VOLUME 11 February March April NUMBER 2
A Quarterly Newsletter for the Descendants of the Couts Family #39
Subject: Photos from Sue - Moseley Couts Paperwork and more...From: From: To: Hi. The last 16 frames are the scans of the Van Rensselaer Letters to Hillery Maer. I have tried to label them VRdate-1 or 2 etc. They did not load in order so you have to juggle. Let me know if any of this makes sense...Sue
Subject: Re: The Falls of the Ohio "Barbara Evans" To: I think that I wrote to you about 6 years ago, regarding my 5x great-grandfather Christley Couts (sic Coontz). He was a Matross, who did not go to Vincennes, but stood duty at the fort. I was hoping for additional information on he and his family who probably left with Donnellson and went to KY. Thanks, Barb
Subject: Re: The Falls of the OhioFrom: <>
I found a Christopher Coontz listed with those " who served in some of the campaigns of George Rogers Clark, but who were not allotted land in Clark's Grant... Also a Chrisr. Coonts in Cpt. Robert George's Company of Artillery under Clark. He enlisted as a matross June 14, 1782 at least until July 31, 1782. He also enlisted into the same company Sept. 1, 1782 for 5 months. Also a Christn. Coonts is listed as having enlisted as a "montross" on June 14, 1782 in the same company until August 31, 1782. And again a Christn. Coonts enlisted into the same company August 1, 1782 until August 31, 1782. Also C. Coonts enlisted in same company February 1, 1783 until he deserted.
Subject: Couts family of Robertson TN From: "S Hartlieb" <> I come from the Walter Stark Mary Magdalene line. Mostly I’m testing to see if this email is still valid. Scott
Subject: Re: Couts family of Robertson TN From: "S Hartlieb" <> I guess my first question is related by a comment. Have you been able to tie all these Couts together? They certainly LOOK like they come from the same family yet I have not seen records of Virginia that do tie them together. Unfortunately my notes are in a garage as we moved last July. I did extract some records from TN and didn’t find anything of proof of relationship. I have yet to see hard proof Mary Magdalene was a Couts. There is a Couts acting as ?bondsman? in the will of ?Walter? Stark. This is all hard to do from memory. It very much circumstantially looks like she was a Couts but I have not seen proof. I was trying to push the Couts further back and never even found them in VA. I looked in Stafford and Loudon. Scott
Descendants of Walter Stark
1 Walter Stark b: Abt. 1762 in Loudon County, Virginia d: 1832 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tenn
.. +Mary Magdalene Couts m: Abt. 1790 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee b: Abt. 1761 in Loudon County, Virginia? d: 1851 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee 1855
2 Nancy Stark b: Abt. 1792 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: Aft. 1860 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
2 Rachael Stark b: Abt. 1795 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
2 Mary Polly Stark b: December 27, 1797 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: May 06, 1877 in Depot, Red River County, Texas
2 Joab Stark b: Abt. 1800 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: 1873 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
... +Cordelia Randal m: July 23, 1827 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee b: Abt. 1800
2 John C. Stark b: Abt. 1803 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: September 25, 1839 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
2 Levi Stark b: Abt. 1805 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: Aft. 1870
2 Maomea Stark b: Abt. 1808 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: Abt. 1835 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
2 Avery Stark b: Abt. 1810 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: Aft. 1880 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
Subject: Couts From: Hi, I am researching the Couts family of Robertson, Tennessee. The family is black. I have an Allen Couts b 1825 married to Jennie Krisle on Dec 27, 1866. In 1900 their son Thomas was living in Texas. If you have any info, I would appreciate hearting from you. Mary Farrell
Subject: Re: Couts From: Hi Barbara, Thank you for the wonderful information you sent me. Here is what I have. Allen Counts b 1825 mulatto married to Jennie Krisle b 1835 black. In 1870 Allen was a Domestic Servant living in the home of Thomas Krisle b 1820 white. Thomas was married to a Lizzie b 1830.
Their children were
Krisle, Kinshim b 1857 w male
" Pop b 1869 w female
" Lawson b 1864 w male
" Jennie b 1868 w female
" Allen b 1806 mulatto male Domestic Servant
Couts, Allen b 1835 mulatto male "
Next door is Allen Couts wife and children.
