee .... 2 William MOON b: 1839 in Memphis, Tenessee d: 1901 +Martha Clay HATFIELD b: 1842 d: 1922 ........... 3 Mary Wilson MOON b: 1862 d: 1945 +William Franklin SMITH ........... 3 Armilda Olive MOON b: 1867 d: 1948 +William MOON ........... 3 Fina Ryan MOON b: 1869 d: 1918 +E.F. MILLS ........... 3 Martha Ellen MOON b: 1873 d: 1954 +Ore FALER ........... 3 Elvira Clay MOON b: 1876 d: 1969 +Howard VAN SANDT ........... 3 William Isham MOON b: 1880 d: 1943 +Nellie CARREL ........... 3 Emily Delsia MOON b: 1884 d: 1976 +Judson CALDWELL +Bob WEDDLE .... 2 Daniel Walker MOON 1841 - 1870 b: 1841 in Bradley county,Tennessee d: 1870 ........ +Anna Eliza CHAPMAN 1845 - 1920 b: 1845 d: 1920 ........... 3 Clarence Albertus MOON 1864 - 1937 b: 1864 d: 1937 +Laura WALLACE b: 1869 d: 1955 ........... 3 George Martin MOON 1866 - 1897 b: 1866 d: 1897 +Isabelle Dilley FERGUSON b: 1870d: 1951 ........... 3 William Noah MOON 1867 - 1949 b: 1867 d: 1949 +Della Rose WOOLREY b: 1873 d: 1958 ........... 3 John E. MOON 1869 - b: 1869 .... 2 Noah MOON b: 1844 in Memphis, Tenessee d: 1888 +Mary Elizabeth AKIN b: November 11, 1852 +William MCDANIEL b: 1867 d: 1938 ........... 3 Alfred "Adell" MOON 1880 - 1976 b: 1880 d: 1976 +Mamie INGE b: 1886 d: 1972 ........... 3 Jesse E. MOON 1883 - 1945 b: June 08, 1883 d: 1945 +Mary GULICK b: 1892 d: 1986 ........... 3 Oliver MOON b: March 06, 1886 in Syrcuse, Morgan Co., Missouri d: 1980 +Bertha PEOPLES b: July 07, 1888 d: July 20, 1920 *2nd Wife of Oliver MOON: +Bertha CRAMER - 1974 d: October 28, 1974 ........... 3 Oscar MOON b: March 25, 1888 d: April 11, 1981 +Rosa COMBS d: January 12, 1968 .... 2 Martha Jane MOON 1848 - b: 1848 in Morgan Co., Missouri +James ALLEE .... 2 Mac Campbell MOON 1851 - 1919 b: 1851 in Morgan Co., MO d: 1919 +Mary BEAMON ........... 3 Pearlie MOON 1890 - b: 1890 ........... 3 Harlie E. MOON 1891 - b: 1891 Descendants of Jasper MOON Generation No. 1 1. JASPER1 MOON was born Abt. 1783 in Pennsylvania. He married KATHERYN. Children of JASPER MOON and KATHERYN are:i. ZUEBY2 MOON. 2. ii. JOHN MOON, b. 1805, Tennessee; d. Bef. 1871. 3. iii. JOB MOON, b. 1813, Eastern Tennessee. 4. iv. ROBERT MOON, b. October 10, 1820, Tennessee; d. June 06, 1899, Morgan co, Missouri. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 MOON (JASPER1) was born 1805 in Tennessee, and died Bef. 1871. He married PERLINA HAGGARD. born 1809. Children of JOHN MOON and PERLINA HAGGARD: i.MARTIN3 MOON, b. 1825, Memphis, Tennessee. ii. JAMES MOON, b. December 1825, Memphis, Tennessee; d. November 28, 1913; m. (1) SARAH LOGAN, 1854, Morgan Co., MO; b. 1829; d. 1860; m. (2) SUSAN SMITH, November 20, 1862; b. 1846; d. 1901. iii. JASPER MOON, b. February 05, 1832, Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee; d. August 22, 1918; m. SARAH ANN AKIN, June 19, 1851, Morgan Co., MO; b. March 30, 1837; d. July 19, 1892. iv. MARY MOON, b. 1837, Memphis, Tennessee. Notes for MARY MOON: 29 July 1871
Newspaper item Sheriff's sale--Leonard W. BEANLAND in partition, Emily Peoples and husband Wm. H Peoples, Wm. Moon, Jas. H Moon, Paulina Moon, Noah Moon, Wm. H. Peoples, Guardian of Robert, Emily and Paulina G. Moon, minor heirs of Mary Peoples, deceaased and of Albertus George M. and Wm. M. Moon, minor heirs of Daniel W. Moon, deceased and of McCampbell Moore and of Robert H Moore, minor heirs of John Moore, deceased--against Jasper Moore v. WILLIAM MOON, b. 1839, Memphis, Tenessee; d. 1901; m. MARTHA CLAY HATFIELD; b. 1842; d. 1922. vi. DANIEL WALKER MOON1, b. 1841, Bradley county, Tennessee; d. 1870; m. ANNA ELIZA CHAPMAN; b. 1845; d. 1920. vii. NOAH MOON, b. 1844, Memphis, Tenessee; d. 1888; m. MARY ELIZABETH AKIN, March 14, 1869, Morgan Co., MO; b. November 11, 1852; d. September 23. viii. MARTHA JANE MOON, b. 1848, Morgan Co., Missouri; m. JAMES ALLEE. ix. MAC CAMPBELL MOON, b. 1851, Morgan Co., Missouri; d. 1919; m. (1) MARY BEAMON; m. (2) VADA BEEMAN. x.ROBERT HARVEY MOON, b. 1855, Morgan Co., Missouri; m. CHARLOTTE CHAPMAN. 