VOLUME 4 November December January NUMBER 1
A Quarterly Newsletter for the Descendants of the Couts Family #14
OK, so I messed up on the numbering of the others….
It is the goal of this newsletter to create
interest in and share the research for the
Couts (pronounced Koutz) and Allied
Family genealogy. It can only be written
with the cooperation of each family member.
We encourage each of you to send in your
family group sheets and enter data as far
back as you can find. The information that
you find within its covers will be as "true"
as we can prove. We gladly accept articles,
photos, genealogy lines, and family stories.
Maple Bluff Farm October 19, 1999
Dear Barbara, during the early settlement of
this county, my great-great grandfather, Eli
Baggett, was a very good and close friend
of your ancestor, Jackson Couts.
The Baggett Family moved from North
Carolina to Robertson County in March
1815 and leased 215 acres of land (later
purchasing) adjacent to the property of John
Couts. This land was part of the "preemption"
grant made to Hugh Henry, a brother-in-law
to John Donelson of The Adventure fame.
In a few years a friendship developed
between Eli and Jackson. The boys spent their
spare time, riding horses, fishing and hunting the
untamed countryside. For the next thirty-five
years they remained warm friends and co-
workers in civil affairs.
By the time the two sons had grown
to manhood, Eli had married the daughter of
James Owen, a revolutionary soldier. They
met while she visited her married sister, Minor
Owen Baggett, the wife of Eli's brother Jesse
Baggett. During the next year period, and
other Owen sister, Henrietta, married John
Couts, Jr. and ten years later my future great
grandfather, Thomas Savage, married Eli's
oldest daughter, Nancy Baggett, thereby placing
the Owen line in my tree. It's revealed now
why I have heard these stories of the Couts family.
In one of your newsletters (Vol. 2 & 3)
the name Lucy Savage, (the sister to great-
grandfather) was mentioned by Mrs. William
Couts in a letter to her son, Cave Couts in
California. Apparently from her wording he
apparently knew her before leaving Tennessee.
When Eli's father died he inherited the
farm and distillery. From all family reports Eli
was more interested in farming and public
service than being a distiller. To relieve him
of the work of operating a distillery he hired
his future son-in-law, Thomas Savage, and
put him in chare of all distillery operations.
Thomas enlarged the building and within one
year had tripled the production. Soon after
Eli's death, Thomas hired an agent in Nashville,
Tennessee, and in Louisville, Kentucky to store
and sell the product.
Jackson, after the death of John, Sr.
inherited the farm and distillery, followed Eli's
thinking and hired a full time distiller. This free
time enabled both men to buy and sell land to
a fast growing country.
Grandfather said, "he and his three brother
worked in the distillery, but never drank the liquor.".
He also said, "neither did Eli or Jackson,
both were teetotalers."
Jackson's brother, John Jr. owned a farm
and distillery on Beaver Dam Creek, but in 1875
a flash flood swept both dam and distillery away,
leaving a mill building. In 1925, this building was
remodeled into a small grocery store and John, Sr.'s
great-great grandson, Wallace Couts ran
the business until 1931. With Regards
Patent Description IN2220__.275
Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 19918 Misc.
Document Nr. : Patentee Name: COUTS, JOHN
Warrantee Name: Authority: April 24, 1820:
Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566) Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 8/1/1839 Metes/Bounds: N Survey Date:
Subsurface Reserved: N Land Office: VINCENNES, IN
Legal Land Descriptions Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk
Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
1 E½ SE 9/4-S9-W N 2ND
Patent Description IN2110__.343 : N
Document Nr. : 14433 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: COUTS, JOHN Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale
(3 Stat. 566) Signature Present: Y Signature
Date: 9/1/1838 Metes/Bounds: NSurvey
Date: Subsurface Reserved: NLand Office:
VINCENNES Legal Land Descriptions Nr.
Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range
Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
Patent DescriptionIN2120__.392
IN2120__.392 Cancelled: N Document
Nr. : 14987 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: COUTS, JOHN Warrantee
Name: Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale
(3 Stat. 566) Signature Present: Y Signature
Date: 2/1/1839 Metes/Bounds: NSurvey
Date: Subsurface Reserved: N Land Office:
VINCENNES Legal Land Descriptions
Nr.Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range
Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
1 SENE 9/ 4-S 9-W N
Patent Description IN2220__.274 Cancelled:
N Document Nr. : 19917 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name:COUTS, LEVI Warrantee
Name: Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry
Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y Signature Date: 8/1/1839
Metes/Bounds: N Survey Date: Subsurface
Reserved: N Land Office: VINCENNES
Legal Land Descriptions
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range
Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
1 SENW 10/ 4-S 9-W N
Patent Description IN3190__.424 Cancelled:
N Document Nr. : 28802 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: COUCH, SARAH Warrantee
Name: Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale
(3 Stat. 566) Signature Present: Y Signature
Date: 5/15/1837 Metes/Bounds: N Survey
Date: Subsurface Reserved: N Land Office:
CRAWFORDSVILLE Legal Land Descriptions
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range
Fract. Sect. Meridian Counties
1 SENW 19/ 18-N 1-W
Subject: Re: Couts not Coots From: "Ron and Jennifer Bailey" This is all that I have on the Couts name
..........Sorry it isn't much............Jen
1 Robert COUTS
. +Adeline Joyce KEISER b: Indiana Father: Everett Keiser
Mother: May Elizabeth Hartman
.... 2 [1] Mark COUTS ........ +Rebecca Lou KETCHAM ....
*2nd Wife of [1] Mark Couts: ........ +Linda GRIFFO
.......... 3 Rachel Amanda COUTS ..........