Couts, Jennie b 1845 f b
, Jane b 1860 f b
, Jacob b 1862 f b
, Martha b 1864 f b
, Mary7/12
In 1880 Census
Couts, Allen b 1835 b male Farmer
Jennie b 1845 b female wife
John b 1868 b male son - John Couts born 1868 in the home of Jennie Couts.
Bettie b 1870 b female dau
Thos b 1875 b male son
Fannie b 1877 b male dau
Pop b 1880 b female dau
Krisle, Martha b 1863 b female relative
That is all I
have at this time. Thos left Robertson and went
to Texas. Thank you again, Mary
Subject: [KAUTZ] Re: Daniel Kautz From: <
This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to this mailing list.
Classification: Obituary Message Board URL: Message Board Post:
I have a Daniel L Kantz born Rock Spring, MD. Died Nov. 16, .1950 in Columbia,
Mtt.. Hope this help somebody/
Couts from Germany/England/Toronto Hi folks, my sister has been doing some
good research, and I have new info to post. BUT---this forum looks completely
inactive. Nothing has been posted since my message months ago. Please advise.
Martha Jackson Old Mail: Barbara Evans wrote: HHMMM? excellent! I'll add him on
to the list. Barb
Many thanks, Barb. On my father's birth certificate (1916) her name is spelled
Couts, but it could certainly have been an error, or have gotten changed through
time. You may have noticed my error: obviously, my grandmother didn't marry my
father! She married my grandfather, Sidney Jackson of Toronto, and had two
children, Mervin and Marion. One thing I've always hoped might come out of my
genealogical research is to locate Marion or her children (my cousins) but
chances are rather slim, since I don't know her married name . . .best, Martha
Jackson Barbara Evans wrote: I bet she was a COUTTS (Coots) . I'll see what I
can find and add this to the newsletter. Thanks, Barb <>
To: <>Wednesday,
October 19, 2005 Subject: Jewish Couts Hello, my Jewish grandmother was Annie
Couts, who emigrated from Leeds, England to the Toronto, Canada area in the
late 1800s or early 1900s. I believe her family had come from Poland to
England. She married Mervin Jackson, my father. Are these people in your
family tree anywhere? I tried using the search button on your site, but it
didn't work. many thanks, Martha Jackson Posted by:
Martha Jackson Date: June 23, 2006 at 10:41:54
Subject: The Kautz - Couts
From: Hello Barbara, thank you very much for your mail. My
English is very bad, but I try to write you. I know about "Kautz" that my
grandfather was living in East Prussia. But till now, I don't know more. Thank
you for your interest of my Website. I will be very happy when I will have a
sign in my guestbook from you. When I know more about the "Kautz"- family I will
write you. I hope I will hear from you. Yours sincerely Klaus Kautz
"Barbara Evans" <> schrieb: Klaus, Thank you for signing our guest book. Once upon a time, we too were Kautzes. I love your artwork. My German is rusty (not good) but I found your page very interesting. Do you know anything about your Kautz? Barb
Subject: Re: guestbook From: Cindy Bedwell Barbara - Thank you for answering my email - Darrell Kautz is the author of "In the Shadow of the Bell Tower" - you can contact him through the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. A 3rd cousin of mine directed me to your website. It's amazing all the spellings of the last name "Couts" - my grandmother was Kautz. Are you interested in the "KAUTZ" line? Since the spelling is different I didn't know if there was any relationship? Just let me know. Thanks. Cindy
Subject: Esther Couts From: Clarence Worrall Esther married James Warneer Dickerson her dad was John Couts help
Subject: Re: [WR] William Wright Ky From: <> Barb, that I don't know. This William that moved to MO ha strong connections with the Tolson Family, seemed to move with them from VA to KY then to MO. This movement happened from the end of the Rev War until about 1825. From what I gather, this William Wright may have had a second family as that is where the DAR approval came from. The children listed on the application do not include a daughter named Sarah. Frank, Maybe he has a sister-Sarah?