3. JOB2 MOON (JASPER1) was born 1813 in Eastern Tennessee. He married CATHERINE ALLEN March 01, 1835 in Morgan Co., MO. She was born Abt. 1813 in Kentucky. Children of JOB MOON and CATHERINE ALLEN are: i. JOHN3 MOON, b. Abt. 1839, Missouri; m. SARAH; b. Abt. 1834. ii. MARY MOON, b. Abt. 1841, Missouri. iii. THOMAS MOON, b. Abt. 1843, Missouri. iv. WILLIAM L. MOON, b. June 30, 1849, Missouri; d. October 16, 1909; m. MILLIE; b. Abt. 1853 4. ROBERT2 MOON (JASPER1) was born October 10, 1820 in Tennessee, and died June 06, 1899 in Morgan co, Missouri. He married (1) LUCINDA DRISKEL. She was born Abt. 1827 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1861. He married (2) ELIZABETH HODGES Abt. 1861, daughter of ABEL HODGES and JANE CAUDEL. She was born May 03, 1838 in Indiana, and died July 07, 1900 in Morgan Co., Missaouri. IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE COMPLETED FIVE PAGES, PLEASE CONTACT ME, BARB From: "Geary or Leslie Jenkins" Subject: Willoughby Rose/Charity Barton Hi! My name is Leslie Jenkins and I'm from Mt. Pleasant, Texas. I haven't ever done this before and just recently got interested in my family roots. I have written to several cousins on my father's side and I received information on the above people. I also h ave the Family Tree Maker Software program and that is how I found you. Willoughby Rose and Charity Barton are my 5xgreat, grandparents with their son Bulford Carroll being my great, great, great, great grandfather. He was married to Violet Chapman and they had 10 children and so on and so forth. Like I said, I'm very new to this and don't know the correct terms for most of the information. I would welcome an e-mail from you as Willoughby and Charity are as far back as I've been. Sincerely, Leslie Jenkins From: Immacwgrl@aol.comSubject: KOUTZ FAMILY Found information in Warrick query archives 1997. I am a KOUTZ! Born and raised in Warrick County, Boonville, In. DOB 12-23-53. My father was William Raabe Koutz. From: Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 Are these two Henrys the same man? Sometime I have more dates and names than I know what to do with! Thanking you in advance for help. Bonnie <>< 1 Johan Heinrich "Henry" Ermentraudt, b. 4/1/1749, d. cr. 1827 Rock. Co.,VA. m. Augusta (now Rockingham Co.), VA, Mary Elizabeth Rush cr. 1770 in Rockbridge Co., VA, b. 1752, d. Rockingham Co., VA 1831. Issue: Johnan "John" Frederick Ermentraudt b. 1772Charles Armintrout b 1772/73 William Armentrout b. 1775 Jacob Armintrout b. 1776 George Ermentraudt b. 1777 Malinda Ermentraudt Henry Armintrout, d. cr. 1827. This info. was from his will in the Lexington, VA courthouse; WB 6:149 dated 3/4/1826 and probated 3/5/1827. He listed 3 grandsons (William, Henry and John) in his will and six children. 1810 Census of Rockbridge Co. List Henry
Armentrout w/ 1 white male, 0 slaves and 14 horses. 1 Charles Armentrout 2 Molly Armentrout 3 Christeny Armentrout 4 John Armentrout 5 George Armentrout 6 Henry Armentrout
