A quarterly Newsletter for the descendants of the Couts Family
EDITOR’S NOTE- Help!! We need information from you, so
that this newsletter for the CoutsFamily (K-outs not Coots)
will be successful. Write and tell us about your grandfather
, great-grandfather, dad, mom, grandma, a favorite family story,
your theories about the family. We’ll be happy to type it in,
take it over the phone, etc., but we need input. If you have
photos you and your family, ancestors, etc), make a clear copy
on a copy machine, we’ll scan it into our newsletter. SHARE
CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEB PAGE - It’s official the Couts
Family now has a Web Page on the Internet. Meredith and
Alexandar Couts Evans designed and built the start of the
Couts Family’s new page. Let me know what you think! The address is: html
A FAMILY ASSOCIATION - is there anyone
who would be interested in forming a family
association? We would have to have a charter,
dues, election of a board-president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer, family historian, bouncer? and even
family reunions. How about the year 2000, in July,
somewhere in the US? My backyard’s free. Voice your opinion.
Through my correspondence with a number of people, libraries, and
letters to editors, I was lucky enough to come across Mr. Armstrong.
He has been patience, informative, and extremely knowledgeable
about the Couts Family. He could be considered the “family’s friend.”
Mr. Armstrong’s family bought the property where John Sr.’s cabin
existed. Mr. Armstrong grew up playing in the cemetery and building
an interest in the Couts Family’s History. The stories that he writes
were “for the most part”, told to him by relatives and in some cases
proved by records. Some of the stories came from people one or
two generations away from the family. Mr. Armstrong has a “knack”
for making his subjects come alive. Through this issue, with his
permission, we will print his wonderful stories.
I included this story because of the relationship
and friendship that existed between the Couts and Woodard
families. Their association extended from John Sr.’s early
days through Jackson’s life time.
In the early years of the developing and settlement
of this part of America, traveling
preachers tried as best they could to fulfill the spiritual
needs of a growing population. The events and experiences
of such men of God if written and collected and placed in
volumes, would fill a small library.
Being isolated from the outside world, the early
settlers were anxious to hear the gospel and to find out
about other things beyond the dense forest. Whenever
a preacher came into their settlement they turned out in
masses to hear him speak.
There were couples awaiting to be married, disputes
and misunderstandings to be settled or mended, and these
men worked to fill that void.
In 1840, Arthur Woodard, a subscriber and
believer in the universalistic movement, ask Rev. Rogers
to be a guest in his home. People for miles around were
invited to attend the two weeks brush arbor meetings.
Jackson and Arthur were close friends as had been
Wiley and John Sr. and I feel
confident that the Couts family attended some of those
One of Americas’ most treasured images of a
successful man or woman is having been born in a
log cabin and reaching a rung of success in some profession
or business. Somehow we are given the impression that
such a person developed a moral strength that others missed.
This has been proven a myth as character is developed by
Godly training as a young person and practiced in adult years.
JoC. for short, was born in a log cabin in Sumner County,
the fourth of eleven children. His Christian parents were John
Stark Jr. and Margaret Primm. Jo C’s mother was the daughter
of Captain John Carter Primm, a Revolutionary soldier with
General George Washington’s Army at Yorktown. His company
was among others honored for bravery.
The Stark and Primm families were among the original
settlers of Stafford and Loudoun Counties of the Common
Wealth of Virginia. By the end of the Revolutionary War,
many members of both families had moved or were in the
process of moving to North Carolina. Genealogy traces some
of both families who later came to Robertson County around
The main line of descendants of Jo C. Stark’s family
are splintered through out the
continental United States, but our interest are in the ones
that settled in Sumner and Robertson Counties.
Leah Stark Couts, wife of John Couts Sr. came to
Robertson County from Sumner County where her
parents were cousins to our subjects’ parents.
JoC’s family lived on a farm not very far from
the town of Gallatin. As a young boy he was assigned
chores befitting his size and age. But once he became
a teenager he assumed many of the duties of a man to
help his father grow food for a large family. When he
wasn’t needed to help with the work he attended a log,
one room school. Being a very bright and articulate
student, it became apparent that he was destined to
become more than a farmer. He finished the required
academic studies before reaching his eighteenth birth
date and became a teacher in the school he attended
and remained its head master for the next five years.
His genuine love for the common people gave
him dreams of a life of public service. Whenever
he had the opportunity and time to spend, he listened
to lawyers arguing their cases in the trial room of the
Gallatin, Sumner County Court House. He felt many
lawyers were ill prepared defending their clients,
causing him to believe with training, he could do a
better job in presenting a case. This psychology
developed early in life and was routinely displayed
in his defense of the common man and the law.
When the school term ended in 1840, he
approached a prominent Gallatin lawyer, the Honorable
John J. White, and asked if he could
read the law under his leadership. Records are not
available indicating Mr. Whites’s reply, but apparently
he saw something that assured him this young man
had what it took to e a lawyer.
Mr. White was a man with a good reputation
dealing with people, was honest in the practice of law.
This tract of character was so exhib
ited and practiced by Mr. White I dealing realistically
and sensibly with the everyday work of the law office
rubbed off on his susceptible student.
Eighteen months later, having gained a
reputation as a good young lawyer, JoC
decided to hang his shingle in another town,
rather than Gallatin. After visiting several
small towns in middle TN, chose Springfield
as his future home and place to practice the
law. for nearly a half century, that shingle
hung on the west side of the court house square.
In 1844, the Robertson County court
noting his honesty an keen ability appointed him
clerk and master of the chancery court. He served
in this office for seven years before returning to
the practice of law. Before he could settle in is
favorite vocation, friends and supporter insisted
he run for the vacant Senate seat, representing
Robertson and Montgomery Counties. He out
distanced all opponents beginning by a large majority.
Once in the Senate his colleagues appointed him
chairman of the “Common School Committee”,
where he served with distinction for two terms.
Being in the Senate and knowing he had
done the job well did not satisfy JoC., for the
love of the law kept beckoning him to return.