3 Allison Renee COUTS
.... 2 Cindy COUTS
.... 2 Sherri COUTS
.... 2 Kristy COUTS
.... 2 Mary Carol COUTS
Jen Bailey Jen's Corner
Go here and vote for Jen's Corner
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
From: "Ron and Jennifer Bailey"
Subject: Re: Your Couts line The Couts is a very
distant line that married into a line that connects to
another line that eventually connects to the Cooper
family which is my main line. Here is where it connects:
1 Isaac CONDIT b:5 Jun 1796 d: 18 Feb 1840
+Catherine Cooper b:17 Jun 1798 m: 7 Oct 1817 d:12 Feb 1876
2 2 David CONDIT b: 08 Jul 1818
.... 2 Caroline CONDIT b: 05 Feb 1821
.... 2 Rebecca CONDIT b: 12 Jul 1823
.... 2 Ephraim CONDIT b: 29 Jul 1826
.... 2 Eunice CONDIT b: 09 Nov 1830 d: 06 Oct 1873
+John MCCREARY b: 14 Jun 1832 m: 10 Apr 1851 d: 28
Oct 1906
.......... 3 Pulaski Fulton MCCREARY b: 01 Apr 1852
in Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio d: Oct 1918
.............. +Olive May BRAUNELLAR b: 22 Feb 1862
in Findlay, Ohio m: 01 Dec 1881 d: 23 Jun 1952 in Blough
................ 4 Zenith Demott MCCREARY b: 05 Jan 1883
in Miami County, Indiana d: 21 Apr 1962
.................... +Bertha WHITE b: 23 Jul 1886 in Starke
County, Indiana m: 28 Jan 1905 d: 30 Nov 1975 in Peru, In
...................... 5 Ralph Leon MCCREARY b: 05 Nov
1906 in Marshall County, Indiana d: 31 Oct 1967 in Peru, In
+Ruth SHERRY b1 Jun 1909 Lafayette, Indiana
m: 21 Apr 1934 Lafayette, In d: Apr 1978 Peru, In
...................... 5 Wilma May MCCREARY
+Kenneth L. KINNEY b: 11 Dec 1904 Nappanee,
In d: 17 Mar 1984
...................... 5 [2] Zenith LaVerne MCCREARY
b: 04 Sep 1910 in Marshall County, Indiana d: 29 Jul 1965 in
Plymouth, Indiana +Marie SPAULDING
*2nd Wife +Bernice COLVILLE
...................... 5 Gerald Verdene MCCREARY
b: 25 Jan 1913 in Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana d: 10 Dec
1975 in Peru, Miami County, Indiana +Phyllis HINES
...................... 5 [3] Clara Esther MCCREARY
+Roy WALLICK *2nd Husband +Oscar William MANNIES
*3rd Husband +William H. OSBORN
Father: Mother:
...................... 5 Paul MCCREARY b: 20 Mar 1920
in Peru, Miami County, In d: 20 Mar 1920 Peru, In
................ 4 Iva Frances MCCREARY b: 09 Dec 1884
in Gilead, Indiana d: 05 Jun 1978 in Countryside Place,
Knox County, In +William Samuel HARTMAN
b: 23 Aug 1884 in Burr Oak, In m: 28 Mar 1908
Plymouth, Indiana d: 26 Apr 1937 in Holland, Michigan
...................... 5 Sylvia Belle HARTMAN
+Arthur E. HAMMAN d: 21 Feb 1961Galesburg Illinois
...................... 5 Esther Lorine HARTMAN
+Louis Mental DAVIS b: 31 Oct 1902 English Lake,
In d: 03 Jun
...................... 5 Donald Levi HARTMAN
b: 25 Mar 1913Plymouth, Indiana d: 01 Jun 1987
Grand Haven, Mi
...................... 5 May Elizabeth HARTMAN
b: 24 May 1915 in Plymouth, Indiana
d: Aug 1992 in Knox, Indiana
.......................... +Everett KEISER
b: 28 Feb 1913 in Knox, Indiana m:
22 Sep 1935 in Plymouth, Indiana d: 09 Apr
1994 in Knox, Indiana
............................. 6 [7] Adeline Joyce KEISER
+Robert COUTS
................................... 7 [6] Mark COUTS
....................................... +Rebecca Lou KETCHAM
*2nd Wife of [6] Mark Couts: +Linda GRIFFO
......................................... 8 Rachel Amanda COUTS
......................................... 8 Allison Renee COUTS
................................... 7 Cindy COUTS
................................... 7 Sherri COUTS
................................... 7 Kristy COUTS
................................... 7 Mary Carol COUTS
*2nd Husband +Fred CLEVELAND
*3rd Husband +EdgarTONGES
................ 4 John Carl MCCREARY
b: 23 Jun 1887 in Miami County, Indiana
d: 22 Jan 1977 Plymouth, Indiana
.................... +Verne O'BREWER
b: 19 Jan 1895 in Marshall County, Indiana
m: 15 Apr 1916 in Plymouth, Indiana
d: 20 Jun 1980 in South Bend, Indiana
................ 4 Zella Glenna MCCREARY
b: 10 Jan 1889 d: 31 Oct 1968
.................... +Oscar RIMER b: 05 May 1890
m: 27 May 1911 in Cluver, Indiana d: 19 Jun 1975
................ 4 Cleo Myrtle MCCREARY
b: 23 Nov 1890 in Burr Oak, Indiana
d: 23 Jul 1982 Longmont, Colorado
.................... +Orpha R. SMITH b: 09 Apr 1898
m: 23 Mar 1918
................ 4 Charles Augustus MCCREARY
b: 20 Aug 1894 in Gilead, In d: 29 Nov 1982
Coldwater, Michigan
.................... +Lucretia Davis PRYSE
b: 20 Aug 1895 in Beattyville, Kentucky
m: 20 Aug 1916 in Plymouth, In
d: 22 Jan 1950 in South Bend Osteopathic Hospital,
South Bend, Indiana ................ 4 Robert
Grant MCCREARY b: 04 Mar 1898
d: 28 Apr 1972 in Riverside Hospital, Riverside, California
.................... +Sarah Mabelle PIPPENGER
b: 31 Jul 1895 m: 30 Sep 1932
................ 4 Golda MCCREARY b: 27 Jan 1901