From: Subject: Re: Henry Ermentraudt d. cr. 1827 Rocbridge writes:> Are these two Henrys the same man? Yes, Bonnie These are the same person. Since I sent you the other information I have looked at Henry's will. In item 9 he referrers to a daughter Christeny Unrew. You don't show Christeny as a child. I have a child Christina, b: 1 Feb 1777 that married Adam Unrow 14 Mar 1804. This should be on the Descendant's chart I sent you. Charlie Name: Arthur C. Kouts Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Arizona Time: 1998-11-21 04:05:59 Comments: Born in Arizona, Father born in Colorado, Grandfather born at Kouts, Indiana 1872. Would like to hear from you if you can give me more information on the family. From: Subject: Kautz from Edigheim Found your site in a search on Hotbot for Edigheim (Germany). I did not find Edigheim (Pfalz, G ermany) in the text but I'm sure it is there somewhere. I am researching the Kautz family this summer in Edigheim, Pfalz, Germany. My only information is that found in Frankenthal, Pfalz, Germany (a few miles from Edigheim). If anyone has connections to the Kautz family in Edigheim I would be interested in comparing notes. Please e-mail me Regina KAUTZ born 1724 (transcribed records). Died 21 July 1784 Married to Johann Christian POHLY Children: Johann Nikolaus POHLY Johann Christian POHLY Anna Margaretha POHLY Anna Elizabeth POHLY I am a descendant of Johann Nikolaus POHLY. Church books in Frankenthal indicate that Regina Kautz was from Edigheim. Other sources I am currently waiting for are: 1. Family History Center microfilm for Edigheim 2. A book, Die Einwohner von Oppau und Edigheim (Inhabitants of Oppau and Edigheim). There are 69 pages referenced in the index for Kautz.. I am awaiting photocopies of the pages from Salt Lake.


Barb, Nothing new.....just confirmation. Go to the bottom of the page. It is the last entry. He may have some other info though. My daughter md a Hedrick so I am collecting....... Launa RichardCottrell/Blair.html Adam Heidrich/Hedrick came to America in 1742 and settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This is verified by the following Ship record: Francis and Elizabeth, 21 Sep 1742, Capt. George North: Passenger-- Johan Adam Heydrig. Sometime in 1747 Adam Heidrich along with Jacob Nichols came to Augusta County, Virginia. Again this is substantiated by the following records: Chronicles of the Scottish-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800: Volume 1, Court Judgements, Page 321: Adam Hetrick, in 1742, living in Pennsylvania... Page 336: Jacob Nichols and Adam Hetrick in 1747 came to Augusta County from Pennsylvania... The following is the family of Adam Heidrich: John married Susan Hornung, Casper, Anna Elisabetha married John Ermentrout/Armantrout (22 May 1743 Lancaster Co., PA). John Armantrout died in 1753 and Elizabetha married JOHN COUTS. This particular Heidrich family was associated with the Peaked Mountain Church at Mill Creek in Augusta County. These families lived in the vicinity of Stony Run in Augusta County. Adam Heidrich/ Hedrick was the son of Ender and Christina (Mueller) Heidrich. In 1779/80 Capt. Peter Hedrick came from Rowan County, North Carolina to Augusta County. The following Tax Record:Augusta: 1784, Capt. Peter Headrick. Adam and Peter Hedrick were first cousins once removed. Peter Hedrick's grandfather Adam Heidrich was a brother to Ender Heidrich.Email from above From: "Richard Cottrell" To: It is known that Capt. Peter Hedrick from Rowan Co., NC went to Virginia sometime between 1779 to 1785. The record: Tax Record: 1784: Augusta Co., VA Capt. Peter Headrick It is common knowledge he went to see relation. Please visit the web page: http://members. You will find the kinfolk of Capt. Peter Hedrick. Subject: Re: Origin of the "Kautz" name Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 would like to pass on some information on the "Kautz" name that I got about 15 years ago. This information is not from any official source but from a woman I worked with in Sandpoint, Idaho who grew up in pre-WW II Germany. When I first met her and she asked the spelling of my last name she immediately said that in German the spelling was Kautz and translated to "owl". She went on to tell me that she new some people with the name of Kautz