The next few years he was kept busy defending
clients and counseling the clientele. Records
found in the Robertson County Archives proved
him to be a master of expression that showed the
depth of this feelings for his clients.
Quotes found in court records include
theses two classical statements concerning this
man of the law, “he created an atmosphere of awe
when he spoke in defense of a client”. It was
declared by his lawyer friends that “he stamped
his name boldly in the annuals of logical conclusions”.
Research has revealed the power of his`defense for
`complex problems that faced many clients.
In 1878,`again his friends`and supporters M
urged him to`seek the Judgeship of the
Circuit Court. When the announcement`was made
public, there was no opposition. For twelve years,
he patiently listened to hundreds of trial cases and
rendered judicial decisions based upon the ability
to come to opinions based upon tolerance and the
understanding of the law.
My summation of the man is that he displayed
the integrity and ability to come to
opinions about things, displaying understanding and
good sense as he tried to capture the truth of life
as he saw it.
Jo C.’s friendship with Jackson began shortly
after arriving in Springfield. Being a
relative of Jackson’s mother, he often visited and spent
time with the family. It has been said they were Masons,
but documentation being absent, it is only a guess.
Jackson and JoC. often hunted quail and other
game on the 807 acre family farm. In Jackson’s son
Will, a sum of money was given to JoC. to purchase a
shot gun, “for my good and honest friend”.
Given the opportunity to be away from the
office and the pressures of business, he
engaged in a sport like hunting, that resting his mind
and body. Whenever he could, he
slipped away from town and with Jackson hunted
their favorite game, quail.
Hunting on Jackson’s farm enabled`him to see
the land and to know`boundaries, and`the terrain of M
the farm that he was to later own.
`This close friendship lasted beyond Jackson’s`
Jdeath in 1845l until the last`child’s death in q857.
It was this bond to the`Couts family that caused JoC.
to pay close attention to the welfare of the children,
even beyond the are that was given by the court
appointed guardian, Mr. Dunn. He saw that moneys
and medicines were provided for their daily care and
comfort. (Jackson and wife both died from consumption)
Tuberculosis. After their deaths, he selected with Mr.
Dunn and had placed the head of each grave, a memorial
rock. During the years of ownership he maintained the
cemetery ground and built a fence to protect it from
wondering farm animals.
Jo C.’s youngest sister Lydia (1816-1840)
married John Walter Judd (1812-1861), a Methodist
minister. John Jr. was born in Sumner County and
at the death of his father, moved to Robertson County
and began to read and study law in offices of his
uncle Jo C. When the Civil War started he enlisted
in the Confederate Army and saw action at Fort Donelson.
Taken prisoner there was later exchanged and re-enlisted
in the 9th TN Calvary and rode with General Morgan in
raids into Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio, in 1863. Severely
wounded during the Battle of Mt. Sterling, was captured
and remained a prisoner until the close of the
After the war returned to the practice of law in
Springfield. In 1888, was appointed a justice of the
Supreme Court of Utah. In 1893, was appointed U.S.
Attorney for the District of Utah and held this office
until 1898. In 1899, returned to Springfield to practice
law and teach at Vanderbilt University. JoC. followed
his favorite nephew’s career with pride and admiration.
When JoC.’s eventful life came to an end in 1890,
he was regarded as one of the most respected jurist ever
to serve in Robertson County. For his friendship with
Jackson and the love and care showed the Couts children,
I have included him along with family.
EMERY V. COUTS excerpt from the History of
Pike County, Indiana
Emery V. Couts, son of James and Mary E. hConnor)
Coutsl was born in Pike County, Indiana on Nov. 3, 1893.
His father, James M. Couts, was also born in Indiana to
parents Simeon and Sarah Couts. A native of Kentucky,
Simeon Couts farmed for a living. James M. was reared
on the farm and he now owns a farm in Monroe Township,
in Pike Co. Indiana. His wife, Mary E. (Conner)Couts,
was born in New Jersey. Her parents, James and Ellen
(Mulviehill) Connor, were native of Ireland who emigrated
to America as young people. He farmed in New York and
New Jersey and later served as a soldier in the Civil War.
Emery V. Couts graduated from Spurgeon High School
in Monroe Township in 1913. To further his education
he attended Terre Haute Normal School. From 1913 to
1915 he taught in two schools in Monroe Township.
He also taught math and science at Union High School
for two years before enlisting in the service of his country
in 1917-at the time of World War I. Emery served a total
of twenty-three months with eleven of these being overseas
duty. After an honorable discharge in 1919, Mr. Couts
went back to his studies and graduated from Oakland City
College in Gibson County, Indiana. This was in 1921, that
he received his A.B. degree. This Pike County man then
served many year in the school system of this area: first
as principal at Jasper (Dubois Co. ) from 1921-24 and at
Winslow (Pike County) 1924-25 and later as County
Superintendent of Schools in Pike County from 1925-1937.
From`1y30 to 1933, he attended summer sessions at Indiana
Universi4y and earned his A.M. degree from that University
in 1933. His memberships and interest include the Kiwanis
Club, where he served as president from 1933-35, the American
Legion, the Governor’s Relief Committee, and the Red Cross.
Mr. Couts is a member of the Methodist Church and the
Democratic Party. His hobby is gardening, and he is
especially fond of dahlias.
On November 26, 1920 Emery V. Couts married Agnes
Hyneman of Clay Township (Pike County). She graduated
from high school in Unio® Township and attended Oakland
City College also. Agnes taught school one year. They have
one son, Robert E. born in Petersburg, Indiana October 4,
1931. Mr. and Mrs. Couts reside in Vincennes.
Simeon and Sarah Couts ~ James Madison and Mary E. Connor
~ Emery Vincent and Agnes Hyneman ~ Robert E. Couts
Library, Fort Worth, Texas
Marianne Bobich Head, Reference and Online Services
Mary Couts Burnett Library, TCU Fort Worth, TX 76129
It is amazing what you can find on-line these days. Just looking
up the Couts name, I found the Mary Couts Burnett Library,
Fort Worth, Texas, and the Couts Methodist Church, and
Couts Library/Bank in Weatherford.