d: Abt. 1931 +Hally HOLDERREAD b: Abt. 1898
........ 3 Julia Mary Cathrine MCCREARY b: 19 Jul 1853 d: Abt. 1931
.............. +Homer CARPENTER b: Abt. 1851
m: 17 Jul 1883 d: Abt. 1915
................ 4 Irene CARPENTER
................ 4 Mary Katherine CARPENTER
................ 4 Minnie Delle CARPENTER
b: 04 Nov 1884 Miami County, In
d: 15 Sep 1962 Mishawaka, Indiana
.................... +John Edward ACKENHUSEN
b: 30 Sep 1883 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
m: 07 Jun 1911 in
Methodist Church, Mishawaka, Indiana
d: 25 Nov 1948 in Mishawaka, Indiana
................ 4 Lida Eunice CARPENTER
b: 24 Aug 1888 +Jack TRUAX
.......... 3 Emma Reilla MCCREARY
b: 20 Dec 1856 +William SHEARER m: 07 Aug 1879
................ 4 Nina SHEARER +James HOLDERMAN
.......... 3 Minerva Ruth MCCREARY b: 16 Jan 1861
+Cyrus H. FREEMAN m: 25 Jun 1882
................ 4 Howard FREEMAN +IVY
................ 4 Eunice FREEMAN +John STUTZMAN
................ 4 Dale FREEMAN
.......... 3 Henry Christian MCCREARY b: 13 Sep 1862
................ 4 Herman MCCREARY . +MATTIE
................ 4 Hazel MCCREARY +Lloyd EGER
................ 4 Hiram MCCREARY +CARRIE
................ 4 John MCCREARY +BELLE
.......... 3 Frederic George MCCREARY b: 16 Jan 1865
+LILLIAN m: in Elkhart, Indiana
.......... 3 Hettie Ann MCCREARY b: 03 Mar 1867
................ 4 Bessie ARMSTRONG +FISH
................ 4 Ethel ARMSTRONG +HALL
................ 4 Russel ARMSTRONG
.......... 3 [19] Minnie Elma MCCREARY b: 14 May 1869
................ 4 Eunice CRANE +Jack CRUM
................ 4 Alma CRANE .......... *2nd Husband: +RIVES
.......... 3 Walter Franklin MCCREARY b: 31 Aug 1871
.......... 3 Eunice Lai MCCREARY b: 30 Jun 1873 d: 13 Aug 1873
Subject: Re: Caldwell Family Member Hi Barbara,
No, this the first I have heard from you. No problem
I know how hard it can be to keep up with all the emails.
As to your Mary Polly CALDWELL. The Polly CALDWELL
I have in my line is the daughter of Matthew CALDWELL
who was b in circa. 1763 in Union County SC. He
apparently died here in Missouri in 1837 most likely
in Gasconade County. But do not have proof. He was
the son of Curtis & Sarah FONDREN CALDWELL.
Polly is listed as being born in 1793 in possibly Warren
County, KY. She was married to John COUCH on 9
Aug 1809. That is all that I have on her.
Her brothers & sisters:
· Curtis Washington - b 21 Feb 1786 SC.
d. 30 May 1854 Lee County, IA.
Wife - Mary N. HICKMAN; .
· Christina - b. circa 1787 SC. d 1839
Pope County, IL. Husband -Thomas COWSERT
· John L. - b. 26 Oct 1790 SC. d. 1863
McCracken County, KY. Wife- Myra MORGAN
· Sarah S. "Sally" - b 1791 SC. d. 1821
Jefferson County, AL. Husband- John McWilliams
· Henry - b 1792 Warren County, KY.
· Issac - b 1795 Warren County, KY. . 1860 Wife-
Nancy LAWRENCE. Her father, Matthew
remarried after his 1st. wife died. His 2nd. wife
was Nancy WHITE There children: George H. -
Merron - b 1805 Warren County, KY. Husband -
John EADES Matthew - b 1812 Warren County, KY.
d 17 May 1837 ; Sollomon - b 1818 Possibly Madison
or Jefferson County, IL. d Mesquite, Dallas County, TX.
Wife (1) Leona Ann CROWNOVER
(2) Martha Ann COATS Hugh C. -
b 1821 Gasconade County, MO. Wife
(1) Charlotte Ann MARRS, (2) Elizabeth CROWNOVER,
(3) Browder Ann BREEZE
Hope this helps. If I can help you with this
let me know. I have more info
the brother's and sisters if you want it.
Thanks, Mike
Subject: Caldwell Info. Hi Barb, I have a
copy of Matthew's Will, You list him as Matthew P.
I only have him as Matthew and I have copies of
Newspaper Ad's where he ran for State Office
and was elected as State Representative in 1834.
And Information where he was a Judge and bought
land in 1814 here in Missouri. What I have you would
probably like most is a copy although not a good
one, is of the Land Grant given to Curtis from King
George in 1763 for service in 1758 during the
Cherokee Uprising in the Carolinas. Also Copies
of the Land Survey. Do you know anything about
Sarah FONDREN? I have been looking for years
but have not found anything about her or who
Matthew's first wife was. I am related to you
from my ggggrandfather Joseph CALDWELL,
brother to Polly. I do not have a scanner as of yet
I just got this computer and got "onLine" last month.
Here is a good question for you, Do you know anything
about a Kincaid, Samuel K., David and John CALDWELL
they are shown as living in the same county here in MO
at the same time from 1814/18 on? I cannot find or
prove how or if they were related but it seems odd if
they weren't somehow. I think maybe Matthew had more
brothers or uncles that came west with him. The son of
Matthew, John L. was supposed to have died in KY 1863
maybe its the same man and he moved back to KY. ???