Subject: Web Site From: Linda Marrone Hello, Your web site is wonderful. I am just starting a Palmes website and was interested in having mine added to your list of family web sites. I don't know if many of your family members have much interest in the Palmes but so many new and interesting facts have recently been discovered I was just trying to find a way to get the information out there. I also like the idea that yours is absolutely advertisement free who did you hire to put it together? Linda M Marrone
Subject: Re: Web Site From: Linda Marrone That would be so kind of you to add my web site. Do you have any family ties to the Palmes or have any interest? If so I would love to send you a free copy of the Palmes Book either CD or paper back just let me know where to send it Thanks again, Linda
Re: Web Site From:
Linda Marrone It was actually
published and I ordered extra paperbacks and I burn the CD's so if you have
any interest I would love to send you a copy of either the paperback or CD for
no charge just as a thank you....... so just let me know if you would rather
have a CD ( its in color) or a black and white paper back and give me an
address to send it to Lynn
Subject: Aaron Couts/ Sarah Sally Kirby From: "Dix E" <>
Looking for information on family of Sally Kirby who married Aaron Couts
/Couch son of Chrisley. One source thinks she and brothers Terrance and
Leonard were children of a John Kirby cousin of Samuel L. Kirby who married
Hannah Boone and Jesse Kirby who married Sophia Choice in Warren Co. Ky.
Chrisley married Sarah Wright and Samuel L. Kirby's father Henry married
Susanna Wright in Va or N.C. Another source thinks Sarah, Leonard and Tarrance
are children of a Leonard Tarrant Kirby brother of Jesse who md Sophia Choice.,
and their father was David Kirby md Elizabeth Tarrant and Grand father John
Kirby md Johanna Owen in Pittsylvania Co. Va. Henry who married Susanna Wright
was another son of John and Johanna. John Couch married who? John moved to
Booneville, Indiana area in early 1800 with
the Boone and Anderson families. My Mason David Kirby is showing up on the 1850
census in Jennings Co. Ind born 1825 in Ky working for a miller by the name of
James Champion. No parents living nearby that I could find. In 1860 he is in
Warren Co. Ill. married to a Matilda Talley and has sister ? Kesiah Kirby born
1819 in Ky living with him. Other Kirby families living in Warren Co. Ill are
George Washington Kirby md Martha Talley and Edna or Edney Kirby md Wm.
McCammon in Sumner Co, TN in 1830. Can you offer any help? Dixie
dlsauter45@hotmail.comLooking for information on family of Sally Kirby who
married Aaron Couts /Couch son of Chrisley. One source thinks she and
brothers Terrance and Leonard were children of a John Kirby cousin of Samuel
L. Kirby who married Hannah Boone and Jesse Kirby who married Sophia Choice in
Warren Co. Ky. Chrisley married Sarah Wright and Samuel L. Kirby's father
Henry married Susanna Wright in Va or N.C. Another source thinks Sarah, Leonard
and Tarrance are children of a Leonard Tarrant Kirby brother of Jesse who md
Sophia Choice., and their father was David Kirby md Elizabeth Tarrant and Grand
father John Kirby md Johanna Owen in Pittsylvania Co. Va. Henry who married
Susanna Wright was another son of John and Johanna. John Couch married who?
John moved to Booneville, Indiana area in early 1800 with the Boone and Anderson
families. My Mason David Kirby is showing up on the 1850 census in Jennings Co.
Ind born 1825 in Ky working for a miller by the name of James Champion. No
parents living nearby that I could find. In 1860 he is in Warren Co. Ill.
married to a Matilda Talley and has sister ? Kesiah Kirby born 1819 in Ky
living with him. Other Kirby families living in Warren Co. Ill are George
Washington Kirby md Martha Talley and Edna or Edney Kirby md Wm. McCammon in
Sumner Co, TN in 1830. Can you offer any help? Dixie
"Barbara Evans" <>To:
Subject: Hi Cuz- guestbook Hi
Jennifer, Thanks for signing our guestbook. There is a distinct
possibility that we are cousins. Germany to PA to VA to KY to TN to MO to
Kansas and Texas. To whom do you connect? Barb Couts Evans
Subject: RE: Hi Cuz- guestbook From: "jenni couts" <>Hey Barb, I talked to my Grandpa Couts who is Earl Couts and he said something about some family in Texas and I wanted to see if I could find people so I got on google, googled my last name and your site came up. I checked it out and grandpa said some of the people looked familiar. But I don’t know most of my extended family because my parents are Mr. and Mrs. Anti-Social and they don’t even get along with most of their own family. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know my grandpa because he thinks we have a small family, but I think he is lying to me. (lol). But that’s my family for you, a bunch or social disasters, but I love them.-Jenni Some of mine are the same way too Jenni, welcome to the family! Barb Couts Evans
Will Couts Smith From: <>
Barb: Don't know if you remember or not, but I e-mailed you a year ago looking
for information on my grandfather, Will Couts Smith (you placed the request in
Newsletter #35). Well.. I FOUND HIM! Finally. He was the youngest child of John
Joseph Smith of Logan Co. Ky. and Florence E. Draughon... daughter of George E.