when she was a child in Germany. She went onto tell me that in German language there are a lot of words and names that have double meanings due to the mixture of the various languages of the Germanic peoples from the Prussian Empire, the Austro Hungarian Empire etc. The Kautz's that she knew were of Prussian ancestry. In our conversations she never mentioned the name Kautz being affiliated with "cat". Unfortunately, the lady moved back east several months after I met her and never really had a chance to pick her brain. Again this is just information that I received from one source. Mike Couts From: Subject: Re: Kautz / Couts Hi Barbara, I'm afraid I won't be any help to you. Our name is Kautzman. My husband's ancestors went from Wuerttemburg, Germany to the Beresan District of Odessa, Russia. They were there from 1809 until 1899, when they came to the US through New York, then into North Dakota. Some stayed in ND, some moved to Yakima, WA in 1920. My husband, family and I live north of Seattle, WA.. I do not know the derivation of the name but I may be able to find someone who does. I will ask and get back to you. By the way, are you aware that there is an area in Russia named Kautz.?? Did any of your Coutz family go to Russia? I'll get back to you. Marjorie Kautzman From: "Long, Deborah" DLONG@admin.housing. Subject: Couts Barbara, My grandmother was Elizabeth Couts b: abt. 1849. She lived in Pennsylvania, but I don't know for sure where she was born, I think she died in Pennsylvania, I know she is buried there. She was married to my gggrandfather, John Frank Cunningham, for a very brief time 1871-1873. They only had one son together as far as I know, b: in 1872. They were divorced 12/1983 and she married Dallas Ayers in 1974. Was her father Michael Couts? Do you know more about her parents and her siblings? I appreciate anything you can share with me. Thanks, Deb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Hi Kathye April 24, 1999 Thank you for the copy of the letter for Mike and the high praises that you sing for Bo and I. I hope that your health has improved. Your business cards are beautiful. I noted that you had a Graham: Descendants of Elizabeth Graham 1 Elizabeth Graham +William Wyatt Kirby b: August 1807 in Warren County, Kentucky I am wondering if we have a tie into the Graham families. We have several Grahams (some of whom ended up in Indiana, but all are tied to Warren Co. KY). We even have a Anderson, Ira David Anderson, who married Harriet Columbia Collins, daughter of Capt. William Collins (2nd husband of Sarah Wright ) and his second wife, Ms. Dyer. Anyway, my curiosity is, that we have a Larkin Couts ( I'm sure named after Larkin Graham, partner (in a Dry Good Store) and administrator of Alvis R. Couts's will). I'm hoping the Graham research would help in the establishment of the last name Eleanor/Ellen/Eleandon - wife of Levi, mother of Alvis. Little quirks of reoccurring names like this just drive me crazy… let me know what you think…Barb Couts Evans ~ Sarah Collins was the descendant of: 1 [30] William (Capt.) Collins b: 1755 in Spartanburg, South Carolina +Sarah Wright b: 1760 in Brunswick County, Virginia m: 1793 in Probably Warren County/Lincoln County (VA) Kentucky 2 [1] Sarah (Sallie) Collins b: 1798 in Warren County, Kentucky +Elijah Key *2nd Husband of [1] Sarah (Sallie) Collins: +Larkin Graham m: 1819 in Warren County, Kentucky, probably 3 Ewing Graham 3 Mary Pollie Ann Graham +E. Jones 3 Electa Ann Graham +J. Whittlington 3 Sarah Graham +H. O'Dell 3 Robert Graham +L. Fickle 3 Jefferson Graham Barbary Graham who married a Barton: Descendants of Barbara (Barbrey) Graham 1 Barbara (Barbrey) Graham b: 1800 in BOWLING GREEN, WARREN CO, KY +GREENBERRYb: 1795 in Lauren Co. South