Mary Couts, born in 1856, was one of five daughters of
Colonel James Robertson Couts, a prominent banker and rancher
of Parker County, Texas. He was known to be an admirer of
Addison Clark who, with his brother, Randolph, founded in
Thorp Spring the school which would eventually become Texas
Christian University in Fort Worth.
As for Mary, I recall being told that her first husband was
a man named Baradel, but I
cannot point to the source of that information. After Baradel's
untimely death, Mary was wooed and won by wealthy cattleman
(Four Sixes Ranch) S. Burk Burnett, himself a widower. The
one child born to the couple, S. Burk Burnett, Jr., died as a
young man.
By 1920, the relationship between husband and wife had
grown tense and Mrs. Burnett expressed fears that her husband
was trying to kill her. Burnett claimed in court that his
wife was suffering from "hallucinations" and won a sanity
judgment against her. He was then successful in having her
committed to a limited asylum in a private Weatherford home
where she was kept virtually a prisoner until she engineered
her own release on the very day, in 1923, of Burk Burnett's
death. With the aid of her physician she then set about to
free herself from the charge of insanity and to obtain her
"widow's half" -- Texas being a community property state --
of the estate which Burnett had actually willed almost
entirely to his granddaughter, Anne Burnett. She was
successful in both these efforts.
Then, in December of 1923, she surprised and shocked
TCU by informing the University that it would receive nearly
her entire estate in trust -- something over $3 million
(equivalent to about 36 million in 1991 dollars). Before
this moment, Mrs. Burnett had no known ties with or
interest in the University. One story has it that Burk Burnett,
a notoriously rough-edged character, had vehemently expressed
that no religious or educational institution would ever get any
of his money so that Mary's gesture may have been one of
sweet revenge upon her late husband. Though she did not
live to see it fully completed before her death, she was
driven by the library building which would bear her name
when construction was well advanced in 1924.
The above consists of exact quotation, paraphrase and
some interpolations (mine) from text found on pages
61 and 62 of:
PERSPECTIVE. Fort Worth: Texas Christian
University Press [1992]
C.P. COUTS Information sent by Pat Couts
Aaron Couts born 1780, Warren Co. Kentucky. Reported on
the census in Warren Co, KY in 1820. Then, lived in Lafayette
CO, MO in 1830. Aaron and [(1)Elizabeth (Betsy) Barton,] (2)
Sally Kirby had Commodore Perry (C.P.) Couts born in 1819 in
Morgan Co. MO and Jessie E.[Elliot] Couts born in 1822. Both
were employed as farmer in Morgan Co in 1844. In 1870, the
name on the tax roles changed to “Koutz”. [other children:
Patsy Couts, b. 1818, d. 1847; Samuel Couts b. Dec. 16, 1820,
d. April 15, 1855; Mary Jane Couts b. 1826, d. 1850;
Aaron Couts b. 1830, d. aft 1850]
Jessie and his wife, [Amanda LeFever] had Commodore Perry
(C.P.) born June 5, 1885 in Morgan Co. MO, (William Edward)
W.E., and an unnamed sister. The children were deserted when
CP was 4 years old. Uncle Campbell was reluctant to keep the
children. They were raised by various relatives. ( W.E. Couts had
a daughter named Mildred Couts Davis and a son named Patrick
Couts. Mildred had two daughters Gail and Vonda Davis).
Commodore Perry Couts (1885) had his name legally changed
to C.P. Couts. CP married Eva Elmara Davis, born Oct. 22,
1887, on November 27, 1907, in Hutchinson, Kansas. The
newly married couple went to work in Oregon and Wallawalla,
Washington. They worked for a family named Koon. Eva
was the cook for the Harvest Crew and CP worked in the
field with the thrashing crews.
In 1916, CP and Eve headed for Gray County Texas via
Oklahoma. CP knew David Armstrong (unrelated to
the previous Armstrongs) while in Oklahoma. The
Armstrongs later settled in Carson County and his
grandchildren went to school with the Tabors in Panhandle
schools. Frank Davis, Eve’s brother, bought a section of
land (640 acres) 10.5 miles south and 1.0 miles west
of Pampa, Texas. Each of the family shared in the section
of 160 acres. (Frank Davis, Ike Davis, Josh Davis and
Eve Davis Couts).
Eve and CP lived continually on the land until 1965. The
couple raised “dry land” wheat, milo, and hay. They had
a good harvest in 1929, and drilled a 410’ waterwell and
purchased a windmill. Prior to that date, the water was
stored in a cistern, for rain water was collected for daily
usage or hauled from a neighboring well.
In 1933, the wheat crop was a bumper crop and sold
at $.11@ bushel. The white wooden frame house was
moved in the 1940’s. The previous residence was
the old tool shed near the windmill. the white frame
house was remodeled in 1960, first indoor plumbing.
The Tabors helped CP buy a television in 1956 and
erected a 35’ antenna to get two stationsKGNC and
KFDA in Amarillo.
CP played a harmonica until all of his teeth were
removed. He was shy but a self educated man.
He read week old newspapers, Zane Grey Westerns,
and adventure stories. He worked hard each day.
He refused to eat any “green” food, as he said it was
poison. He was a joker and loved his grandchildren,
especially Venie. In home movies, CP would put
rubber snakes on Christmas presents.
In 1966, CP came into the house sitting that the tractor
had run over him. It was unclear if that was what had
happened. The doctors indicated that he had had a
“stroke” and his mental capabilities were impaired
from that date on.
He spent the next 14 months in a skilled nursing home
in Pampa, he had difficulty in adjusting as he wanted
to go back to the farm. He died of kidney failure
(traumatic). He had had only a few medical problems:
spleen surgery 1954, that was nearly fatal due to
peritonitis. He was 5’8” tall, light brown hair, blue
eyes, and a regular build. He chewed “Bull of the
Woods” dark plug tobacco. He would cut a plug and
offer it to all. His nickname was “Dode”. His last
vehicle was a 1959 Chevy pickup. He would not use 2nd
gear. Eve never drove. On Saturday, he would go to
the Ideal Food Store south of the Main Street
Under-Pass and walk to other locations. His last dog
was “Pup”.
