VOLUME  9          August September October            NUMBER  4



A Quarterly Newsletter for the Descendants of the Couts Family #33




From: Catherine WinnTo: ""

Subject: descendant of Thursey Brinkley and John Coleman Winn Thanks for this great tree! There seems to be disagreement about this Winn being the son of Richard. I want to believe it is true, am glad to see it on your tree. Thanks, C. Winn

From: Edbow@aol.comTo:  Subject: Question You webpage discusses a Couts who lived near Brocks Gap in VA and later moved to Davidson County NC.  In your studies did you run across any Bowmans connected with the Couts, Trumbos, Humbles or Beggs.  My ancestor is a Cornelius Bowman born about 1740. His father was a Peter Bowman who was married to a daughter of Capt. Peter Scholl who lived near New Market VA on Smiths Creek.  Peter lived near where the Lincolns and Bryans lived on Linville Creek north of Harrisonburg VA when he died about 1763.  Peter's widow married a Tunis Van PeltPeter had a brother George who lived near Brocks Gap.  In 1749 he signed a transfer of a slave and some livestock to his mother Ann.  Witnesses on the transfer were Uriah Humble and Thomas Beggs.  Peter's son, Cornelius, my ancestor married a Susannah Painter or Pointer in 1764 at the Cooks Creek/ Peaked Mountain Presbyterian Church.  By the early 1770's Cornelius moved to NC near Abbotts Creek.  He later moved to Fort Defiance NC. In 1782 he was living in Watauga TN. By 1792 he moved to KY. From: Edbow@aol.comTo:  Subject: My work on Bowmans have now got CD's of my revised work on the Ancestors and Descendants of Cornelius Bowman who was born about 1740.  The files can be viewed using an Adobe Reader. The purchaser is given the right to print one paper copy for  non-commercial use.  The work includes over 400 pages of text,  plus numerous photos, and copies of old documents. The work provides evidence for the proposition that about 1763 Cornelius lived near Harrisonburg VA and that he was a descendant of Joris Jacobsen Bouwman who was living in the New Netherlands by about 1651.   I have not established just when Joris and came to America.  It is possible that Joris was not an immigrant but that instead that his father was the immigrant who was among the earliest settlers in the New Netherlands and on Long Island. The work discusses the children of Joris Jacobsen and the people connected with his family. It discusses the migration of Joris Jacobsen's descendants from Long Island to Staten Island to New Brunswick NJ to Readington NJ. The work provides evidence for the proposition that Cornelius (b abt 1740) was the son of Cornelius Jorisee Bouwman, the son of Joris Jacobsen Bouwman, and Anntje Staats.  It is believed that Cornelius Bowman (b abt 1740) married Susannah Pointer (Poynter?) or Painter about 1764 at the Cooks Creek Presbyterian Church near Harrisonburg VA. The book discusses a number of other Bowman families who lived in the Shenadoah Valley and other places in VA in the 1700's and it follows Cornelius from Abbotts Creek in NC to near Lenoir NC in the 1770's to Watauga(now TN) about 1782, then to KY by about 1795. It discusses his children and their children. It then takes off on my branch of the family which comes from Cornelius's son Rev. Thomas Bowman. Rev. Thomas's Bowman's son Absalom, my gg grandfather, moved from KY to AR or MO about the time of the Civil War. My great grandfather James Levi (or Lee) married in Denton County TX and then later moved to near Stillwater OK. The book mentions other Bowman's, some related and some not related, who lived in AR, TX and OK about the same time as my ancestors were in those areas. Some other families include: Boone/Van Meter/ Scholl/ Linkhorn (Lincoln)/Van Pelt/ Denton/ Staats/ Bodine/Sevier/Bird/McDowell/Ruddell/Hite/Stover/Potter/Painter/Pointer/ Rambo/ Poynter /Denton /Keller/Hottel/Hunt/Harrison/McBride/Brock/Huffman/Moore/Gabbard/Smith/Lynch/Beeler/Gay/Hamilton/Walkup/Isaacs/Lenoir/Dyer/Combs/Love/Sebourn/Anderson/Norris/Lawson/Linville/Hanks/Tipton/George Rogers Clark/Gabriel Jones  If you would like a copy please send a check in the amount of $25 to me at:
Edward L. Bowman, Attorney at Law  4800 Clearview Drive Bartlesville, OK 74006  Please include your mailing address and your email address. If you are not satisfied with the CD I will refund your money if you return it undamaged within three days after you receive it.