Carolina m: April 22, 1818 in BOWLING GREEN, WARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY 2 Bentley Barton 2 John H. Barton 2 George Barton 2 Mary Polly Barton 2 Nancy Jane Barton +Berry Parks Alexander 2 James Berry Barton 2 Robert W. Barton 2 Wade Hamilton Barton 2 Mellissa C . Barton 2 Emmaline Barton 2 Berry (Greenberry) Barton 3 William Henry Barton +Martha P. Gilliam &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Descendants of Levi Hagan 1 Levi Hagan b: June 1, 1804 +Charlotte Graham b: 1802 2 Louisa (Hegan) Hagan b: 1826 in Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky +Samuel Couts b: December 16, 1820 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky m: December 29, 1843 in Lafayette County, Missouri 3 Sarah A. Couts b: 1846 in BURLINGTON BOONE CO, MISSOURI, BURIED GOSHEN CEM. 3 [5] John Lafayette Coutsb: May 17, 1852 in COLUMBIA, BOONE Co. Missouri


Anderson/McFadin/Lout/Inglish/ Boon/Couts/Critchfield/Abshier/Lenn FROM: J.K. Upham

DATE: 28 Mar 1997 I am desperately trying to correct misinformation published concerning my ancestors/kinfolk with legal documentation. All of the above/below lived in Warrick County 1807 and later. Many moved to Tx, Ar, & Mo. Bailey Anderson Sr (my 4g & 5g g/f) settled Warrick Co by 1807. son Wyatt m. Nancy McFadin (died Tx); son Joshua m. Elizabeth Couts (died Ark); son Pinkney m. Elizabeth Boone (died In); son Bailey Jr m. Elizabeth McFadin (died Tx); dtr Lovisa m. John Lout (died Tx); dtr Deliah m. Ratliff Boon (died Mo); dtr Sarah m. Joseph Inglish (died Ar).

1. who were Pinkney Anderson & Elizabeth Boone's children ? I think son Thomas m. Elizabeth Lenn - if so, who were his children? Who did they marry? Who were Thomas' g/children? I think son Bailey II m. Priscilla Abshier - if so, I have his children but who did they marry? Ethan went to Kansas. Anna lived Warrick Co & married _____ Lenn. Who were Anna's children? Who did Bailey II's other children marry & who were their children? 2. I can prove with legal documents that the Mary Anderson who married Solomon Vanada in Warrick County was not the same as Mary daughter of Bailey Anderson Sr (b. 13 Nov 1753 Va d. 1 Aug 1840 Tx). His daughter Mary "Polly" remained in Warren Co, Ky & married David Kirby in 26 Dec 1803 with her brother Joshua Anderson as security. 3. Joshua Anderson's 1st wife, Elizabeth Couts, was daughter of Christley Couts Sr & Sarah Wright. Her mother 2m Capt. William Collins in Ky. Can anyone tell me when Elizabeth died (before 1816) or if any of the Couts' who remained in Warrick County were her siblings or kinfolk? I am trying to determine if they had children other than Wyatt & Joshua Jr. 4. Every published source states that the wife of Bailey Anderson Sr was Mary Wyatt. I have hundreds of legal family records beginning 1752 & none of them give a 1st or last name for my double g/mother. I am hoping that perhaps some Warrick County deed or other document writ- ten during the time they lived in Warrick Co will give me her name. Thus far none in Va, SC, KY or Tx does & everyone I have questioned for their source of her name said "they got it from someone else" - isn't proof. My g/mother deserves more than to be just some unknown entity! I just believe that every parent is entitled to their own children and every child is entitled to their own parents. I have proven by legal document about 60% of what has been written about my Anderson ancestry is incorrect. I only want to correctly document and identify my kinfolk because I love them. Wyatt & Nancy [McFadin] Anderson are my 4g-g/parents. Bailey Jr & Elizabeth [McFadin] Anderson are my 3g-g/parents. Please, if you can help me locate documents, I will gladly pay for copies and postage. Texas is so far away & I can't afford to travel. Also, does anyone have a picture of "Bailey's Roost" or the memorial to Uncle Ratliff Boon? Thank you in advance, J.K. Upham Ft Worth, Texas Upham +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