I will make some copies as soon as I can . It might be
just a little while as I work 12hr days this mon tue wed!!
Thanks for the Info. Mike CONGDON
Subj: Reference to the BOWERS side of
the family Date: 99-07-19 18:55:45 EDT (James Bledsoe)
Reply-to:,,,,,,, I do not know if you
can help me or I you regarding this information
as I only have mostly last names. My father had
half-brothers named Franklin and Monroe Bowers.
Their mother was Mattie Lewis Bowers. Their father
was Daniel. There were other children. However,
I think Monroe and Franklin (Frank) married into
the Anderson's. I think maybe one of the sisters
married a Reynold's and possible a Wilson. They were
originally from Carter Co. Tn. If these names mean
anything to you please reply. Violet Bowers Bledsoe
Subj: Re: Reference to the BOWERS side of the
family From: (Lynn Wilson)
Violet, in answer to your query, I had Wilsons and
Reynolds living in central Tennessee, but I don't
have any Bowers in my records. ....Lynn
Subj: John Couts family Date: 99-09-20
18:26:38 EDT From: (Bob Anconetani)
I have found my grandmother Rachel Rae Bird
Deewall in this family. My name is also in it. How
did it all come together.? Also there are some misinformation
& lack of names as there are several more great grandchildren
& marriages with her grandchildren. Let me know Thanks
Tonia Anconetani (Deewall)
Hi Tonia, Much of the information that I have has
been given to me by family members. The immediate
Couts line I have researched up to Teter Couts.
I would love to have the missing information and
any corrections that you might have. It all came
together when I asked my brother to show me
how to do this and I kept running into walls. It
was a strange name, "Couts" and I thought we
were the only ones who existed. I've since found
many Couts who are unrelated. My main solution
was to share info with as many people possible and
sort through all of the info. It became impossible
to respond to each person repeatedly, so, I thought
a newsletter might solve the problem. I am
not a "purest" and felt if I also search the allied
families, I will find out more info. Many time the
daughter carries the family history. Anyway, it
has been a blast, but it now takes much too much
time and does not give me a chance to really research.
The internet has made this project come together in a
timely manner, as well as the help of hundreds of people.
My children are computer geniuses and put it together
in a web page for me. I was fortunate to find major
allied family lines from wonderful people. I always
solicit pictures, stories, and info. If the person can't
put it together, I'll do it for them....I'm addicted....
Glad to hear from you and I can't wait for more...
Barb Couts Evans
Subj: Ermentraudt family line From:SMORTSLORI
I am a descendant of Johan Georg Ermentraudt.
He is believed to be a younger brother of Anna
Elizabeth. Is she your ancestor? I was doing an
Ermentraudt search and came across your page.
By the way, I noted that you are in California - well,
so am I and my older sister! I live in Arroyo Grande
and she lives in Carlsbad. I will send what I have to
you if you want, and hopefully you can help to expand
my information - we only go back to Johan Georg at
the present. Thank you for your assistance, Lori Larsen
Subject: Lockwood Family Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999
15:40:06 From: jerry lockwood
Hi Barbara, My name is Jerry Lockwood and I saw
you posting in Pittsburg Co, Ok. The Lowell Lockwood
you mentioned in your posting is my gr. uncle, his brother
Lewis Lockwood is my gr. grandfather. In my records I
show Lowell Lockwood's wife to be Letty, Lottie or Lutetia
( I have found it spelled these 3 different ways). In your
posting your mentioned you had been in contact with a
Lockwood descendant named Diane. I would very much
like to contact Diane and compare our Lockwood notes.
Will you please send me her e-mail address, her address
or forward my e-mail address to her so she can contact me.
I don't have any information on your Scriminger /
Skriminger family. Do you have any additional
information on the Lockwood branch?
Thank you. Jerry
Subj: Coonce From:
(Maria Joseph) Our Coonce line starts in KY
and then to MO before 1800 when it was Upper
LA and not part of US. Three brothers, John,
Nicholas and Jacob settled in
St. Charles, MO. Before they went to Upper LA
Jacob was in KY, Jefferson Co. and John was in ILL
and left when they outlawed slavery and went to MO.
I have information from 1800 forward, but
backwards is another matter.
Above Nicholas Coonce had son Nicholas Coonce,
Jr. who took his wife and two small sons west.
He drown in the Snake River, but his wife and two
sons went on to Washington state. Our name was
spelled many ways, mainly
because the early ones could not read or write.
Family oral history says they came thru Pa/Md,
but can not prove. Would be glad to mail you a
print out of my Family Tree program for my early
Coonces. Maria Coonce Joseph
Subj Couts Surname in OHIO From: (Benjamin S. Miller)
I have an Ida B. Couts in my line that married
William A. Booth. Ida B. Couts lived in either
Coshocton Co. or Tuscarawas Co. in Ohio.
William A. Booth was born 21 Jul 1867, he
and Ida married 9 Jul 1899 and he died Oct
1947 in Coshocton Co. Ohio. he is buried in
West Lawn Cemetery, Newcomerstown
Tuscarawas Co. Ohio. I hope that this
will help you in some way!
From: Subject:
Wade Couts born Indiana I am glad to find
a group working on the Couts line. I have
been researching the Couts line for several
years but with only limited success. I have
traced my Couts line back to Wade Couts
who was born in Indiana. I would be happy
to share what information I have if you would
like. Couts is my paternal grandmother's maiden
name from SouthWest Missouri area (Springfield).
Is any one else researching the Couts-Davis
connection from Missouri? I would appreciate
any help you might have. I have a picture of
Wade Franklin Couts born in Nebraska territory,
who was the son of Christly Couts, grandson of
Wade Couts. Thank you for your assistance.