Subject: Re: Question From: In my earlier note I said that Martin Humble and Richard Winscot witnessed a 1749 transfer of some property of a George Bowman to his mother Ann.  That was wrong the witnesses on that 1749 transfer were Martin Shoemaker and William Rogers.It was a 1759 transfer of  an interest in a slave of George Bowman that was witnessed by Marting Humble.
From: "Thomas Gibson" <> Subject: Re: Hi Cousin  Hi Barbara,Thanks for the quick reply, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your pages. No, I didn't even know of his existence. Has he posted any information on the web? Regards, Tom Please scroll down to Moses Gibson 1768-1837  Merchant in Hillsborough, Rapahannock, Va. Married Betsy Withers Winn 1775-1855, in 1796 who was the daughter of Minor Winn Jr.,  who was the Grandfather of Stonewall Jackson Warm Regards, Tom Gibson

Barbara Evans wrote: Hi Thanks for emailing.  Have you contacted Dell Web?  He
gave me most of my info and he is an excellent source.

From: Linda Couts Are there any plans for a reunion anytime soon?

Subject: Baggett Genealogy  From:  I am a Baggett descendant & am seeking additional information. Do you have an Elijah Baggett-Father of Anita Baggett-in any of your research? Anita married Abner Page in 1895 in Montgomery, TN. She was born in 1872 also in Montgomery County.

Thanks, Teresa Edmundson

Subject: Re: Winn Family From: "James Winn" <> Cc: <>

Hi, Thank you so much for the information. Where do you live? You said you were in high school in the sixties so I assume you must be about  my age. I am 55. You said you and your husband were going to Mississippi for your vacation.  My husband and I went to Tennessee one vacation to the Battle of Shiloh. You  are right people say why don't you go to Hawaii or Mexico or something like that for vacations. I want to know all about my background I want to walk  the grounds they walked. When you see the grounds it gives you chills. I have always been told by my Father-in-law that the Winns owned some sort of property in Mississippi, and were run off and went to Arkansas because  they treated their slaves as their own family. When the Civil War broke out they had to leave. But he also told me that is when they changed the name  from Wynne to Winn. From the looks of your paperwork that would not appear to be the case.
Any way pictures. I wish you good luck with pictures. My Mother-in-law pitched all of hers because she said no one would be interested in them. Suzette

From: "Barbara Evans" <> To: "James Winn" <> Subject: Re: Winn Family Hi Cuz!!! I'm really happy to hear from you! Back in the sixties when I was in HS, we would go to So. Cal each summer to the Winn Family Reunion. It was in a beautiful park. That is about how much I got from it. I wish someone would have told me how important it really was. I do remember my dad talking about his cousins. He loved them dearly, because when he and his brother were orphaned early, they lived with the cousins. He was born in Crawford Co. near Van Buren in 1910. "Uncle Gus" was one of his favorite people. I've been searching for Winn pictures to scan and put on the page, especially of Hattie (ours is so faded. I was thinking of doctoring one of mine since the resemblance is so uncanny!) Let me know if I can give you any other info. My hubby and I are going to Miss. this summer for Civil War and Genealogy...boy that's sounds boring to others I know, but it's fun!  Barb My name is Suzette Frala Winn. My husband's name is Jimmie Ray Winn. My  husband was born Sept.22,1943 in Peoria, Ill. His Dad was John Martin Winn Born oct.03,1912 in Van Buren, Ark. His Dad was William Augustus Winn born June 13,1866 in Senatobia, Miss. His father was Augustine Washington Winn born 1831. Does this sound familiar? I think we are related. I just came across your site on Hattie Winn. I am surprised to learn  relations are so close to us. We live in Ontario, Ca. I don't think I have anything to help in genealogy I just dabble. Mostly to look atsites. Suzette Winn

Subject: Couts Family From: Parts Hello, my name is Don Terruso from Plymouth, Indiana. My grandmother was Eva M. Couts, she was the oldest of Elmer and Minnie Couts of Plymouth, Marshall County ,Indiana. There were 10 children in that family, I believe Elmer's father was Daniel Couts,his name appears in 1880s plat book. I am looking for information on the Couts family, is the information on your web sight available in a book form to set and read.I would appreciate any info you might be able forward to me at my E-mail or my address is Don Terruso , 111 Shalley Dr. Plymouth , Indiana ,46563   Thank you very much   Don

Subject: Couts family From: imolhd My step daughter is married to Nathan Seybold and I am working on our family tree. I want to enter this line into our tree. I want to make sure I enter the right line. This is how I have it, please correct it if I am wrong. Elva Joyce Blood and Virden Seybold (Nathan's parents) Asa Leonard Blood and Ethel Grace Blood (Grandparents) Joseph Harvey Helm and Mary Cammie Gray (G.Grandparents) Alexander Gray and Mary Ann Griffith (G.G. Grandparents) David Stitwell Gray and Mary (Polly) Bryd Bird (G.G.G. Grandparents) John Byrd Bird and Nancy Couts (G.G.G.G. Grandparents)