Eve was born October 22, 1887
in Olcott, Kansas. She was 5’9” tall, with a slim build.
She had green eyes and black hair. She had a number of
childhood illnesses. One of the illnesses would cause
her to “pass out”. Later in life she had other physical
problems, like a reoccurring peptic ulcer.
She was a good cook, canned and froze the
fruits and vegetables. She had a cherry, apple, and
pear orchard behind the house. When she was seventy,
she killed a rattlesnake with the coupling of a garden
water hose. During the depression, she killed a Chicken
Snake who swallowed several chicken eggs. She saved
the eggs. The house was heated from gas from the lease
well, that Phillips 66 drilled. The oil lease is tied up.
She had a gas refrigerator. She made fresh bread.
Eve died on February 1, 1972 in Pampa, Texas.
CP and Eve had two children: Gwendolyne
Aillenn Couts, born June 9, 1920 in Pampa, Texas,
married August 12, 1945 in Pampa, Texas and William
Edward Couts, Sr., born March 21, 1924 in Pampa, Texas,
married July 31, 1949 and died, January 3, 1990 in
Pampa, Texas. He was a dry land farmer.
NEW EDITIONS Summitted by
(James and Cindi Couts)
Let me be the first to tell you that my wife Cini and I
welcomed Alexander James Couts into the world on
June 10, 1997, at 2:11pm. He was 6lb, 3oz, and 18.5 inches.
LATEST FAMILY RESEARCH (Remember, we have no
proof that these records are ours!) JOHN KOUTS summitted
by Jim Shotts, Blacksburg, VA, an Armentrout Descendent
I have just seen your inquiry about Teter Couts.
I do not have anything about him, but, I do have some
information about Anna Elizabeth Hedderich ARMENTROUT
and Johannes KOUTS (John Couts!?) Her maiden name was
Anna Elizabeth HEDDERICH, her father’s name was
She married Johannes ERMENTRAUDT, in
Bethel Township of Lancaster (now Berks) Co., by
Rev. Casper Stoever in the Spring of 1742, at the
Stover Church. Three children were born of this union.
Her father and Anna’s family moved to Augusta
Co., VA ca. 1752; subsequently
Johannes ERMENTRAUDT, died between q753 and 1757.`
J Sometime after`his death Anna Elizabeth married
Johannes KOUTS and they for a time lived in her
KOUTS finally`forced his wife`to demand
a`settlement of her`first husbands estate. KOUTS
was appointed executor of Johannes ERMENTRAUDT’s
estate. In 1760, Her Father Brought A Civil Suit Against
Johannes KOUTS, In Augusta Co. Va.
When her father died in 1775/1776 he left
her only one Shilling in his Will. they go on to state
that nothing further is know about her or her second
family; and state also that there are no known children
from the second marriage. This sounds like it must
have been a really will situation.
I also have a page of the “Bill of Complaint”
from Hedderich to Kouts. I am sure that there must
be other court’s records from Augusta Co. about this
incident, as there is no mention as to how the case
came out. the above Complaint came from Chancery
Court, Volume 1, page 321, Augusta Co. (Staunton-
now Loudoun Co.) Court Record, 1760. the page
that has her information on it is page 1 of over 160
pages that discuss the descendants of Anna Elizabeth
which I am one; although I am not in this book, only
my grandfather.
I wish I could get this close to some of my
ancestors! You don’t realize how much of a fluke
it was for me to get this information. The book I
purchased on the ARMENTROUT’s about five years
J ago, had about`6`pages missing`and I had just contacted
somebody about a month`ago who said they could copy
J those pages from`another copy of`the book that`had
them in it.` I had those pages in front of the book and
`when I happened to open the book, for some reason
my eye caught the reference to the HEDDERICH &
KOUTS law case on the first page. Otherwise, I might
not have realized that Anna Elizabeth and your Elizabeth
were one of the same. This really is a strange hobby!
Let me know if you want the two or three pages. If
you have some further ARMENTROUT information,
I would appreciate receiving a copy. Thanks. Jim Shotts
DIETRICH KAUTZ, Submitted by Earl F. Kisling and Wolf
Sakowski (descendants of the Kissling Family)
Your query to Genealogical Helper, Jan/Feb. 1997 on Christly Couts
February 20, 1997
Dear Barbara Couts Evans,
Are your Couts of German descent? The name Couts is an
Anglicized form of the German Kautz, which I’m sure you know.
Does Christly = Christoph?
There was a long line of Kautzes who lived in Steinau an der
Strassse, Hesse-Hanau,
thirty-five miles northeast of Frankfurt an Main. Christian Kautz
and son, Johannes, and his daughter, Anna Gertrude (nee Kautz)
and husband, Christoph KiBling/Kissling came from Steinau,
Hesse-Hanau, to Philadelphia, in Oct., 1752, on the ship Neptune.
Christian Kautz’s son, Dietrich, had come prior to this in 1750,
to Pennsylvania, and settled in the Tulpehocken area of either
Berks or Lancaster Counties, PA.[Brother, George, stayed in
Germany]. These later arrival probably joined Dietrich in this area.
In about 1758, Dietrich moved to Brocks Gap, old Augusta County,
VA, now Rockingham Co. Va. John Kautz and Christoph and
Anna Gertrude (nee Kautz) Kissling moved to near McGaheysville,
Augusta Co., VA later Rockingham Co. VA.
I do not know what children Dietrich or John Kautz had. But
this may give you a lead, if your Couts family was / is German.
The Kautz name is spelled Couts in some Pennsylvania and Virginia
Christoph KiB(ss)ling was my GGGG granddad, so I’m not
directly related to the Kautz, but I am 1/2 related to the descendant
of the first marriage of the GGGG granddad.
If this information does help in your search, let me know.