DEATH OF COL. CAVE COUTS a Clarksville, TN Newspaper

Died, in San Louis Rey, Cal. on the evening of June 10th, 1874, Col. Cave J. Couts, in the 53rd year of his age. Mr. Couts was the brother of our esteemed townsman, John F. Couts. We copy the following biographical sketch from a California paper: "Colonel Cave Johnson Couts was born in Springfield Tennessee, in the year 1821. He sprung from one of the oldest and must respected families of the South. He was a nephew of Cave Johnson Postmaster General under President Polk's Administration. Col. Couts graduated at West Point Military Academy in the class of 1841. Among his classmates were General grant, General Alexander and others who have since distinguished themselves in the United States army. After leaving West Point Lieut. Couts was assigned to the famous old Second Dragoons, which at that time and up to the time of the breaking out of the civil war was considered the model regiment of the army. His first duty in the service was at Fort Jessup, and net we hear of his taking an active part in the Mexican war. As soon as the difficulty with Mexico was settled, he was assigned to command an escort detachment to the United States Boundary Commission. Most of the members of the Commission arrived here via the Isthmus, but Lieut. Couts' command marched overland, arriving on this Coast in 1848. he was then stationed respectively at Los Angeles, San Luis Rey and San Diego. He obtained the title of Colonel by reason of holing a commission, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel, on the staff of the First Brigade, California Militia, in 1856. Whilst stationed at Old town he me and wooed Ysidora, daughter of Don Jose Bandini. Shortly after his marriage to this lady he resigned his commission and located at Guajome in this county, where he at once commenced building his house. colonel Couts, with his young bride, devoted his time and energy to the improvement of their new home, and to-day it is perhaps the most beautiful country seat in Southern California, certainly in San Diego county, surrounded with its orange groves and other varieties of semi-tropical trees. About six months ago it was discovered that he was suffering from aneurysm of the aorta and enlargement of the heart, which disease steadily progressed until his recent return from San Francisco when the tumor rapidly increased, and for the past week he has been suffering fearfully from congestion of the lungs which reduced his strength up to the moment of his death. For the past few weeks he had been fully aware of his condition, and knew he could not survive long, but he bore his sufferings with the courage of a soldier, and breathed his last with calmness and resignation. Colonel Couts was a man possessed of all the traits of character which go to makeup the gentleman of the old school; True, he was impulsive but his extreme generosity and unbounded hospitality balanced that to more insignificance. He was quick to resent an offense and would as quickly forgive an enemy. No one entitled to the slightest consideration, ever passed Guajome without, being solicited to partake of the royal hospitality of his mansion. He leaves a widow and eight children, and a large circle of friends, who loved him dearly, to mourn his early demise."

TREASURES OF THE FAMILY - Submitted by V.F. Williams, Last - in the series Do you have some to share?

This is a history of the Pearson family as was written by my Uncle William Henry Pearson and give to my cousin Mattie Bess- Vivian Francis Williams.