John Couts and Leah Stark (G.G.G.G.G. Grandparents). Any help would be great, your web site is very good. My email is:  My husband's is the one at comcast. Thank you for your help. Barbara Martin

COUTS/KOUTS/KAUTZ IN THE CIVIL WAR   Submitted  By Jack Childers, AKA INJack Jack Childers is a dear friend, who researches in our other family line, the Childers Family.  His specialty is Civil War re-enactment, research, history, and his missing Childers.  Very innocently, I asked if there were any Couts/Kouts/Kautz who fought in the Civil War. Well, Jack gave us enough information for several newsletters!  This article is the fifth installment.    

Couts, Amos  Confederate Cavalry 7th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry Co. G

Private Film Number M377 roll 3 Later reformed into -11th Kentucky "Chenault's" Cavalry Company G. This company was recruited in Bourbon County. There is only one known roll in existance, covering the period from Sep., 10, 1862 to Dec 31, 1862, and it is supposed to be very incomplete. (50 officers and enlisted men listed)Very little information about this company. However this regiment was known to have rode with General John  Hunt Morgan  (good info link)

Couts, Benjamin F. 8th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps Co.C   Pvt. Alternate Name Benjamin/Couts  Film Number M636 roll 7/8* *national archives 8th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps  Organized at Chicago, Ill., October 10, 1863, by consolidation of the 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 31st, 63rd, 78th, 81st, 83rd, 92nd and 96th Companies, 1st Battalion. Mustered out by detachments July 1 to November 20, 1865.

Couts, Charles Artillery 4th Independent Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery Alternate Name Charles/Courtz Film Number M544 roll 9 ----- National Archives 4th Independent Battery, Massachusetts       

                           Light Artillery

Organized at Lowell November 17, 1861. Moved to Boston November 20, thence sailed on Steamer "Constitution" for Ship Island, Miss., arriving December 3. Attached to Ship Island Expedition to March, 1862. 1st Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1862. Independent Command, Dept. of the Gulf, to January, 1863. Artillery, 3rd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. Gulf, to March, 1864. Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. Unattached Artillery, Gulf, to December, 1864. Unattached Artillery, Reserve Corps, Dept. Gulf, to February, 1865. Artillery, 1st Division, Reserve Corps, Dept. Gulf, February, 1865. Artillery, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. Gulf, to July, 1865. Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.


SERVICE.-Garrison duty at Fort Massachusetts, Ship Island, Miss., till April 15, 1862. Operations against Forts St. Phillip and Jackson April 15-28. Occupation of Forts St. Phillip and Jackson April 28. Moved to New Orleans, La., April 30-May 2. Duty at Carrollton till July 10. Expedition to Pass Manchac June 15-20. Manchac Pass June 17. Moved to Baton Rouge July 10-12. Duty there till August 21. Battle of Baton Rouge August 5. Moved to Carrollton August 21, and duty there till October 26. Two Sections moved to Fort Pike October 28, and garrison duty there till January 24, 1863, participating in numerous Expeditions along the coast and up the bayous leading into Lake Pontchartrain. Action at Bayou Bonfonca November 26, 1862. Expedition to Bay St. Louis and Pass Christian December 9-10. Moved to New Orleans January 24, 1863. (One Section remained at New Orleans, attached to Weitzel's Reserve Brigade, and participated in the Expedition to Bisland January 12-15, 1863, and action with Steamer "Cotton" January 14.) Battery at New Orleans January 24-March 1, 1863. Moved to Baton Rouge March 1. Operations against Port Hudson March 17-27. Advance on Port Hudson May 21-24. Siege of Port Hudson May 24-July 9. Assaults on Port Hudson May 27 and June 14. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Moved to Baton Rouge July 11-12, thence to Donaldsonville July 16. Moved to Port Hudson August 4-5, and duty there till August 22. Moved to Baton Rouge August 22-24. Moved to Brashear City, thence to Berwick September 19-23. Western Louisiana ("Teche") Campaign October 3-November 30. Vermillionville November 11. Bonfonca November 26. At New Iberia till January 7, 1864. Moved to Franklin January 7-9, thence to New Orleans January 26-28. Absent on Veteran furlough February 11-March 22. Moved from Boston to New York, thence to New Orleans March 25-April 6. Duty at New Orleans as Infantry till June 30. At Apollo Stables till September 5. Moved to Morganza September 5-6, and duty there till November 10. Atchafalaya River September 16-17. Expedition to Atchafalaya River September 20-23. Moved to Bayou Sara October 3, and Expedition to Clinton October 3-7. Jackson October 5. Moved to White River, Ark., November 10-15, thence to Duvall's Bluff November 16-17, and to Memphis, Tenn., November 23-28. Duty there till January 1 1865. Expedition to Colliersville, Tenn., December 21-31, 1864. Moved to Kennersville, La., January 3-5, 1865; to Dauphin's Island, Ala., February 9-11. Campaign against Mobile and its defences March 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Storming of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12, and duty there till July 1. Moved to Galveston, Tex., July 1-5, thence to Houston July 8-9, and duty there till October. Moved to Galveston, thence to New Orleans, Port Royal, S. C., and Boston, Mass., October 5-November 3. Mustered out November 10. 1865.