and Tabitha (Couts) Draughon. His wife, Jennie England, was the youngest
daughter of Wm. H. and Mary (Connell) England. I am new at all of this
genealogy stuff, so am not sure how to get the particulars to you. Apparently,
I need to do a GED file!!??? Soon as I figure it all out I will update my end of
the family and forward it to you! Thanks for your site. I would never have
found him without it. Billie Cole Outstanding…Barb
Subject: smith/couts connection From: Dear Barb: It has been a year since I first contacted you
through the Couts family site. I have attached a file which shows my
connection... which is through Tabitha M. Couts (daughter of John F.) who
married George E Draughon. Their oldest child, Florence M. married Joseph J.
Smith of Logan County. Their son, William Couts Smith was my Grandfather. This
is the first file I have ever tried to export so let me know if it doesn't
work! My Grandfather Smith and his brother, George E. are the ones who owned
the store I mentioned (Smith Bros. & Dorris, Co.). I found this information on
my Grandfather's WWI Draft Registration Card. I have come so far in finding this
side of my family. The main names are the Smiths (from KY), Draughons,
Englands, Connells and Waltons, but if there is one thing I've learned it's that
practically everyone in Robertson County is related to everyone else! My
information on the England/Connell branch is more sketchy and may require a trip
to Springfield. I was only there once as a very small child and now want to
return more than ever! I am a teacher, so have time off in the summer and may
come then for a few days to check out resources I have not been able to get
online. By the way, I have an original copy of Goodspeed's History
of Tennessee (1886) that belonged to my Grandfather England (he is one of
the biographical sketches). I never appreciated the information in it
until now. I used to look at it as a little girl, but never really knew how I was connected to it. When I pulled it out at my mother's house last week, not only could I hardly put it down, but in it's pages I found a $100 Confederate bill and a letter to my grandfather from CC Bell dated 1885! You would think I had found the Holy Grail! I was a history major in college, so all of this is heady stuff to me! It's like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. Thanks again for your help and for your web site. Hope we can meet one day. Your cousin (somewhere along the line!) : ) Billie Cole
Descendants of George Elvis Smith
1 George Elvis Smith 1866 - 1937
.. +Ada Marie Moore 1869 - 1933
........ 2 Fred Moore Smith 1891 - 1945
............ +Mary Elizabeth Bradley 1891 - 1962
................... 3 Mary Bradley Smith
................... 3 William Bruce Smith
................... 3 Richard Young Smith
................... 3 Fred Moore Smith 1913 - 1999
....................... +Sarah Belle Glover 1911 - 1992
............................. 4 Susan Smith
............................. 4 Sam Glover Smith
............................. 4 Fred Moore Smith 1933 -
........ 2 Rebecca Florence Smith 1895 - 1931
............ +Frank Clayton Bridges 1888 - 1935
................... 3 Frank Clayton Bridges 1921 - 1987
................... 3 Adah McMurry Bridges 1923 -
....................... +Wilburton Andre Simpson 1920 - 1995
............................. 4 Lisette Diana Simpson
............................. 4 Lance Lester Simpson
............................. 4 Joseph L Simpson 1947 - 1967
Picture of Wade Franklin Couts From: Barb, for your files, here is a picture of Wade Franklin
Couts, born 1 Jan 1866 in Nebraska and died 15 Jan 1936, in Springfield MO. He
is the son of Christford "Christly" Couts and Nancy Jane "Jenny" (Buchanan)
Couts. Wade is my Great Grandfather.