Letter 13 - page 1 1872 (Elizabeth and Mary join church) Warren County Ky. Dec 22 nd 1872 dear brother and family I seat myself to drop you a pen line which leaves me and the rest of the family enjoyin a reasonable protion of helth hoping that thay may reach you hand and find you all enjoyen the same blessing father is well as could be expected considering his age and of affliction he staid with us last knight he's gone out to church this evening thee coneections is we so fare as I know john I have no news to write times is hard and money scearce We have had a great deal of wet wet weather here. it has been so wet here that people could no tend their crops I think that we will have a splendid wheat and oat crop Brother father and I received you kind and welcome letter and was glad to hear from you all and I hope you will not think hard of us for not writing. Brother I would be glad to see you all and I would come to see you if I was situated tho if we never see each other on erth I hope we will Letter 13 page II 1872 meat in heaven where we will part nomore John I was blest with the privilege of tenden a pratracted meating last february which commenced on the first day of the month and on the 5th when I had returned home from meating I trust the lord met with me and pardoned my sins and me and Mary Beth joint the church and on the 23rd day of february we wuz baptised and I think hit was the greatest revival I ever saw. It went on for about 17 days and there was about 30 perfessions and most all joined the church and as I have served satan through the early part of my life I feel like serving god the remainder of my days S I will bring my letter to a close for Mary wants to write a few lines to Mary Mary all tho I never saw you I would be glad to be with you and tell you about my two little boys and my little girl I will send you a bunch of my hair and their ages and their names - Mary I want you to send me a lock of you hair and Willies we will send our pictures tis summer if we can Letter 13 page 3 1872 So we will bring our letter to a close by saying we remain your affectionate brother and sister until death. Write soon and often from William P. Pearson and Mary E. Pearson to John B Pearson and Mary Pearson Excuse Our bad writing and spelling farwell. Letter 2 Part 1 August 30, 1874 Windsoill Madeson Co. Ark. Dear Sister. I take my pen in hand to answer your kind and welcome letter whitch came to hand in dew time it found all well. We recieved it on the 10 and I was taken sick on the 12 and on the night of 12 Mary. We had a darling little boy bornd to us but his stay in this sinful world was short. He only lived from bout mid night Wednesday night til just before day Sunday moring he was buried in the (unreadable) grave yard Sunday coming. Mary he suffered O so mutch, he was sick I think all the time after the first day and he fretted a goodel that day. We think it was the bold hives it had. We never named it Mary. Eovil (blurred) loved it so well. She clad him her little brother. Mary it was hard to give him up but I know he is better off and I hope to meet him in that better world above where there is no more Sorrow or pain. I Letter 2 part 2 1874 will send you apeace of the lining and covering of the coffin in apeace for fannie. I would write to hear(meaning Her) but I wrote once and she never answered my letter. Mary I have got along the best kind as well as any one could sider. I am knocking round the house and I made up my bed this morning, kiss Willie and the babe for me. Write soon W.C. Moon. Mary I had one of the best old wimin with me she is worth 2 or 3 doctors. The following letter is on the other side of the page. August 30 Dear Marry these few lines is from your dear father and mother. We are as well as common for old people. We received your kin and verry welcome letter whitch gave us much satisfaction to hear from you all we was glad to hear of your getting along so well. We are on the other hand sorry to hear Letter 2 page 3 1874 of the failure in the corn crop for I hear of that in many places. It had been a bad season here. Crops is cut short on account of the dry weather tho there will be plenty of corn here to spare. their is plenty of old corn here yet the people is coming in here to by. Corn in the fields by the quantity tree is nothing made in Bento and Washington Countys scarcely except wheat. That was good. Wheat was speedied here. Corn 50 cents wheat 75 cents per bushel. We will have plenty and some to spare. I think we will have plenty of molasses and sweet potatoes and that is good. You know we have dryed our apples and that is something near 4 bushels of them and have commenct on the peaches and their will be several bushels of them if we have luck to save them. We have a molasses mill verry near done to make up our crop and maiby some others. (the following in first hand writing ) John and Mary mother sais she want