I know of many of my 1/2 cousins who’d love more information
on this Kautz/Couts familyn We only discovered this information
last yeár so we are still delving into these Kautz and KiBling families.
Steinau is most famous as the hometown of the German fable
writers, the Grimm brother.
Good luck in your search, Earl F. Kisling
Subj: Coats/Couts
Date: 97-07-21 08:48:39 EDT WILLIAM COUTS
Our Coats--from THOMAS b ca 1675 Glasgow, Kingdom
of N. Britain. m SARAH CRAMER--dau of CLASS
b ca 1700 &1705. Both immigrated to SC 1715/1719. WM.
m unknown womam had 6 offspring. Oldest was WILLIAM,
JR. b ca 1735--m FRANCES ???? Lived and died (15 Dec 1783)
Camden Dist. SCoffspring: ANNE b ca 1754/56 m WM
STARKE ca 1775-they migrated to Robertson Co. TN mid
1780's. PRISCILLAb ca 1757/58--no other information.
BARTON b ca 1759 m NETTIE???she b 1760-son BARTON,JR
--dau Elizabeth and possibly another dau. Migrated to Robertson
Co. TN same time ANNE and family did. WILSON (ourline)
went to Sumner Co.TN mid 1780's CATHERINE CELIA
RUYLE 8 Feb.1790. Moved to Shelbyville area in Bedford
Co. TN early 1800's. "Celia" b 1770 Hampshire Co., VA--d
Shelbyville 1868. WILSON d Shelbyville 1822.They had
10/12 children--oldest was WILLIAM hour line) b 22 Nov. 1790.
WM m HANNAH ALEXANDER`ca 1809--they m)grated to
Monroe Co., MS 1817 with GEO. WASH. b 1810 & LEROY
WILSON b Dec 1816. WM. in war 1812 rec'dbounty land.
They had five more offspring b MS HANNAH d 1827 childbirth
(or soon after) only daughter. WILLIAM m #2 ELIZABETH
GIDEON and fathered 12 more offspring. Youngest was KOSSUTH
(our line) b 1852 Itawamba Co. MS graduated Vanderbilt med
school 1881 and settled in Sevier Co. AR. Wm d Pontotoc Co.
MS 26 Dec 1865. ELIZABETH b SC 1804/071887 Pontotoc
Sevier Co., AR. They were parents of 10--4 d early. Oldest son
ALONZO NUNNELLEYwas the only one to have children--2 sons-
2 daughters. My husband was 2nd son. I remember someone from
MS sending a chart showing a VAUGHN but haven't been able to
put my finger on it. Believe his name was LITTLEBERRY VAUGHN.
I will keep looking although I don't think this is the one
you are looking for. If I find it I will e mail the info.
Caroline Coats
FAMILY TREASURES submitted by Vivian Francis Williams,
Pattonsburg, MO
Page 1 This is a history of the Pearson family as was written by
my Uncle William Henry
Pearson and give to my cousin Mattie Bess- Vivian Francis
John Randolph Pearson was married 3 times. His second
wife’s maiden name was Rebecca Wright [sister of Sarah Wright,
wife of Christley Sr.] and we are of her lineage. They settled
near Bowling Green Kentucky about the year 1800. They were
natives of Virginia and were people of means, owning land and
a number of slaves. They were the parents of a large family.
One son being named Nathaniel, and a daughter was named
About this same time there came from Tennessee but earlier from
Georgia a family of Bavister Barton who settled nearby. This was
a large family one son being named Bently and 2 daughters named
Bath-Sheba and Elizabeth. The younger people became friendly
and in time Bently Barton and Elizabeth Pearson married.
Nathaniel Pearson married Bath Sheba Baritone. While Elizabeth
Barton was married to a man named Couts of whom I have no history.
(Note-Chrisley Couts (Jr.) is Nathaniel Pearson’s first cousin. )
Records show that Elizabeth married Aaron Couts, May 1818,
Chrisley Couts Jr. married FannieBarton.
The younger people were of pioneering spirit. The Pearsons and
Bartons soon went to the wilderness of Illinois settling in what is
now Morgan Co. About 40 miles south of present Springfield.
After a few years Bently Barton and his family came to
Missouri, settling a few miles south of Mayview where they lived
to a great age and reared a family of 14 sons and 1 daughter.
Nathaniel Pearson and wife remained in Illinois where he farmed
and taught school. After the death of his wife in 1857, he returned
to Kentucky where he lived to the age of 85 years.
The Couts family remained in Kentucky a number of years. Then
they came to Missouri settling near the Bartons, south of Mayview.
The father died in Kentucky or soon after coming to this state.
Henry Couts, a son of their family married Nancy Minton a native
of So. Carolina and settled on a farm a few miles from Mayview,
where they reared 4 children-one daughter being Mary Martha.
John Bently Pearson, son of Nathaniel Pearson and Bath-Sheba
grew to manhood in Illinois coming to Missouri, at the age of 26.
He farmed a number of years near Mayview then bought a farm that
became his home for a number of years. He married in 1869, to Mary
Martha Couts, daughter of his first cousin Henry Couts. They were
the parents of 4 children- Mary Frances Birdetie-William Henry
-Martha Elizabeth and John Bently.
NOTE-Mother’s records calls Bently Barton’s wife Martha,
Uncle Wills notes call her
Elizabeth-Since there was a triple marriage between Bartons and
Pearsons- Patricia married Barton’s, one was the mother of 14
sons-records show Elizabeth
married- John Rosa, Patricia married Bently Barton-Warren Co.
KY records. 6
Once more I am favored with this another opportunity of
writing you a few lines. They leave me as well as common together
with the ret of our connection and friends here as fare as I know.
Winz (Winns) wife was porely the last account I had from her.
I am afraid she is going to have bad health. I am still trying to
work. Have been chair making since your Uncle A. Rose got home. You
wrote in yous that you wanted to see me. I can’t express the deire
that I have to see you and I hope you will come as you are young. If
we should never see each others faces nomore in times let us try to
live and act so as to meet each other in that world of bliss and glory
whare there will be nomore parting of friends, whare there will be
nomore trouble but on Eternal rest.