Gerald McCoy
From: Linda Lane Hedges
listed below are found in the records of not
only Butler Co but Warren and Logan Cos.,
as well. I am in hopes that someone can identify
where George ANDERSON might be buried
given that we know he died in 1816 leaving
children who were later left under the ministration
of John RONE who was married to Rebecca
ANDERSON in Logan Co., KY in 1805.
KY, Butler County - Probate/Court Records -
Order Book B (LDS film # 0367183) pg 90;
15 Oct 1816: "Ordered that ???? a Summons
Issued requiring John Rone the person with whom
the infant heir[s] of George Anderson Decd resides
to show cause if any why said Infant orphans shall
not be bound out agreeably to Law. returnable to
next Court." [plural questionable] John RONE and
Rebecca ANDERSON are both buried in the old
RONE graveyard in Warren Co., KY. The George
ROAN listed below is most likely the brother of John
RONE listed above. George RONE m. 1814 in
Warren Co to Fannie BOZEMAN sister of Winnie
BOZEMAN who married one Bailey ANDERSON
in Jun 1816 in Warren Co., KY. Sandi Gorin posted
the following ANDERSON marriages in Warren Co,
KY on her mailing list, SOUTH-CENTRAL-
1797-1815 "A's"
ANDERSON, Bailey, over 21 and Winifred
BOZEMAN, d/o Jacob, 10 Jan 1814.
she over 21, 11 Apr 1800.
ANDERSON, John, over 21 to Sally ROMANS,
d/o Phillip, 10 Sept 1813.
ANDERSON, Joshua to Elizabeth COUCH,
consent by Sarah COLLINS (hers?)
20 Dec 1803.ANDERSON, Samuel to Martha
THORNTON, she over 21, 11 Feb 1800.
1 Aug 1797.
Following is a transcription done by Mark Strohbeck,
a descendant of the murdered, George ANDERSON:
KY, Butler - Court Records - Miscellaneous
Court Records, Coroner's Inquests
FHL Film #1035960: "March 6th
1816 The pannal of the Inquest for the Inquesition
on the in(?) view of the of the Body of George
Anderson found dead in Butler County James
Howel Foreman James P. Howard Andrew
Kurkindall Elijah Harlin James Elms John Staton
Andrew Woods Thomas Mannan P. W. Bell[?]
Adam Fleener John Adams and George Roan - -
Evidence for the Commonwealth to the Jury Elijah
Harlen Thomas Mannan and John Zedcomb: Elijah
Harlin stated that by the information of his little son
that he saw a man being dead in the road near Baley
Anderson's and he the sd. Harlin together with Thos.
Mannan and John Zedcomb went and found the sd.
George Anderson murdered which he supposed
and believed was sl..[?}. John Zedcomb the same
date further stated that he heard the sd. Baley Anderson
swear five days previous that is to say on the first day of
March 1816 he heard the sd. Baley Anderson say that
all that saves the said George Anderson's life that he did
not see a Bullit hole in his horsses[?] and many times that
he went to see if there was a Bullet hole in them - - Caswel
Waters being sworn depositts for the Commonwealth that
the sd. George Anderson was at the house of Old Mr.
Whealers about three quarters of a mile from the place
where the sd. G. Anderson was found dead on the 5th
Inst and the sd. Baley Anderson came there to the farm
near to the sd. Whealers house and he fell in conversation
with the sd. Baley Anderson. He stated that the sd G.
Anderson accused himself and Wiley Allen of putting[?[
upon him for selling Whealer an improvement and he the
sd. Waters told him that he believed that G. Anderson did
and he the said Baley Anderson said that he'd be damned
if George did not mind how he cut his cards that worse
would follow - - - The Evidence of Mrs. Baley
Anderson in behalf of the Commonwealth states that
Baley Anderson came home from Mr. Waters about
and hour and a half by sun and got his cloaths and some
[?] provision and told her that he was going to leave her
and would not live with her any more and went off
immedeately stating that he would take a Bal..
Cresuts[?] trip She stated that in the morning
she wanted him to prepare Lettuce and Cabbage
Bid? for her and he Baley Anderson swore hed be
damed if she wanted it done she might do it her self
- - -Mrs. Wiley Allen Evidence is to the same.
When questioned about the gun, both stated thay
did not no of the gun being out off the house in the
morning nor after twelve or one oclock if it was they
did not no it Mrs. George Anderson Evidence She
stated that her husband started away on the 5 of
March 1816 and did not tell her as usual wheare
he was going and between sun down and darker
she heard a gun fire which made her very uneasy
for she feard some thing had hapened from the threats
she had heard of - - -Ceburn Whealer Evidence
states that George Anderson left his fathers house
between sun set and dark and shortly after he thought
he heard a gun fire in the direction The Evidence
of Old Mr. Whealer was not to the purpose The
Evidence of John Roane in behalf of the Commonwealth
stated that Baley Anderson some time late in the night
of the 5 Inst came to his house Enquireing for Wiley
Allen but would not get in stating he was in a hurry
and must go home and went off that way - - - he
further states that Wiley Allen told him John Roan
on the 6 Inst that Baley Anderson had taken his
Mare on the 5 Inst he Baley Anderson told John
Roane when he asked him where he had been that
he had been out Cunalalle(?) all day - - - We the
jury give of the opinion that Bailey Anderson,
Constable of Butler County, is the murderer of
George Anderson. James Howel for" Linda
(Lane) Hedges
Subj: Hello! From: (Randy & Becky Hall)
Dear Barbara, thanks for the e-mail and the
information. I have e-mailed Gerald and hope
to hear from him soon on Wade Couts. I have
been really busy, I have a new grandson born
9/9/99 in Oregon. So, of course I just can't
stand to be away from that baby. My daughter
and her husband live in Oregon. It's about a
two-hour drive for me, which or course I
don't mind at all. They named him Sean
Macintosh Murphy. How's that for a
Scotch-Irish name!!! How has your summer
been? I hope your health has improved from
last spring My husband has been really busy
with all the fires around California. He works
for the U. S. Forest Service in Fire management.