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Record 117 Name: William E. Couts (Family of Cave Couts) Referred by: From a Friend From: Temecula Ca. Comments: Excellent site. Thanks so much for taking so much time to create this. Coutswe@SCE.COM Record 116 Name: Carleen Kautz Stephens: Battle Ground, WA; Comments: My known Kautz lineage is as follows: Father: Raymond V. Kautz; Grandfather: Detlev Carl Kautz, born 11/27/1876 in Copenhagen, Denmark, died 1957; Great-grandfather: Fritz Kautz, born 2/15/1851 in Stelboken, Holstein, Germany. Detlev emigrated to the US around the turn of the century as he'd been apprenticed to an artist in the Netherlands but had developed what we presume was lead poisoning so he could no longer paint. We know he visited an uncle in Nebraska on his way out west, but are unsure who that uncle was. My grandpa was never very talkative about his family, so we have no idea if he even had brothers or sisters. Anyone out there from a branch of my family tree???? Record 115 Name: Robert Andrew COUTTS From: Wellington. New Zealand Comments: Hi there from New Zealand. My name is Robert Andrew Coutts . My family originates from the "Shetland Islands" two hundred miles north of Aberdeen in Scotland. The story that my late father told us was that there were three brothers who set sail one day to do some fishing out from the coast of Norway. They got swept out to sea in a storm and were washed ashore on the Shetlands. They settled down, got married and raised families. Their name was spelt neither "Khutz or Kutze and over many years changed to what it is today---COUTTS. I would be interested to know if there are any Coutts families over in your part of the world with Shetland connections. With regards Robert A. Coutts Record 114 Name: Nellie Kautz Wilkerson Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hampton, VA Comments: My father was Frederick Matthews Kautz, born in Hampton, Virginia on December 5, 1898. I am the youngest of ten girls and one boy, born to Federick's wife, Laura Belle Merrill Kautz. Daddy's family is originally from Germany. Could we be related? Nell Record 113 Name: tazman ( Don Couts ) Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Diego Comments: I, LIKED THE SITE. I AM THE SON OF TOM COUTS SR. AND CAROLE LUKER. I AM LOOKING FOR BARBARA EVANS. LOVE YOU ALL DON COUTS [Love you too, Don; Auntie Barb] Record 112 Name: Tom Russell Referred by: Yahoo! From: Kouts, Indiana Comments: Was looking to see what was out on the web for Kouts. Found a link to your site, and took a look-see. Is this the same Kouts family that had a reunion here sometime in the last 2 years? Record 110 Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hampton, Virginia - USA Comments: Hi - I'm a native of Hampton, VA - descendent of Fred M. Kautz, my grandfather. His brothers were Charles and Earl. Fred M. Kautz was born 1898 died 1964 in Hampton, VA. Buried in Parklawn Cemetery, Hampton, VA near his brothers. His father (my great grandfather Kautz) is in Oakland Cemetery in Hampton, VA. He emigrated from Germany. It is my understanding their name was originally preceded by "Von" but they dropped it to conform more to other American names. My mother, Margaret Kautz married my father (a Swede) thus the different last name. Record 109 Name: Ross W Meguiar Referred by: Net Search From: Winter Garden, Florida Comments: Searching for MEGUIAR history and your name came up as a submitter. Record 108 Name: Harvey L. Counts Website: Counts Family History/Photos & Links From: Sierra Madre, Ca Comments: Wonderful web site and we Counts' must be related to Couts.



In a recent correspondence, the origin of the Couts name came up. In my research I have seen that it means "giant owl", but this researcher said that it was "cats". I ask for more clarity from my researcher pals and they sent the following: "I've not seen just a "Kautz" name in anything I've worked with...the name means "cat" Subj.: Re: Origin of the Kautz name? From: Cloudhoper (Earl Kissling) Barb, There appears to be no direct translation into English for the word Kautz, according to our German-English dictionary. Your correspondent said it translated into cat. That German word is Katze (no u) = cat. The word Kauz(no t) or Kauze (no t) means odd fellow, strange bird, or screech owl. Subj: Origin of the Kautz name? From: (Robert L. Williams) My records show the name Kautz means "screech owl" Barb Williams PICTURES OF EDNA COUTS AND NANA NANCY REED COUTS FOUND ON THE PICTURE ALBUM PAGE

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