Gerald McCoy
Subject: Nancy Johnson Photo From: "Josh Diaz" <> Hello Ms. Evans, My name is Josh Diaz and I am an Associate Producer on a new series for The History Channel called American Eats. We are currently in production on an hour long episode on the history of Ice Cream. One of the key players in the story of Ice Cream was a woman named Nancy Johnson who patented an ice cream maker in 1843. Is this the same Nancy Johnson that is pictured on your website? If so, we would very much like to use this picture in the show. Please call or email me at your earliest possible convenience. Thank you. Josh Diaz Associate Producer, "American Eats" Atlas Media Corp. Direct: 917-351-8417Main: 212-714-0222 Fax: 212-714-0240
Chicago Kautz family From: <
Hi Barbara, I have recently been inspired to share more of my family history
with other family members I have not met yet. I come from the Chicago Kautz
line. I have heard that John Kautz of Arkansas wrote a book about the Kautz
Family. I am very interested in networking with you and any others who may be
related. Attached is a photo of my Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother.
Charles Gustav Kautz and Anna Dorothea Elizabeth (Zeuch) I have many Kautz
family photos and a hand drawn family tree of the Chicago Kautz clan. I'd love
to share it!!! Mike O'Reilley
Charles Gustav Kautz Elizabeth (Zeuch) Charles Gustav Kautz
Chicago Kautz Clan
NAME: Terry E Couts EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just Surfed in LOCATION: COMMENTS: My grandparents are Walter and Matie Couts from Robertson Co. I’d like to know who there parents were. Please help if you can.
Descendants of John Couts
1 John (Franklin???) Couts b: 1765 in Loudoun County, Virginia 1769 d: Aug 1829 in Robertson County, Tennessee 1828
.. +Leah Stark b: 1765 in abt 1772 South Carolina per letter, Loudoun County, Virginia also maybe Fairfax County Virginia d: 1840 in Robertson County Tennessee m: 1790 in Robertson County, Tennessee 1792
2 Mary Couts b: 1792 in Robertson County, Tennessee d: in ?Appleton, Lawrence County, Tennessee
... +James A. Appleton b: 1790 d: 1833 in Appleton, Lawrence County, Tennessee m: 1812 in
2 Nancy Couts b: 1793 in Robertson County, Tennessee d: in Dade County, Missouri
... +John John Byrd Bird b: 1792 in Tennessee m: 1814 in Robertson County, Tennessee
2 John Franklin Jr."S?" Couts b: 12 Sep 1798 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: 02 May 1868 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
... +Henrietta B. "Annette" "Ritte" "Ette" Owens b: 23 Jun 1800 in Warrenton, Warren County, Kentucky 1802 North Carolina d: 20 Jul 1882 in Springfield Robertson County, Tennessee 1885 m: 1823 in Near Owens Chapel Church, Springfield Robertson County, Tennessee
2 Sally Couts b: Abt. 1800 in Springfield Robertson County, Tennessee
... +John McConnell b: Abt. 1798 m: Abt. 1819 in SPRINGFIELD ROBERTSON COUNTY, Tennessee
2 James Robertson Couts b: 12 Aug 1803 in Robertson County Tennessee (Couts Cem) d: 1890 in Weatherford, Texas Parker County. some say Livingston Ark.
... +Mary (Polly) Johnson b: 02 Nov 1801 in Springfield, Robertson Co., Tennessee d: 1857 in Robertson Co, Tennessee (Arkansas) m: 03 Oct 1822 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee
2 Archer Couts b: Abt. 1806 in Springfield Robertson County, Tennessee d: 1833 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee
... +Nancy Johnson b: 07 Jun 1806 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee d: 1856 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee m: 1825 in Springfield Robertson Co, Tennessee
2 Jackson Couts b: 1809 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee abt 1806 d: 18 Mar 1846 in Robertson Co. TN. James Armstrong Farm, Dist 10
... +Priscilla Draughon b: Abt. 1808 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee d: Bef. 1850 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee m: 1828 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee
2 Robertson Couts b: 1811 in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee abt. 1808 d: 1830 in Springfield, Tn Robertson Co. Dist 10 buried on the James Armstrong Farm
NAME: Melissa A. Kautz (Bradley J. Kautz)- Huby EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just LOCATION: Golden, Colorado COMMENTS: I enjoyed looking at your website. Darrell Kautz is my husbands, cousin. My husband is Bradley J. Kautz (Donald J. Kautz's son). We have been married for 18 yrs.