Letter 14 - page 1 1859
State of Illinois, Clinton County June 23 1859
November the 6th 1859
Dear and loving Cousin and all inquiring friends once
more I take my pen in hand to write you these few lines
which leaves us all well except Charity Nicholas’s William
about 12 or fourteen years old he is down and has been for
the last six week with arisin on his thight, something like
the which swelling and still gets worse all the time harveys
family is all well and the Nabo is general is well, we have had
a helthy summer and fall so far tolerable good crops of all
kinds and a nuf to eat and to ware so fur for which we feel
thankful frome the soue from which it come My own helth
is not good but I am glad it is no worse I hope when these
lines comes to hand they will find you all well and doing well
Cousin john Mother would be glad if you would write a few
lines and tell her why her money does not come as she has not
recevied only $20.00 as yet. the first years went by and so
doing you will ablige your old aunt. ever Shall in this life
Letter 14 a page 2 1859
Bently I would be Glad if you have not got my money that from
Hall to make him pay it for you no Hall will never pay it if he can
help for that reson I won’t want you to wate on him at all and I do
hope some other good man had got the place this year. I am olde
and frail that you now and Malissas helth is very bad and for that
reson I want my pay as soon as it is dew. My just rites is all I
want. I don’t want to take advantage of my children in no shape
nor form and I hope they will treat me with the same respect
I have no more to rite worth yur attention at present but I wold
be glad to see a letter from you at a early period give my best
respects to all so no more at present Collins and Polly and
Melessia sends you all their love and best respects - Now I
will close this short and unworthy letter by Subscribin myself
you unworthy sister until deth Charity Rose To BB Barton
and family. (Outside of letter ) Please to give this to B.B.
Bartens. over
Letter 14a page 3 1859
and one other thin I will tell you if you want to see
Marthy M. Lanes land it is in henry county south of
you and is numbered as follows to wit the N.W. of
S.E. and the N.E. of SW. quarters of Section 21 in
town 40 of range 25 it is said to be good timber near
a large prai If you see it and like it send her a libral
bid and what kind of land it is ther is only eight acres
of it We have had good meetings hear for Some time
and a good work is still gowing on there has severel
made a perfession of religion and I hope they will all
stand fast in the liberty where with Christ has made
them free and be not a gave intangled with the Yolk
of bondage. I would be glad to see you and gave give
our love to all inquing frends and shear largely in the
same yourself. Yours truly Robert C McKever to
John B. Pearson (Robert Mc Keevers wife was
a Rose - Charity Bartons son-in-law
Letter 2 Part 1 August 30, 1874 Windsoill Madeson Co.Ark
Dear Sister. I take my pen in hand to answer your
kind and welcome letter whitch came to handin
dew time it found all well. We recieved it on
the 10 and I was taken sick on the 12 and on
the nght of 12 Mary. We had a darling little
boy bornd to us but his stay in this sinful
world was short. He only lived from bout
mid night Wednesday night til just before
day Sunday moring he was buried in the
(unreadable) grave yard Sunday coming.
Mary he suffered O so mutch, he was sick
I think all the time after the first day and
he fretted a goodel that day. We think it
was the bold hives it had. We never named it Mary.
Eovil (blurred) loved it so well. She cald him her
little brother. Mary it was hard to give him up but
I know he is better off and I hope to meet him in
that better world above where there is no mor Sorrow or pain. I
Letter 2 part 2 1874
will send you apeace of the lining and covering of
the coffin in apeace for fannie. I would write to
hear(meaning Her) but I wrote once and she never
answered my letter. Mary I have got along the best
kind as well as any one could sider. I am knocking
round the house and I made up my bed this morning,
kiss Willie and the babe for me. Write soon
W.C. Moon. Mary I had one of the best old wimin
with me she is worth 2 or 3 doctors.
The following letter is on the other side of the page.
August 30
Dear Marry these few lines is from your dear father
and mother. We are as well as common for old people.
We received your kin and verry welcome letter whitch
gave us much satisfaction to hear from you all we was
glad to hear of your getting along so well. We are on
the other hand sorry to hear
Letter 2 page 3 1874
of the failure in the corn crop for I hear of that in
many places. It had been a bad season here. Crops
is cut short on account of the dry weather tho there
will be plenty of corn here to spare. their is plenty
of old corn here yet the people is coming in here to
by. Corn in the fields by the quantity tere is nothing
made in Bento and Washington Countys scarcely
except wheat. That was good. Wheat was speedied
here. Corn 50 cents wheat 75 cents per bushel.
We will have plenty and some to spare. I think we
will have pelenty of molasses and sweet potatoes
and that is good. You know we have dryed our
apples and that is something near 4 bushels of
them and have commenct on the peaches and
their will be several bushels of them if we have
luck`to save them. We`have a molasses`mill
verry near done to make up our crop and maiby
some others.(the following in first hand`writing )
John and Mary mother sais she wantI 7
Letter`2 page 4 1874
to see you misty bad but she never expects to
in this world but she hopes to meat you in a
better one. She sais kiss the children for her
and to not let Willie forget her. She said for
you to tell fannie when you see her that she
would like to hear from her and if she wont
write about herself to write about the children.
We hav’nt had a scratch of pen from them yet.
Henry and Nancy Couts Write soon
Note - my grandmother pearson was a sisiter-in-law
to W.C. Moon the writer of this letter. The Jannie
referred to is Fannie Pool. Another sister. The old
folks who wrote were my great grand parents.
Willie referred to in this letter was uncle Will Pearson.
Francis Williams.