Battery lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed in action and 50 Enlisted men by disease. Total 51. USAMHI      RefBranch laf & ds Feb 97


4th Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery

Bowen, James L.  Massachusetts in the War, 1861-1865.  Springfield, MA:  Clark W. Bryan, 1889. E513B78.

                        See pp. 802-08 (4 photocopied pages) for a brief history of the battery.

Dyer, Frederick H.  A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.  Vol. 2.  Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979.  Ref.

                        See p. 1244 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the battery's service.

Massachusetts.  AGO.  Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Great Civil War.  Vol. 5. Norwood, MA:  Norwood Pr, 1931.  pp. 383-96.  E513.3M32v5. Contains a roster of the battery.The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive:


Briggs, Joseph B. - LeighColl Bk 24: 22 (LT’s report, Oct 3, 1862-Jan 29, 1863)

        Donoghue Family - CWMiscColl (Letter regarding death of enlisted man, John Donoghue, Dec 29, 1862)

        Taylor, George W. - LeighColl Bk 34: 22 (1st LT’s report, Dec 31, 1863)

Couts, A.S. Confederate  Cavalry  28th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry
Couts, Aaron Union Cavalry 10th Regiment, Missouri Cavalry
Couts, Allen
Union Infantry 15th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry
Couts, Amos
Confederate Cavalry 7th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry
Couts, Benjamin F. Union 8th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps
Couts, Charles Union Artillery 4th Independent Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery
Couts, Charles Union Artillery 1st Regiment, New York Light Artillery
Couts, Christian Union Infantry 38th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, David Union Infantry 152nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Couts, Franklin Union Infantry 93rd Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, George A. Confederate Infantry 14th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
Couts, Henry Union Infantry 34th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Henry Confederate Artillery Manigault's Battalion, South Carolina Artillery
Couts, Henry F
. Union Infantry 187th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jacob Union Cavalry 6th Regiment, US Cavalry (Regular Army)
Couts, Jacob Union Infantry 181st Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jacob Union Infantry 179th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jacob Union Infantry 8th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jeremiah Union Infantry 184th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jeremiah Union Cavalry 3rd Regiment, Ohio Cavalry
Couts, Jeremiah Union Infantry 186th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Jesse Union US Army (Regular Army)
Couts, Jesse E. Union Cavalry 8th Regiment, Missouri State Militia Cavalry
Couts, John Confederate Infantry 12th Regiment, Missouri Infantry
Couts, John A. Union Infantry 184th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, John A. Union Infantry 8th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, John A. Union Infantry 186th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, John A. Union Infantry 8th Regiment, Ohio Infantry (3 months, 1861)
Couts, Manary Union Infantry 48th Regiment, Kentucky Infantry
Couts, P. Confederate Infantry 50th Consolidated Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
Couts, Peter Union Infantry 68th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Poston Confederate Infantry 50th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
Couts, Russell H. Union Sharpshooters 2nd Regiment, US Sharpshooters (Regular Army)
Couts, Samuel Union Infantry 136th Regiment, Ohio Infantry (National Guard)
Couts, Samuel Union Infantry 184th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Samuel Union Infantry 186th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, Thomas H. Confederate Cavalry 16th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Fitzhugh's)
Couts, Thomas J. Union Cavalry 4th Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry
Couts, William A. Union Infantry 1st Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry
Couts, William B. Union Cavalry 3rd Regiment, Missouri Cavalry
Couts, William H. Union Infantry 34th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, William H. Union Infantry 38th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Couts, William H.H. Union Brigade Band (Department of West Virginia)
Couts, William I. Union Cavalry 3rd Regiment, Missouri State Militia Cavalry (2nd Organization)
I find  a David Couts from Indiana (that's it, at least with that spelling) He was in  the 152nd  If he'd waited about a week more the war would have been over!!! So much for patriotism.
152nd Regiment,
Indiana Infantry
Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., and mustered in March 16, 1865. Left
State for Harper's Ferry, W. Va., March 18. Duty at Charleston, Stevenson's Station, Summit Point and Clarksburg, W. Va., till August. Mustered out August 30, 1865.