NAME: Judy L. Couts Slaten EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just Surfed In LOCATION: Blue Springs, Mo. COMMENTS: Just trying to look up my family. My grandparents were James Finley Couts and Minnie Burchfield
Descendants of James Finley Couts
1 James Finley Couts b: 1876 d: Unknown
.. +Minnie Adell Birchfield b: 20 Feb 1875 d: 29 Jul 1949 in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Missouri m: 13 Jun 1898 in Saline County, Kansas
2 [1] John Dale Jr. Couts b: 04 Feb 1941 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri
... +[2] Patricia Ann Collins b: 27 Jun 1941 m: 25 Mar 1959 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Kansas
. 3 John Dale III Couts
. 3 Sarah Couts ..... +Bassett
. 3 Michael Couts
2 Lucy J. Couts b: 1899 in Saline County, Missouri
2 James (John) Couts b: 1902 in Saline County, Missouri
... +Gypsy Mae Duncan b: Abt. 1903
2 Charles Othelo Couts b: 1906 in Kansas City, Sweet Springs, Saline County, Kansas d: 07 Nov 1996 in Kansas City, Wyndotte County, Kansas
... +Mary Olivia b: Abt. 1906 m: 1926 in Kansas City, Wydotte County, Kansas
. 3 Mary Couts
. 3 Nina Couts
. 3 Charles William Couts
. 3 Carl Willard Couts
2 Finley Floyd Couts b: 19 Jul 1906 in Elmwood, Saline County, Missouri
... +Ruth Hickman b: Abt. 1906 m: Abt. 1927 in Kansas City, Wydotte County, Kansas
2 Noreen Lovada Couts b: 30 Jan 1909 in Elmwood, Saline County, Missouri d: 26 Aug 1980
... +Orval Thomas Reed b: Abt. 1909 m: 1926 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri
. 3 Martha Lois Reed b: 04 Jun 1927 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS
..... +Eugene Gallett b: Abt. 1927 m: 1943 in KANSAS CITY, JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI
. 3 Paul Milton Reed b: 16 Dec 1929 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE CO, KS d: 20 Mar 1970
..... +Carol June Price b: Abt. 1929 m: Apr 1949 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE CO, KANSAS
*2nd Husband of Noreen Lovada Couts:
... +Benjaman Franklin Roberts b: 02 May 1896 Green Forrest, Carroll Co, Ark d: 10 Sep 1972 m: 1929
. 3 James Simpson Roberts b: 10 Feb 1932 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS
..... +Mildred Louise Allen b: Abt. 1932 m: 09 Dec 1950
. 3 Gladys Jo Ann Roberts b: 13 Apr 1934 in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Missouri d: 09 Mar 1969 in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Missouri
..... +Louis Clarence Eades b: 13 Aug 1930 m: 19 Jan 1951
. 3 Marilyn Ruth Roberts b: 15 Feb 1937 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS
..... +Frank Earl Ratcliff b: Abt. 1937 m: 20 Apr 1956 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE CO, KS
. 3 Durald Ernest Roberts b: 23 Sep 1941 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS d: 23 Sep 1941 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS
. 3 Finny Marie Roberts b: 20 Mar 1945 in KANSAS CITY, WYDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS
..... +Daniel Joseph Stagman b: 1945 m: 23 Mar 1975
2 Phoebe Loreen Couts b: 30 Jan 1909 in Elmwood, Saline County, Missouri
... +Everett Paget b: Abt. 1909 m: 09 Jun 1927 in Kansas City, Wydotte County, Kansas
2 Melvin Carl Couts b: 13 Feb 1912 in Elmwood, Saline County, Missouri d: 15 Feb 1932 in Kansas City, Wyndotte County, Kansas
2 John Dale Sr. Couts b: 12 Feb 1915 in Elmwood, Saline County, Missouri d: 19 Jul 1989 in Kansas City, Wyndotte County, Kansas
... +Viola b: Abt. 1915 m: 06 Jan 1939 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Kansas
. 3 [1] John Dale Jr. Couts b: 04 Feb 1941 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri
..... +[2] Patricia Ann Collins b: 27 Jun 1941 m: 25 Mar 1959 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Kansas
NAME: GLENDA MAGGARD MULLINS EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just Surfed In LOCATION: JUST A NEIGHBOR COMMENTS: I enjoyed reading your site very much. I am a descendent of Isaac Roman that had land adjoined by your family's. You have a wealth of family stories and records, so I wish you more good luck on your line's. A thank you from Oklahoma.....