Page 1 April 25, 1877
Dear Children,
I will try and say a word or to. I do want to see
you all mity bad but it is along ways between you
and me. I am mity porely most of the time but
still able to go roun and do my work. I hope if
we never meet no more in this world we will
meet in a better whore thare will bee no more
sorrow or pain. Kiss them sweet children for
me tell Willie to knot forget his grandmother
I want you to write as soon as you get this letter
as ever your mother. Nancy Couts ` hdifferent
hand writing) tell`Willie Evie wants hime to
come to Texas to play with her. Mary Marthie
and`Lone has three children all boys. Aprile
26mWell as I did not`get to send this to the office.M
I thought I`would add a few`more lines. I am not
so well this fine morning. Well we have a good
old fashioned rain it commenct on Munday and
is a little showery yet. I have taken a heavier
cold I think I will be all right soon. As we
can’t plow I thought we would go over to Joseph’s
tomorrow if all was right, stay
page 2 1877
until next Monday. Some things I forgot the
grasshoppers came down on us last fall in
innumerable multitudes destroying all the
late cotton cutting off all the last boles stript
the cotton of the leaves-destroying all the turnips
then went for gardens and wheat everry thing
generally. The young ones is not doing much
harm yet, I would like verry well they would
not visit us any more. We have 3 acres to plant
yet in molasses cane yet and cotton, melons and
soforth well I would like you all to come to
Texas if you could or would be satisfied.
This is the peace to get good cheap homes.
Well we have here preaching 2 semonts
today and (not legibes) to have meating every.
Sunny or nearly so and they was talking of
starting a Sunday school here. Well for the
other side of the question I think this county
is more subject to drouth than most other
countries,the water corses here dry up and
stock water gets very scearce, as to the (not legible)
they are scearce in this county. I hav not but very
few in this county tho last year was a bad year for
the potatoe crop
page 3 1877
insects is very bad in small plants the tobaccos,
I think it is the little ants. Some hate showers
sometimes frost comes very late in spring. Wo
to fruit and small grain crops. then spiders is
said to dwell in places and fine houses-Theare
is ugly look ones here, they live in the ground
and you will hardly ever see one any other time
than June or July for that is the time they come
out and travel round they are sayed to be verry
poisenous tho. I have not heard them doing any
harm since I have been in Texas. Some sand taps,
they are a long yearwig shae nasty ugly looking
worm with black backs and yellow legs and verry
wilde will always hide if they can they also live in
the ground under old rocks. I think are not verry
dangerous.`then and tho teraîcile (terrantanea) is
a little like the indians preach more tales than riders
they are great bugerboos a hoard more than nead be.
but verry few poisonious snakes. I have seen none
yet a good many coach whips and hard to ketch.
Their is as little harm in them as a bleu (blue racers)
Very few varmints. Now and then the
page 4 1877
opposom and pole cats visit the hen nest. deer
and _____________ is scarce buffalo
is plenty out west. About 700 in one mile men
go from here and bring in thousands of pounds
of beef, it is dayd to be verry goo tho I have not
seen any of it. You may add a few lines of this
to the brighter side you must excuse me for not
writing soner as I have nothing verry strange or
uncommon to write. So I must close May the
Lord bless you all tell Willie to not forger gran
mah and grow up to be a good boy and learn
his books learn to write so he can write to gran
pah so nothing more at present. Henry Couts
Vol 2 #2
researchers have written to ask how they could
join in the research. Things planned to do AND
COULD WE USE SOME HELP ON IT...Here goes........
Philadelphia-County Clerk’s Office, Berk or
Lancaster Hist. Societies
1. A copy of Dieterich Kautz’s signature on his naturalization
paperwork, August` ` ` 13, 1750 or Christian’s Oct.`1w52.
2. Inde8 /f Pennsylvania’s Colonial Records, by Dr. Mary Dunn;
copy of the original on Kowatz---Colonial 11:531
3. Kisling, Jacob (Col.) 11:11; Kisler, Nicholas (Col.) 14:114.
4. Land Deeds or Marriage Bonds from 1750-1756 for Philadelphia,
Lancaster, Berks, or Bucks (Tulipehocken) Counties- copies of
originals and maps. Listing could be Christian Dietrich Kautz
or Jacob Christian Kautz.
5. Church Records for Reformed Lutherans- Tuplipehocken, St.
John’s Haines, any other-marriages, christenings, info
6. Description of travels down the Deleware River Gap circa 1750.
7. List of Germans killed by the Indians from 1750-1756.
8. Will or Probate for Christian Kautz-circa 1753 (School master
Reformed Lutheran Church-Girls School)
9. Lancaster Legacy V1 Deed Abstracts 1737-1787, Biographies of
old residents; V2 Deed Abstracts 1728-1769; V. 3
Lancaster Co. Naturalizations 1740-1756; Vol 4 Land Transactions
1735-1770; Vol 5 land transactions 1747-1773.
10. History of Berks County by I.D. Rupp, Members of the German
Reformed Church 1735-1755, German massacred along the Blue
Ridge 1754-1763; early
taxable inhabitants. 8
11. History of Berks County, by Egle’s History of Pennsylvania-
info on early
12. 1894 Portrait and Biographical Record of Lancaster County,
birth and death information 1700-1896.
13. Ermentrout and Hedderick were married in Rev. Casper Stoever’s
Chruch, but attended others St. Johns (Haines) Reformed
Church or Christ Church of Tulipehocken- any records of Kautz
or Koutz.
1. Any records of the State of Franklin, Fincastle, Sumner,
Davidson, Montgomery, Lincoln, Augusta Co. or Tennessee Co.
Pre-1789, copy of original minutes of circuit court or town
council, tax records.
2. Copy of a faded deed, Frederick Couns and Samuel Barton 1790
3. Clarksville Newspaper - Obit on a. John Couts, 1829, Sister
Elizabeth Couts, Mason, 1855 -+
4. Any (E)Armentrout Biography’s that mention John Kouts or
Bro.,any Kissling Bio.
5. Records of Rev. George Rogers marriages, births, etc.
KENTUCKY ARCHIVES~ Frankfurt, Univ. Western KY, or Univ. of KY
1. Any records of the State of Franklin, Fincastle, Sumner,
Davidson, Montgomery, Lincoln, Augusta VA or Tennessee Co.