Couts, Charles Artillery 1st Regiment, New York Light ArtilleryPvt. Alternate Name Chas./Coats Notes Film Number M551 roll 30---national archives (several different batteries unable to fine any  history)

Couts, Christian 38th Regiment, Ohio CO.-H  Pvt. Notes Film Number M552 roll 22 ---National archives

38th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Defiance, Ohio, September 1, 1861. Ordered to Nicholasville, Ky., September 1. At Camp Dick Robinson, Ky., until October 19. March to relief of Wild Cat October 19-21. March to Somerset, Ky., and duty there until January, 1862. Attached to 1st Brigade, Army of the Ohio, October-November, 1861. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Ohio, to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division (Center), 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to October, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Advance on Camp Hamilton, Ky., January 1-17, 1862. Battle of Mill Springs, Ky., January 19-20. Moved to Louisville, Ky., February 10-16; thence to Nashville, Tenn., via Ohio and Cumberland Rivers February 18-March 2. March to Savannah, Tenn., March 20-April 8. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Pursuit to Booneville June 1-6. March to Iuka, Miss., June 22; thence to Tuscumbia, Ala., June 26. Moved to Huntsville, Ala., July 19-22; thence to Deckard, Tenn., July 27. Decatur, Ala., August 7 (Detachment). March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg August 21-September 26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-15. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 7, and duty there until December 26. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Duty at Murfreesboro until March, and at Triune until June. Expedition toward Columbia March 4-14. Middle Tennessee (or Tullahoma) Campaign June 23-July 7. Hoover's Gap June 24-26. Occupation of Middle Tennessee until August 16. Passage of the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Conducting trains of the army from the Cumberland to Chattanooga during battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Chattanooga, Tenn., September 25-26. Siege of Chattanooga September 26-November 23. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Orchard Knob November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. Regiment reenlisted December, 1863. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1 to September 8, 1864. Demonstrations on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Buzzard's Roost Gap May 8-9. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Ackworth June 4. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Utoy Creek August 5-7. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Fayetteville, N. C. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 19. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June 12. Mustered out July 12, 1865.Regiment lost during service 8 Officers and 132 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 227 Enlisted men by disease. Total 369.

References for this Unit

Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868 National Tribune. Baird's Charge at Jonesboro. Benj. F. Mattern. 38th O.V.I. May 17, 1883 National Tribune. The Battle of Jonesboro. A. Scott 78th Ill. and G. 38th Ohio. May 24, 1883 National Tribune. Atlanta Campaign: What the Brigade did at Jonesboro, Ga.. Lee H. Rudisille, Sgt. 38th O.V.I. August 7th 1890 National Tribune. The Charge at Jonesboro: The Magnificent Assault by Este's Brigade. Lee H. Rudisille, Sgt. 38th O.V.I. August 5th, 1909 John D. Vail Papers. John Vail 38th OVI. 71 pgs. Typescript copy of Vail's diary describing camp life of 38th Ohio Volunteer Infantry on march to Savannah, Ga., Oct. 1864-Jan. 1865. Also includes speeches on slavery, Indians, and presenting a flag to Bellair Union Guards; poetry describing camp life; and financial statements of Vail, 1863-1888. Formerly cataloged as MSS 28. Call# VFM 3419. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio Andrew Altman Papers. Collection of Andrew Altman 68th OVI. Collection also contains several letters of Cyrus Altman serving in Co.B of the 38th O.V.I. Call# Archives MS707. Center for Archival Collections. Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio Pratt Family Papers. Papers of the Bruce Pratt Family. Collection includes some Civil War correspondence of John Carter, Co.B, 38th OVI, who died in 1862. Call# MS692. Center for Archival Collections. Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio Reunion History of the 38 O.V.V.I.. by David L. Lupien. 24 pgs.: ill. NP. Ft. Wayne. Ind. 1985. Call# E525.5 38th .L86 1985. Library of Congress. Washington. DC  U.S. Army Military History Institute. Carlisle Barracks. PA. 1995

Henry Couts  34 Ohio Infantry  Co E Vet. Surg Film Number M552 roll 22--national archives 

History Organized in July and August, 1861, under Colonel Abraham S. Piatt, it saw its first service the same fall in Western Virginia, and took part in the various operations in the Kanawha Valley up to 1864. In that summer it joined Hunter in the disastrous raid up the Shenandoah Valley, and was with Crook's command at the battle of Winchester, losing their Lt. Colonel; and to its grand satisfaction was again at Winchester with Sheridan, losing six color bearers on that memorable day. Those escaping the affair at Beverly - where the Regiment doing post duty was captured in January, 1865 - were consolidated with the 36th Ohio Infantry.