My son is also engaged to be married July 2000.
I have a few more pictures for you that I got from
my great Aunt this summer. I will try to get those
to you soon. I just wanted to thank you for sending
along the information and to see how you were
doing. I will be in touch. Take Care, Becky
Subj: Catron Family From: GRMcCoy Barb,
Thank you for sending me the note from Becky Hall.
She indicated that she was working on the Catron
line as well as the Couts line. She said that she was
trying to prove her Catron line for the DAR. This is
of great interest to me as I am a member of the Sons
of the American Revolution. In fact, I am the Secretary
of the Missouri Society SAR and in the morning we
are marching in a parade in the uniforms of the
Continental Army. Two weeks ago, we had the honor
of providing the Color Guard at the Kansas City Chiefs
and Detroit Lions Football Game (for a sports fan, it
doesn't get any better than that!). Well, enough of my
SAR endeavors, I was wondering if Becky has the
documentation for proving the Catron line. Who was
the Catron Patriot? Would you have her E-mail or write me.
Thank you for your help. Gerald
Subj: Couts Family - Assoc. families.
From: (Richard Cullen)
Hi. I have been reading your family history research.
My family name is Killingworth, which I see is an
associated family. My immediate family lived in
Boston, Lincolnshire, England - the Boston. I am
only just starting my researches, but would be
pleased to let you know anything that might be
of interest to you. I would be interested to hear
of an early Killy who went to America. Kind
regards - Marguerite Cullen.
Subj: Re: Couts Family - Assoc. families.
From: (Richard Cullen)
Hello, Barb Thanks for your speedy reply.
I'm intrigued to hear about Janice Killingworth,
and will want to find out more about her. I may
get back in touch with you if I don't have
any success through the post. Kind regards,
Marguerite. P.S. You may be interested to
know that I am married to a German
called Dieter, sounds like "Teter".
Subject: Re: Julia Ann Fleener From: Linda L
Daffron Hi Barb, I have
an obituary for George J Couts from
the Pike County Dispatch 1944.
Submitter: Elizabeth Nordstrom (
Date: 28 Mar 1999
I am seeking information on FARAN
SHERIDAN COATES (d. 23 Nov 1940)
or his descendents. He moved to San Diego
prior to May of 1918 from Ohio
(probably ~1902-1903). In 1918 his address
was "RFD #4, San Diego". He was married to
CORA NEEL (d. 24 Dec 1959) on May 7, 1902
and had one son, HERBERT NEEL COATES
(b. 29 July, 1903, d. 17 Jan 1956) Herbert Neel
Coates was thought to have one daughter MYRL
COATES. Myrl was said to have moved to
northern California. FARAN, CORA, and
HERBERT are thought to be all buried in the
San Diego area. FARAN was born with his
last name spelled COUTS, but had his name
changed. His parents were JOHN CHADWELL
Irish Ridge, Guernsey County, Ohio. Thank you
for helping me find information on my
Grandmother's lost brother and his family..
Subj: re/Kautz ancestors From: (Herbert and
Donna Budig) Good morning, I am Donna Budig,
my e-mail address
My grandfather was Emil Kautz, born Sept. 3, 1884
in Stillwater, MN he died June 16, 1952. His
fathers name was Fred Kautz, born April 12, 1856
in Germany & died Nov.12, 1932 I believe the
family were from Pomerania, Germany. My aunt
has alot of the history written down. Would you
have any info regarding this family ? Would
appreciate hearing from you. Donna
Submitted Linda L Daffron
George J. Couts, for many years a well
known citizen of Monroe Township, died
Sunday morning, May 21, (1944) at 2:05
o'clock at the home of his son Curtis Couts,
on state highway 61 just north of the South
Fork bridge. He had been in failing health
for the past two or three years, serious for
several weeks. George J. Couts was born
in Monroe township, May 19, 1868 and
had reached the age of 76 years and 2 days.
He was a son of Aaron and Sarah Ellen
Wallace Couts. He was born on a farm and
learned farming which he followed during
his active years. June 1, 1888 he was united
in marriage to Louisa E. Fleener. Soon after
their marriage they settled on a farm where
they spent their married life and on the same
place where he died. The wife and mother
died suddenly March 19, 1935, after an illness
extending over a long period. Surviving are four
of the five children born to them, Curtis Couts
who with his family lived in the old home which
the son had owned for some time, and had
taken care of deceased during his declining
years; Thomas Couts of Arthur; Mrs. Sarah
McCord of Winslow; Charles Couts of Gibson
county. Thirteen grandchildren, four great
grandchildren, a brother, James Couts of
Monroe Township, and a sister, Mrs. Etta
Baker of Noble, Illinois, also survive. In early
manhood Mr. Couts united with the
Spurgeon Primitive Baptist
church and was a faithful member throughout his life.
He was an honorable gentleman, a good citizen
and neighbor and his passing left many friends.