Pre-1789, copy of original minutes of circuit court or town
2. French and Indian War Bounty Land, Rev. War Bounty Land for
the Western Division-George Rogers Clark’s Co., Fort Jefferson,
or the Falls of the Ohio (It should be south central KY, now
Warren or Logan Co. near Bowling Green) - could be State Land
Clerk’s Office.
3. Any minister’s records of marriages, births, etc.
4. Wills or probates for 1789-1792- Chrisley, 1776-1805-Dietrich.
5. Records of Rev. George Rogers marriages, births, etc.
NORTH CAROLINA ARCHIVES~ or Chapel Hill, or Duke
1. Copies of any original deeded listed in Newsletter 4
2. Birth Records or marriage, pre 1786, probably found in
church records only
3. Any records of the State of Franklin, Fincastle, Sumner,
Davidson, Montgomery, Lincoln, Augusta VA or Tennessee
Co. Pre-1789, copy of original minutes of circuit court
or town council.
VIRGINIA ARCHIVES~ Richmond or Univ. VA, Rockingham Hist. Soc.
1. Patents and grants 1750-1774
2. Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War for
Western VA and W. VA (present) or PA if they have them.
1774-Dietrick (Teter-Teterich) Couts,Kouts,
Koutz, Kautz, Kowatz
3. Military Certificates for bounty land in KY-Dieterich or
Christopher (Chrisley) 1785, Index 1782 -1876.
4. Copy of an original deed of any listed in Newsletter
4 or 2 tracts of land in Augusta (now Rockingham Co moved
summer 1752. 80 acres from Jacob Pence 104 acres Jacob
Nicholas. On 12 Oct. 1753 Adam Hedderick bought 400 acres
on Peaked Mtn.
5. Rev. Stoevers Records or Rev. Alderman’s Records,
especially marriages (circuit riding ministers) Dieterich -
Reformed Lutheran, Chrisley - ? Methodist or Baptist,
John- Methodist
6. Any State or Franklin, Fincastle, Lincoln, Augusta, or
Tennessee Co. Records.
7. Records pre-Rev. might be found in the County Clerk’s
records in Augusta Co.
8. Lawsuit of John Kouts and Adam Hedderick took place in
Staunton, records could be in Loudoun Co. but probably
in Augusta County Court Records- exact pieces of land?
Chancery Book I, page 321, App 1-2. Land appraised March
15, 1758; Civil Suit August 17, 1760.
9. Virginia Colony - land sold to Johannes Kautz (Kouts)
or Dieterich, English Records.
FAMILY INFORMATION- Send facts about your
family line (nothing fancy, just the facts), your
children, you, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles,
cousins, parents, grandparents, any information
that you have-Dates of BIRTHS, DEATHS,
Family Bible information, tombstone inscriptions
We’ve spent the summer collecting as much
family branch information as we could. We are
busily typing it into the Family Tree Maker Files.
We hope to produced the lineage lines in one of
the up coming editions. Send your family information
(charts are not necessary), (but computer disks are nice),
in now!!
Copies of pictures we have thusfar: Cave Johnson
Couts & Ysidora Bandini Couts- Bancroft Library;
JR Couts, History of Parker County; Joseph
Mansfield Couts, His wives: Rebecca J. Askew
and Ida Onstott- their children and their
descendants-Rhonda Couts Rodericks;
Lutetita (Lettie) Couts and her husband
and children, Oscar Lockwood, Nancy,
Loel, Lewis, & Nettie-Diana Dunn,
Mintons by Mary Lou Peacock.
Nov. 1996 Dear Cousin Barbara, Received
your sweet letter yesterday and it sounds like
you don’t want to be Scotch-Irish. Go to your
library, “Genealogy Dept.” Tell them you want
to look up your name “Couts”- Then, if you
think your name has been changed from Kautz? Look it up.
Then, ask them if they will help you look up, when
Kautz came to America. Bo Couts knows that John
Couts SR. was his gggg-grandfather, not a Dietrich-But
Bo wants to be German too.Do you have some German
documents signed by a Couts? You know you were
from Clarence Roy, (whose relative) came from Indiana.
There were no Germans in Indiana until 1820-29.
There were some Germans in Pennsylvania, called the
Pennsylvania Dutch.
Couts-Coutts are the same- the OU is OW in English.
When you are at the library look up Scotland on the
microfiche. You can go back to 13-1400, look up the
Coute, Couts, and Coutts brothers. The Couts
International Registry has been developed to
determine where the Couts Family have migrated
from, the computer bounces in Europe, North
America, Australia, and Africa-over 220 million
names and address on their records have been
searched to locate Couts Family members. There
sources are electorate rolls, telephone books, city
directories, and public surname lists.
I received most of my information from Army Archives -
Library Genealogy. I have written to Couts all over
the U.S. and they send me their genealogy charts.
If I can’t help them I ask Bo. He has helped me a lot
and I have helped him too. Bo looks a lot like
Cave Johnson. Many Scots went to Australia,
some to Ireland, U.N., and some to the European
Continent. Does this mean Germany? If so, it
is possible that a Scot could have been in Germany
with a Couts name and came to America in the year
1829, but the Coutses were here 150 or more years
before that- nobody could legally change their names
or would even want to go back to those days. I have
my Coat of Arms and my scroll, also I am a member
of the Hutt River Ordinance under Prince Regent in
Australia. If you want your coat of arms you can get
it in England or from Haberts in Bath Ohio. If you
want your coat of arms under Kautz wite-Der Herold,
1 Berlin, 33 “ Dahlem” Archivstrasse, 12-14 Berlin
Germany, Southern Germany and Austrian Origin,
The Adler Society, Haarhof 4A Vienna, Austria.
If you are from John, Chrisley, Chrisley Jr. and
John, then, you are Scot. I am from Aaron.
One more Question: Why would a German Come
to this country and marry a Scot-Irish or English,
when they never even spoke the same language.
Well Barb, you’re still my cousin and no, you
didn’t ruin my day and please o to the genealogy
department of your library and ask. They will
help you a lot and write me again soon. Please
don’t get upset because you are a Scott. Still
your Cousin, Earl K. Couts, God Bless.
“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle
or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wharton
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