      From Dyer's Compendium 34th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Lucas, Ohio. Moved to Camp Dennison, Ohio, September 1, 1861; thence to West Virginia September 15. Arrived at Camp Enyart, Kanawha River, September 20. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, West Virginia, to October, 1861. Unattached, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, to March, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Kanawha Division, West Virginia, Dept. of the Mountains, to September, 1862. Point Pleasant, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio, to March, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, West Virginia, to June, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, West Virginia, to July, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia, to January, 1865. Unassigned, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to February, 1865.
SERVICE.--Action at Chapmansville, W. Va., September 25, 1861. Duty at Camp
Red House October, and at Barboursville November. Guard and scout duty and operating against guerrillas in Cabell, Putnam, Mason, Wayne and Logan Counties till March, 1862. Moved to Gauley Bridge March, and at Fayetteville April. Cox's demonstrations on the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 10-18. Princeton May 15-17. Retreat to Flat Top Mountain May 18, and duty there till August. At Fayetteville till September. Campaign in the Kanawha Valley September 6-16. Loring's attack on Fayetteville September 10. Cotton Mountain September 11. Charleston September 12-13. At Point Pleasant till October 15. At Fayetteville till May, 1863. Regiment mounted May, 1863. Expedition to Virginia & Tennessee Railroad July 13-25. Wytheville July 18-19 and 27. Scouts from Camp Platt September 11-13. Elk River September 12. Scouts from Charleston to Boone Court House October 21-26. Expedition from Charleston to Lewisburg November 3-13. Little Sewell Mountain November 6. Muddy Creek and capture of Lewisburg November 7. Second Creek, near Union, November 8. Scammon's demonstration from the Kanawha Valley December 8-25. Regiment reenlisted December 23, 1863, and mustered as a Veteran organization January 19, 1864. Crook's Expedition against Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 2-19, 1864 (Detachment). Averill's Raid on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 5-19. Callahan Station May 4. Jeffersonville May 8. Abb's Valley, Wytheville, May 9. Cloyd's Mountain May 9. New River Bridge May 10. Grassy Lick, Cove Mountain, near Wytheville, May 10. Hunter's Raid to Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Buffalo Gap June 6. Lexington June 11. Buchanan June 14. New London June 16. Diamond Hill June 17. Lynchburg June 17-18. Liberty June 19. Buford's Gap June 20. Catawba Mountains and near Salem June 21. Moved to the Shenandoah Valley July 12-15. Stephenson's Depot July 20. Battle of Winchester July 24. Martinsburg July 25. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 6-November 28. Bolivar Heights August 24. Halltown August 26. Berryville September 3. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Duty near Kernstown till December. Moved to Webster December 22, thence to Beverly, and garrison duty there till January, 1865. Rosser's attack on Beverly January 11. Many of Regiment captured. Regiment consolidated with 36th Ohio Infantry February 22, 1865. Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 120 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 130 Enlisted men by disease. Total 260.

References for this Unit

·         Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868

·         James J. Wood. Diary, May 1-October 28, 1864. James J. Wood. Transcript of a diary by a private serving with Co. D, 34th O.V.I.. Call# MMS 1144. Center for Archival Collections. Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green, Ohio

·         Luther Furney Diary 1863. Capt. Luther Furney. Company D. 34th OVI. 1 volume. Call# VOL 762. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio

·         Peter Calhoun Papers. Peter Calhoun. Co E. 34th OVI. 23 items. Civil War letters to Rebecca Calhoun from Peter Calhoun (husband) and Thomas J. Williams (brother). Sixteen items by Calhoun from West Virginia, concerning actions, movements, etc. Call# VFM2567. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio

·         Company "D," Thirty-fourth O.V.I. regiment. Lemuel E. Merry. Firelands Pioneer. XII. Norwalk. Ohio. 1876

·         Prison Experience of a North Soldier. George T. Smith. SHSP. 11. 1883. pp. 330-35. 3 photo-copied pages. E483.7S76v11. USAMHI. Carlisle Barracks. PA

·         Sketch of the Battle of Winchester, September 19, 1864. A Paper Read Before the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States, by First Lieutenant M.L. Hawkins. Morton L. Hawkins. 34th OVI. 17 pgs. Peter G. Thomson. Cincinnati. Ohio. 1884. Also in MOLLUS. Ohio. Sketches of War History, 1861-1865. Volume I. p. 142-159. Cincinnati. Ohio. 1888