The funeral service was held Tuesday morning
at the Spurgeon Primitive Baptist church, with
Elder Baker of Illinois, a former church pastor,
in charge of the service. Burial was in the
Spurgeon Cemetery. I have Louisa Elizabeth
Fleener born August 11, 1866 daughter of
Isaac Washington Fleener and Mahala Ferguson
Fleener. Talk to you later, Linda
>Rachel Ray Bird 1-20-1892 died
3-29-67 married Hiram Paul Dewall
11-07-1888 died 5-15-62
4 ) Orville, Ralph, Pauline, Stanley
Orville Edgar Deewall 6-15-14 5-11-90
maried 11-15-42
Gertrude Elizabeth Burns
Michael Allan Deewall
married Susan Jane Nash
Kelly Marie Dewall
Kent Aaron Deewall
Ralph Matthew Deewall
married Irene Josephine Sturgis
Rochelle Marrie Deewall married Robert Dean Stith 9
Stephanie died at birth
Roger Dean Stith
Rene Maureen Stith
married George Eugen Weaver
Brock Mathew Weaver
Taylor Bream Weaver
Ross Marlin Deewall m Barbara Gayle Reese
Natalie Coleen Deewall m
Brendon James Boone
Travis Ross Deewall m Wendy Dawn Zang
Reese Matthew Deewall
Morris Paul Deewall m Linda Jean Garten
Melissa Lynn Deewall m Jason David Herter
Stacy Jo Deewall
Marlene Kae Deewall m Darrell David Frazier
Shari Kae Frazier
Rusty David Frazier
Nicole Dee Frazier
Ella Pauline Deewall m- Robert Edwain
Rachel Faye Gilchrist
married Don Whittecar (divorced - no children)
married Richard Whitfield Robbins II
Richard Whitfield Robbins III
Amber Jolene Robbins
married Robert Graff
Paula Roe Gilchrist married (div) Robert A Haberlein
Tricia Anne Haberlein (his daughter)
Paul Robertson Haberlein
Robert Alexander Haberlein
Stanley Paul Deewall married Dorothy Jean Sooter
Tonia Linn Deewall 1 born in Coldwater, Ks
married Robert J. Anconetani
Rachael Linn Anconetani
Emily Jean Anconetani
Paulette Marie Deewall born in Coldwater, Ks
married (div in 1993) Ronald Robert McConnell
Melissa Ann McConnell
(no date)married Jon Murray
Kane Eric Murray
Noah Levi Murray
J. Robert Travis McConnell
Jessica Marie McConnel
Scott Andrew Deewall in Ashland, Ks. died 7-10-95
MarriedDorothy Darlington (div 84)
Dorothy Jean (Dollie) Deewall
married Lori Grissom
Bradley Stanley Deewall Ashland, Ks
married Gale Shambles
Bryson Eric Deewall
Michael Estes (Gale’s son prior marriage
Stanley married Betty Jean Briley
Gregory Wayne Briley (her son)
married Patti
I have had a terrible time getting this to you.
Getting the correct email
address is a challenge. Thanks Tonia
Recently, I met a new friend on the internet.
She turned out to be a Couts, from John
Couts and Polly Caldwell by way of
Charles Oatley- Charles - and Chris line.
Cali is a very engaging person, especially
for a nine years old, and I've thoroughly
enjoyed our correspondence. I hope
you will enjoy her emails too.
Subj: (none) From:
(Cali Couts) To:
I live in Arizona whoose your Dad and
do you ever gett picked on for your last name??
Hi Cali, To which part of the world do you
belong? If I know some generations or dates
I can help...Our name was originally
German - Kautz, but because most people
hadn't gone to school, the spellings were
easily changed to be part of the dominant
culture, British- Coutts (Coots).
Write soon, Barb Couts Evans
Arizonia? Your group (unless you just
recently moved there) probably came
from Ohio. Some of your distant relatives
are currently living in Colorado.
Boy, did I get picked on!! Things like
COWWWss and Cooties, you name,
they called it. But you know what, I lived
through it and they aren't doing much these
days and I tried and keep others from
making fun on kids today. I'm a principal..
later, Barb
Hi Barb!! What school do you work at?
Have you ever been to AZ? Lake powell
is really close to us. Bye CaliCouts
I think I went through Az once when I was
a little girl on the way to the Mid-west.
I remember the cacti and the Superstitious
Mountain. There was some kind of a
legend about a miner who hide his gold
in a cave and the Indians killed him and
the gold is still there. I was beautiful!
I slept through New Mexico though- car sick!
Have you ever been to Sacramento, CA?
We live pretty close to it....Barb
Hi Barb!! Most of our relatives I know
of live in Indana I'm sorry if I spelled it wrong.
Hi Cali, Ahhh! Two sets of Couts came from
Indiana. My own personal branch of Couts
who came from John Couts and Mary Polly
Caldwell in 1813 and a branch who landed
in a couple of counties over in 1860's from
Germany. Ours came from Pike and Warrick
counties. There are still a large number of
relatives there and I'd love to get their info!!
Hi Barb!! All I know is that most of my
relatives from Indana are good at Gardening.
Whats your DAds name and your Mom And
your grampa + Grama? My Dad is Chris Alan
Couts My Mom is Julie Lee Couts My Grampa
is Charlie Robert Couts my Grama is
Cloretta Ray Couts SEE Yaa!! Cali Couts
Hi Cali, My fathers name was Clarence Roy
Couts-mom was Ruby Childers, his dad was
William Levi Couts (born in Indiana)-Grandma's
was Hattie Winn. His father's (great grandpa's)
name was Alvis Couts-ggrandma Sarah Grim;
gggrandpa was Wiliam Levi Couts (again)
gggrandma was Elendon ? (maybe Graham);
ggggrandpa was John Couts and ggggrandma
was Mary Polly Caldwell. You and I share
John and Mary. How ya doing, Cuz?!
Later, Barb Here's yours: John Couts
and ggggrandma was Mary Polly Caldwell descendants:
Hi Barb,
Wow Barb thats really enteresting I'm
Doing good. Butt I'd like to know if 4th
grade was hard for you it
seems to be really hard to me eapeshaly math!!
Hi Cali, I almost can't remember 4th grade...
my teacher was about 4 feet tall, her hair
was roll into curls, she was about 40 years
old and still lived with her mom and dad...
she was very strict....we were not allowed
to think things were too hard...we had to
stay after school until we could show it to
her....but math had kept me after school
many times!!! Especially, Calculus three
times in college....I never did get the hang
of that one...Happy Halloween - almost....Barb
P.S. Can I put your letters in my newsletter?