NAME: Klaus Kautz EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just Surfed In LOCATION: Germany, Dresden HOME PAGE: COMMENTS: Hallo, my Name is Klaus Kautz, I'm living in Dresden - Germany. It is very interesting to experience more about the name and family "Kautz". Yours sincerely Klaus Kautz
NAME: Cynthia Bedwell EMAIL: REFFERED BY: Just Surfed In LOCATION: California COMMENTS: Was invited to the Kautz Reunion - was not able to attend. Have submitted info to Darrell Kautz for Shadows of a Bell Tower - you can view pictures of my "Kautz/Gross" family - who is a distant relative - my Grandmother was Eva Elizabeth Kautz Gross, of Gering, NE, formerly of Merkel, Russia. Would love to share info with you - we are indeed, relatives.
Official Website of the Van Wert/Ohio City Couts Family Reunion. This is an old page, but there is a
great picture of Cy & Roxy Couts Subject: Re: From: Couts Family reunion was June 11. Sorry I haven't
kept up the website.
2. San Diego Historical Society Journal of San Diego History –Fall 1995 Volume Number 4
4. JOHN MONTGOMERY-born in Yuba City, CA, Feb. 15, 1858 moved to Otay Mesa in 1882. near the
ranch home of the Couts family. Santiago Arguello built his ...with Thomas Couts
Montgomery glider of 1883 replica at the Western Museum of Flight Pioneering Family- Cave Couts and Ysidora Bandini turned wedding gift into historic rancho By Sylvia Mendoza January 26, 2003 San Diego Union Tribune; Volunteers Keep Historic Adobe in Top Shape Treveni Sheshadri, December 25, 2005 San Diego Union Tribune
Cemeteries with Couts
Washington State: Ranald McDonald Cemetery Ferry County, Washington contributed by Maggie Rail
Couts, Agnes P,
b. 1893, d. 1988, Beloved Mother
Couts, Donald Pat, b. 1931, d. 1990, s/w Newell
Couts, Joe, d. Mar 1932, s/w Joseph Pellicane
Couts, Newell 'Sally', b. 1928, d. 1995, s/w Donald
Nashville Tennessee:
Couts, Albert, b. 01/17/1923, d. 05/08/1974, T-5 USA, Plot: LL 299, bur. 05/13/1974, *
Couts, George Elvis, b.
07/01/1893, d. 01/09/1971, PVT CO H 804TH PIONEER INF INF,
Plot: OO 461, bur. 01/12/1971, *
Couts, James H., b. 05/14/1918, d. 12/30/1991, PFC/USA, Nashville,
Davidson, Tennessee,
Plot: 1 48E, bur. 01/03/1992, *
Couts, James H, b. 05/14/1918, d. 12/30/1991, PFC/USA, Plot: 1 48E, bur.
01/03/1992, *
Tennessee, b. 09/27/1905, d. 05/30/1981, Plot: LL 299, bur. 06/04/1981, *
And ten more cemeteries…
7. Tennessee Time Line Coats – Couts
misquote: Error: "Couts family association tells me to date they have no proof that any Couts
families went into TN." Couts Family Association holds that there is no proof that there was a William
Couts in TN at that time. We are still searching.
Spearman, Arthur Dunning. John Joseph Montgomery, 1858-1911: Father of Basic Flying. Santa Clara CA: University of Santa Clara Press, 1967.
8. J.R. Couts Genealogy Magazine Weatherford, TX
9. Buffalo Township, Missouri Cemeteries – Capps Farm, Couts / Adkins Cemetery
10. TNGENWEB Montgomery County, TN Families-
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