·         Greene County Soldiers in the Late War: Being a History of the Seventy-Fourth O.V.I.: With Sketches of the Twelfth, Ninety-Fourth, One Hundred and Tenth, Forty-Fourth, Tenth Ohio Battery, One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth, Fifty-Fourth, Seventeenth, Thirty-Fourth, One Hundred and Eighty-Fourth: Together With a List of Greene County's Soldiers. by Ira S. Owens. 294 pgs. Christian Publishing House. Dayton. Ohio. 1884. Call# Rare Books E525.4 74th .O92 1884x. State Library of Ohio. Columbus. Ohio

·         Roster of the Thirty-Fourth O.V.V.I.: Containing the Names and Addresses of the Members of the Regiment / Prepared by W.H. Sheckler. W.H. Sheckler. 62 pgs. Journal Job Rooms. Bucyrus. Ohio. 1889. Call# PA Box 725 2. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio

·         The Lynchburg Campaign, June, 1864. James A. Thomson. From G.A.R. War Papers. Cincinnati. Ohio. Fred C. Jones Post. 1891. pp. 121-47. 14 photocopied pages. E464G72v1. USAMHI. Carlisle Barracks. PA

·         National Tribune. The Lynchburg Raid. Movements of the Army of West Virginia in May and June 1864... Col. Shaw and the 34th Ohio Recapture the Artillery. Mart Howe. April 14, 1892

·         Roster of 34th Regiment, Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry. NA. 23 pgs. Blum Printing Co. Dayton. Ohio. 1902. Call# General PA Box 725 1. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio

·         Roster Chace Mac-acheek Piatt Zouaves : 34th Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry : 1906. by Chace Macacheek, Piatt Zouaves Association. 41 pgs. NP. 1906. Call# PA Box 725 3. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio

·         History of Jerome Township. Union County, Ohio. by W.L. Curry. Press of Edward T. Miller Co. Columbus. Ohio. 1913. Contains a history of the 34th OVI on pgs 103-104.

·         Headquarters in the Brush. Blazer's Independent Union Scouts. by Darl L. Stephenson. 352 pgs. 70 illustrations. Ohio University Press. Athens. Ohio. 2001. Selected members of the 34th OVI also served in Blazer's Scouts.

Henry Couts  Manigault's Battalion, South Carolina Artillery Co C Private  Film Number M381 roll 7-national archives Manigault's Battalion, South Carolina Artillery 18th Heavy Artillery Battalion [often called the Siege Train Artillery Battalion] was organized during the spring of 1862 with three companies. Many of the men were from Charleston. It was assigned to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and fought at Fort Sumter, Grimball's Landing, Battery Wagner, James Island, and John's Island. In June, 1864, Company C was transferred to Pegram's Battalion of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia and was active in the Petersburg siege. That December it returned to the battalion which later served as infantry in the Army of Tennessee. It surrendered on April 26, 1865. The field officers were Majors Charles Alston, Jr. and Edward Manigault.

Henry F. Couts  187 Ohio Infantry  Pvt. Film Number M552 roll 22-national archives Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in March 2, 1865. Left State for Nashville, Tenn., March 3, 1865. Provost duty at Nashville, Tenn., Dalton and Macon, Ga., until January, 1866. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Separate Division, District of the Etowah, and Dept. of Georgia. Mustered out January 20, 1866.Regiment lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 1 Officer and 52 Enlisted men by disease. Total 54.

Jacob Couts 6 U.S. Cav. Co. G  Private Film Number M233 roll 27--national archive USAMHI Ref Branch laf & df Sep 95 6th United States Cavalry

Carter, William H.  From Yorktown to Santiago with the Sixth U.S. Cavalry.  Baltimore:

        Friedenwald, 1900.  317 p.  #303-6CAV.1900. See pp. 1-130.

      The Life of Lieutenant General Chaffee.  Chicago:  Univ Chicago Pr, 1917.  296 p.  El8lC43.

                        See pp. 9-52.

      .  "The Sixth Regiment of Cavalry."  Maine Bugle  3 (1896):  pp. 295-306 (7 photocopied

        pages).  E5ll.4M352.1896.

Dyer, Frederick H.  A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.  Vol. 2.  Dayton, OH:

        Morningside, 1979.  Ref. See pp. 1692-93 (2 photocopied pages) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.

Rodenbough, Theo. F., and Haskin, William L., eds.  The Army of the United States....  NY:

        Maynard, Merrill, 1896.  Ref. See pp. 232-41 (5 photocopied pages) for a brief history of the regiment during the war.