Hi Barb, Do you still go trick-or-treeting I
do I'm gonna be a witch this year
Hi Cali, No, I haven't gone trick or treating
in a long time. My kids still have fun with
Halloween. They're going to a party. My
husband, Randy and I have fun counting the
kids, seeing the costumes, and handing
out candy. Be safe and have fun...Barb
Nine is good!! Everyone will love your letters...
Thanks, Barb
Record 118
Name: Kay Patricia Keith Couts, ,
From: Marshalltown, Iowa Comments: I found my
husband is on the Chrisley Couts line. I would like
some people on this line to contact me so we can
fill in some blanks, and fill in some blanks for this
site. Thank you. Kay Couts
Record 121
Name: Keith W. Lyon
From: Arnold, MD Comments: My GGGGrandfather
is Walter W. Stark who married Mary Magdaline
Couts. I didn't know Mary Magdaline's family
name until a few weeks ago when I was in
Robertson Co. Tenn and noted that someone
had penciled the name Couts after Mary's name
in the book on the Stark family at the local library.
I have been reading your web site carefully to
find the actual source that links Mary's identity
to the Couts family.
Record 130 Name: Kathy Mounteer From: Boise,
Idaho Comments: Cave Couts is my
great-great grandfather. My sister found
your site. We have a lot of info on the
Bandini side of our family. It's great to
learn about the Couts side. Thank you.
Record 132
Name: Bob Wilson
From: Tennessee to Alabama Comments:
Very well-done site. I'm the great-grandson
of Cave Johnson Wilson, who was born in
1845 in TN (1900 census). He was raised
outside Adairville, KY according to family
lore, and joined the Confederate cavalry in
Guthrie, KY in 1862. After 1890 he moved
with his wife and children to Robertson
County, TN, where his sons married Stroud
and Shepard women. Although I suspect
Cave was born in or around Robertson Co,
no TN Wilson family lists a son named Cave
or C.J. in the 1850 census. I had hoped to
find a link to the Couts family here, but no luck.
1870 Johnson County, Missouri Census
Chilhowee TownshipThe 1870 Census
Microfilm M593-784 for Johnson County Mo.
Cheryl Sears©1999
408A Chilhowee 26 46 46 Minton Sarah 50 F W Keeping House Ky
408A Chilhowee 27 46 46 Minton Addie 21 F W Mo
408A Chilhowee 28 46 46 Minton Elizabeth 18 F W Mo
408A Chilhowee 29 46 46 Minton James 15 M W Mo
408A Chilhowee 30 46 46 Minton Nancy 13 F W Mo
408A Chilhowee 31 46 46 Minton Charles 9 M W Mo 8
409A Chilhowee 15 59 59 Minton Martha 24 F W Mo
409A Chilhowee 16 59 59 Minton Lewellyre 6 M W Mo
409A Chilhowee 17 59 59 Minton Lavonia 5 F W Mo
409A Chilhowee 18 59 59 Minton Molly 3 F W Mo
409A Chilhowee 19 59 59 Minton Henry 20 M W Mo
408A Chilhowee 32 47 47 Couts Henry 55 M W Farmer Ky
408A Chilhowee 33 47 47 Couts Nancy 58 F W Ky
408A Chilhowee 34 47 47 Couts Joseph 20 M W Mo
408A Chilhowee 35 47 47 Couts Rebecca 18 F W Mo
408A Chilhowee 36 47 47 Couts Nancy 16 F W Mo
Providence Cemetery Barton Township - Gibson County - Indiana
Coordinates: 38° 16.43' N Latitude; 87° 26.47' W Longitude
Congressional Location: NE-1/4; NW-1/4; SECTION 8; TOWNSHIP 3S; RANGE 9W
Common Directions: 3 miles west of Somerville. Located adjacent
to Providence Church, on the south side of County Road 550S, at the
intersection with County Road 675E. The following list is an attempt
to show all known graves, using several different sources. There may
be other graves which are unknown due to missing, unreadable, destroyed
or broken markers. If you have knowledge of any other graves which may
not be shown below, please drop us an e-mail and let us know.
COUTS, Josuah L. 21- Jan-1856 3-Aug-1856
COUTS, Joseph C. 7-Dec-1858 8 mos Son of M. P. & M. Couts
CRISWELL, Lucy A. 13-Mar-1821 22-Jan-1874
California State Historical Landmarks in Imperial County - CERES
Properties of historical importance in California are currently
designated as significant resources in three state registration
programs: State Historical Landmarks, Points of Historical
Interest, and the California Register of Historic Places. Below
is a list of the State Historical Landmarks for Imperial County.
This data is provided by the Office of Historic Preservation -
California Department of Parks and Recreation and is also available
in the California Historical Landmarks Book. NO. 808 CAMP SALVATION -
Here, on September 23, 1849, Lieut. Cave J. Couts, Escort Commander,
International Boundary Commission, established Camp Salvation. From
September till the first of December 1849, it served as a refugee
center for distressed emigrants attempting to reach the gold fields
over the Southern Emigrant Trail. Location: Rockwood Plaza, Sixth
St E at Heber Ave, CalexicoUSGS Quadrangle Sheet Name: CALEXICO
Alta COUTS (1906 - 31 Oct 1958 )
Earl COUTS (20 Apr 1892 - 30 Mar 1916 )
Frank Wade COUTS (1902 - 14 Nov 1964 )
Maggie Lena COUTS (14 Jan 1899 - 27 Apr 1980 )
Minnie Avis COUTS (1897 - 26 Feb 1918 )
Pearl COUTS (27 Feb 1894 - 21 Feb 1942 )
Wade Franklin COUTS (1865 - 15 Jan 1936 ) see below
Earl Couts born-April 20, 1892
died March 30, 1916 Ozark, Missouri
Father- Wade Franklin Mother- Sarah Lucille Davis
Photos courteous of Nettie Mae Lucas
See the web page Web page at
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