 White, John C.  "A Review of the Services of the Regular Army During the Civil War."  Serialized                

                       article from an unknown periodical, 1909?  ca 150 p.  E492.3W54.1909.

Our Photo Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive:

Papers on Battle of Fairfield - HCWRTColl-GACColl (filed under Shevchuck, Paul M.,

                        "Cut to Pieces")

        Brisbin, James S. - CWTIColl (GEN's letters, Sep 12, 1862-Nov 28, 1865; Biography, 1837-92)

        Carter, William H. - BrakeColl (Officer's roster, capsule history & accounts, Oct 1896 & 1900)

        Gantz, Frederick - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's letters, Jul 20 & Nov 19, 1862)

        Hubbard, Robert A. - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's pension, obituary, copy of photos &

                        genealogical information, Dec 22, 1932)

        Kautz, August V. - Kautz Coll (GEN's reminiscences; Diary, 1863; Biography)

        Paulding, Tattnall - HCWRT Coll (Officer's diary and accounts of prison, June 14, 1863-

                        May 14, 1864)

Jacob Couts  181 Ohio Infantry Pvt. Film Number M552 roll 22HistoryMustered for one years service at Camp Dennison, October 15, 1864, 1007 men, under Colonel John O'Dowd; reported at Huntsville, Alabama, October 29th; served the year out in that state and Tennessee; December 24th assigned to Third Brigade, Second Division, Twenty Third Army Corps; in January and February transferred with its corps, via Washington to Goldsboro, North Carolina, where it joined Sherman; mustered out at Salisbury, North Carolina, July 14th, 1865, 850 men, Colonel John E. Hudson commanding; returned to Camp Dennison by way of Baltimore. From: The Military History of Ohio. by H.H. Hardesty

From Dyer's Compendium181st Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, and mustered in October 10, 1864. Left State for Huntsville, Ala., October 24. Attached to District of Northern Alabama October, 1864. 1st Brigade, Defences Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 23rd Army Corps, Army of the Ohio Dept. of North Carolina, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty at Huntsville and Decatur
, Ala., till November, 1864. Moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., November 30. Siege of Murfreesboro December 5-12. Wilkinson's Pike, near Murfreesboro, December 7 and December 13-14. Duty at Murfreesboro till December 24. Moved to Columbia, Tenn., December 24. Movement to Washington, D.C., thence to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 15 to February 9, 1865. Operations against Hoke February 11-14. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Goldsboro March 6-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 21. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Raleigh, Greensboro and Salisbury till July. Mustered out July 29, 1865. Regiment lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 27 Enlisted men by disease. Total 33.

Jacob Couts179 Ohio InfantryCo. B Pvt. Film Number M552 roll 22 179th Regiment Infantry Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in September 29, 1864. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., arriving there October 8. Attached to Post of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 20th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. Post of Nashville to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Engaged in post and garrison duty at Nashville, Tenn.. October, 1864, to June, 1865. Battle of Nashville December 15-16, 1864. Mustered out June 18, 1865.Regiment lost during service 80 Enlisted men by disease. USAMHI Ref Branch la Oct 90

179th Ohio Infantry

Dyer, Frederick H.  A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.  Vol. 2.  Dayton, OH:

        Morningside, 1979.  Ref.See p. 1554 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.


Ohio.  Roster Comm.  Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the

Rebellion.  Vol. 9.  Cincinnati, OH:  Ohio Valley Pr, 1889.  pp. 619-40 & 783-84.  E525.3038v9.  (Unit roster and list of wartime deaths).

Reid, Whitelaw.  Ohio in the War:  Her Statesmen, Her Generals and Soldiers....  Vol. 2.

          Cincinnati, OH:  Wilstach, Baldwin, 1872.  E525R342v2. See p. 717 (1 photocopied page) for a brief   regimental history and roster of officers. USAMHI Ref Branch la Oct 90

181st Ohio Infantry

Dyer, Frederick H.  A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.  Vol. 2.  Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. 

Ref. See p. 1554 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.


Ohio.  Roster Comm.  Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the

         Rebellion.  Vol. 9.  Cincinnati, OH:  Ohio Valley Pr, 1889.  pp. 641-66 & 784-85.  E525.3038v9.  (Unit  

        roster and list of wartime deaths).


Reid, Whitelaw.  Ohio in the War:  Her Statesmen, Her Generals and Soldiers....  Vol. 2.

        Cincinnati, OH:  Wilstach, Baldwin, 1872.  E525R342v2.

                                See pp. 720-21 (1 photocopied page) for a brief regimental history and roster of officers.





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